我试图找到一个工作的twitter bootstrap typeahead元素的例子,将使ajax调用来填充它的下拉列表。
我有一个现有的工作jquery自动完成的例子,它定义了ajax url和如何处理回复
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = { minChars:3, max:20 };
function(event, data, formatted)
window.location = "./runner/index/id/"+data[1];
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = { source:'/index/runnerfilter/format/html', items:5 };
function(event, data, formatted)
window.location = "./runner/index/id/"+data[1];
items = $.grep(this.source, function (item) {
if (that.matcher(item)) return item
However, one somewhat hacky way that you can do this is to take advantage of the way the grep method works in jQuery. The first argument to grep is the source array and the second argument is a function that is used to match the source array (notice Bootstrap calls the "matcher" you provided when you initialized it). What you could do is set the source to a dummy one-element array and define the matcher as a function with an AJAX call in it. That way, it will run the AJAX call just once (since your source array only has one element in it).
所有的响应都引用BootStrap 2提前输入,这在BootStrap 3中不再存在。
对于在这里使用新的引导后Twitter typeahead.js寻找AJAX示例的其他人,这里有一个工作示例。语法有点不同:
hint: true,
highlight: true,
minLength: 1
limit: 12,
async: true,
source: function (query, processSync, processAsync) {
processSync(['This suggestion appears immediately', 'This one too']);
return $.ajax({
url: "/ajax/myfilter.php",
type: 'GET',
data: {query: query},
dataType: 'json',
success: function (json) {
// in this example, json is simply an array of strings
return processAsync(json);
从Bootstrap 2.1.0开始:
<input type='text' class='ajax-typeahead' data-link='your-json-link' />
source: function(query, process) {
return $.ajax({
url: $(this)[0].$element[0].dataset.link,
type: 'get',
data: {query: query},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
return typeof json.options == 'undefined' ? false : process(json.options);
items = $.grep(this.source, function (item) {
if (that.matcher(item)) return item
However, one somewhat hacky way that you can do this is to take advantage of the way the grep method works in jQuery. The first argument to grep is the source array and the second argument is a function that is used to match the source array (notice Bootstrap calls the "matcher" you provided when you initialized it). What you could do is set the source to a dummy one-element array and define the matcher as a function with an AJAX call in it. That way, it will run the AJAX call just once (since your source array only has one element in it).