Well, serialVersionUID is an exception to the rule that “static fields don’t get serialized”. ObjectOutputStream writes every time the value of serialVersionUID to the output stream. ObjectInputStream reads it back and if the value read from the stream does not agree with the serialVersionUID value in the current version of the class, then it throws the InvalidClassException. Moreover, if there is no serialVersionUID officially declared in the class to be serialized, compiler automatically adds it with a value generated based on the fields declared in the class.
Well, serialVersionUID is an exception to the rule that “static fields don’t get serialized”. ObjectOutputStream writes every time the value of serialVersionUID to the output stream. ObjectInputStream reads it back and if the value read from the stream does not agree with the serialVersionUID value in the current version of the class, then it throws the InvalidClassException. Moreover, if there is no serialVersionUID officially declared in the class to be serialized, compiler automatically adds it with a value generated based on the fields declared in the class.
每次定义时,绝对应该创建一个serialVersionUID 实现java.io.Serializable的类。如果你不这样做,别人会的 自动为你创建,但这很糟糕。自动生成 serialVersionUID基于类的方法签名,因此 如果您在将来更改类以添加方法(例如), 反序列化类的“旧”版本将失败。这就是 可能发生:
创建类的第一个版本,而不定义 serialVersionUID。 将类的实例序列化到持久存储中;一个 serialVersionUID为您自动生成。 修改类以添加新方法,并重新部署应用程序。 尝试反序列化在第2步中序列化的实例,但现在它失败了(当它应该成功时),因为它有 不同的自动生成serialVersionUID。
为了补充@David Schmitts的回答,作为经验法则,我总是使用默认的1L。我只需要返回并更改其中一些数几次,但当我进行更改并每次更新默认数时,我知道这一点。
有关更多细节,请参阅Java Serialization Spec。
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