



您可以在控制台中使用ANSI转义序列来完成此操作。我知道这适用于Linux和Mac OS X,但我不确定Windows控制台(cmd)是否支持ANSI。


// Foreground color
public static final String BLACK_TEXT()   { return "\033[30m";}
public static final String RED_TEXT()     { return "\033[31m";}
public static final String GREEN_TEXT()   { return "\033[32m";}
public static final String BROWN_TEXT()   { return "\033[33m";}
public static final String BLUE_TEXT()    { return "\033[34m";}
public static final String MAGENTA_TEXT() { return "\033[35m";}
public static final String CYAN_TEXT()    { return "\033[36m";}
public static final String GRAY_TEXT()    { return "\033[37m";}

// Background color
public static final String BLACK_BACK()   { return "\033[40m";}
public static final String RED_BACK()     { return "\033[41m";}
public static final String GREEN_BACK()   { return "\033[42m";}
public static final String BROWN_BACK()   { return "\033[43m";}
public static final String BLUE_BACK()    { return "\033[44m";}
public static final String MAGENTA_BACK() { return "\033[45m";}
public static final String CYAN_BACK()    { return "\033[46m";}
public static final String WHITE_BACK()   { return "\033[47m";}

// ANSI control characters
public static final String RESET_COLORS() { return "\033[0m";}
public static final String BOLD_ON()      { return "\033[1m";}
public static final String BLINK_ON()     { return "\033[5m";}
public static final String REVERSE_ON()   { return "\033[7m";}
public static final String BOLD_OFF()     { return "\033[22m";}
public static final String BLINK_OFF()    { return "\033[25m";}
public static final String REVERSE_OFF()  { return "\033[27m";}



class String
def black;          "\e[30m#{self}\e[0m" end
def red;            "\e[31m#{self}\e[0m" end
def green;          "\e[32m#{self}\e[0m" end
def brown;          "\e[33m#{self}\e[0m" end
def blue;           "\e[34m#{self}\e[0m" end
def magenta;        "\e[35m#{self}\e[0m" end
def cyan;           "\e[36m#{self}\e[0m" end
def gray;           "\e[37m#{self}\e[0m" end

def bg_black;       "\e[40m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_red;         "\e[41m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_green;       "\e[42m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_brown;       "\e[43m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_blue;        "\e[44m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_magenta;     "\e[45m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_cyan;        "\e[46m#{self}\e[0m" end
def bg_gray;        "\e[47m#{self}\e[0m" end

def bold;           "\e[1m#{self}\e[22m" end
def italic;         "\e[3m#{self}\e[23m" end
def underline;      "\e[4m#{self}\e[24m" end
def blink;          "\e[5m#{self}\e[25m" end
def reverse_color;  "\e[7m#{self}\e[27m" end


puts "I'm back green".bg_green
puts "I'm red and back cyan".red.bg_cyan
puts "I'm bold and green and backround red".bold.green.bg_red



def no_colors
  self.gsub /\e\[\d+m/, ""



puts "\e[31m" # set format (red foreground)
puts "\e[0m"   # clear format
puts "green-#{"red".red}-green".green # will be green-red-normal, because of \e[0


根据Erik Skoglund和其他人的回答,我写了一个小方法来测试基本的颜色模式。

#outputs color table to console, regular and bold modes
def colortable
  names = %w(black red green yellow blue pink cyan white default)
  fgcodes = (30..39).to_a - [38]

  s = ''
  reg  = "\e[%d;%dm%s\e[0m"
  bold = "\e[1;%d;%dm%s\e[0m"
  puts '                       color table with these background codes:'
  puts '          40       41       42       43       44       45       46       47       49'
  names.zip(fgcodes).each {|name,fg|
    s = "#{fg}"
    puts "%7s "%name + "#{reg}  #{bold}   "*9 % [fg,40,s,fg,40,s,  fg,41,s,fg,41,s,  fg,42,s,fg,42,s,  fg,43,s,fg,43,s,  
      fg,44,s,fg,44,s,  fg,45,s,fg,45,s,  fg,46,s,fg,46,s,  fg,47,s,fg,47,s,  fg,49,s,fg,49,s ]


您可以在控制台中使用ANSI转义序列来完成此操作。我知道这适用于Linux和Mac OS X,但我不确定Windows控制台(cmd)是否支持ANSI。


// Foreground color
public static final String BLACK_TEXT()   { return "\033[30m";}
public static final String RED_TEXT()     { return "\033[31m";}
public static final String GREEN_TEXT()   { return "\033[32m";}
public static final String BROWN_TEXT()   { return "\033[33m";}
public static final String BLUE_TEXT()    { return "\033[34m";}
public static final String MAGENTA_TEXT() { return "\033[35m";}
public static final String CYAN_TEXT()    { return "\033[36m";}
public static final String GRAY_TEXT()    { return "\033[37m";}

// Background color
public static final String BLACK_BACK()   { return "\033[40m";}
public static final String RED_BACK()     { return "\033[41m";}
public static final String GREEN_BACK()   { return "\033[42m";}
public static final String BROWN_BACK()   { return "\033[43m";}
public static final String BLUE_BACK()    { return "\033[44m";}
public static final String MAGENTA_BACK() { return "\033[45m";}
public static final String CYAN_BACK()    { return "\033[46m";}
public static final String WHITE_BACK()   { return "\033[47m";}

// ANSI control characters
public static final String RESET_COLORS() { return "\033[0m";}
public static final String BOLD_ON()      { return "\033[1m";}
public static final String BLINK_ON()     { return "\033[5m";}
public static final String REVERSE_ON()   { return "\033[7m";}
public static final String BOLD_OFF()     { return "\033[22m";}
public static final String BLINK_OFF()    { return "\033[25m";}
public static final String REVERSE_OFF()  { return "\033[27m";}


def red(mytext) ; "\e[31m#{mytext}\e[0m" ; end
puts red("hello world")
