第1行:<%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="GodsCreationTaxidermy.Core. core . "MvcApplication" Language=" c# " %>
Completely clean and rebuild solution.
Shut down and restart Visual Studio.
Delete Temporary ASP.NET Files directories (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework*). This is where my problems really started: I deleted too much.
Reboot development machine.
Remove .vs folder and rebuild solution.
Recreate C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files. My projects are 64-bit applications, even though build platform is AnyCPU.
Verify output directory was set to bin/ on web projects.
Wipe out and check out a clean copy of my version control branch.
Wipe out and clone a fresh copy of my version control repository.
Run Windows update to latest versions of .NET Frameworks.
Repair, uninstall, and reinstall .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4.8.
Uninstall and reinstall Visual Studio 2019 Professional.
Uninstall and reinstall the Internet Information Services feature in Windows.
Downgrade ASP.NET NuGet package and rebuild solution (issued reference errors due to changes in assemblies). Upgrade ASP.NET back to what my projects were using and rebuild solution.
Recreate IIS virtual directory through web project's Web properties.
Created "empty" Global.asax files. Restore my files after no change.
Replace Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" with Codefile="Global.asax.cs". This started showing me load errors for references to assemblies that actually existed in the system.
Enable 32-bit applications in IIS application pool. This started displaying an access error to a 32-bit temporary directory.
Restore permissions to all Temporary ASP.NET Files directories (add all but Full Control). This finally got my web application working again.
我能够从网上找到的无数答案中拼凑出足够的信息。在搜索iis找不到引用的。net dll后找到了这个答案,我尝试了最后的几个步骤,让我再次工作,在我的第四天开始与这个令人难以置信的模糊问题作斗争。
这个故事的寓意:当清理临时ASP。NET Files目录,删除目录的内容,而不是目录本身。否则,可能会导致权限丢失。