
<![CDATA[some stuff]]>





Say for eg :- You have an xml which has encapsulates question/answer object . Such open fields can have any data which does not strictly fall under basic data type or xml defined custom data types. Like --Is this a correct tag for xml comment ? .-- You may have a requirement to pass it as it is without being interpreted by the xml parser as another child element. Here Cdata comes to your rescue . By declaring as Cdata you are telling the parser don't treat the data wrapped as an xml (though it may look like one )




while (x &lt; len &amp;&amp; !done) {
    print( &quot;Still working, &apos;zzz&apos;.&quot; );


while (x < len && !done) {
    print( "Still working, 'zzzz'." );

Especially if you are copy/pasting this code from a file (or including it, in a pre-processor), it's nice to just have the characters you want in your xml file, w/o confusing them with XML tags/attributes. As @paary mentioned, other common uses include when you're embedding URLs that contain ampersands. Finally, even if the data only contains a few special characters but the data is very very long (the text of a chapter, say), it's nice to not have to be en/de-coding those few entities as you edit your xml file.



Say for eg :- You have an xml which has encapsulates question/answer object . Such open fields can have any data which does not strictly fall under basic data type or xml defined custom data types. Like --Is this a correct tag for xml comment ? .-- You may have a requirement to pass it as it is without being interpreted by the xml parser as another child element. Here Cdata comes to your rescue . By declaring as Cdata you are telling the parser don't treat the data wrapped as an xml (though it may look like one )

CDATA代表字符数据。您可以使用它来转义某些字符,否则这些字符将被视为常规XML。其中的数据将不会被解析。 例如,如果你想传递一个包含&的URL,你可以使用CDATA来实现。否则,您将得到一个错误,因为它将被解析为常规XML。



    Since this is a comment
    I can use all sorts of reserved characters
    like > < " and &
    or write things like
    but my document is still well-formed!

... 但它仍然是文件的一部分:

    Since this is a CDATA section
    I can use all sorts of reserved characters
    like > < " and &
    or write things like
    but my document is still well formed!

尝试将以下内容保存为.xhtml文件(不是.html),并使用FireFox(不是Internet Explorer)打开它,以查看注释和CDATA部分之间的差异;当你在浏览器中查看文档时,注释不会出现,而CDATA部分将:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en" >
<title>CDATA Example</title>

<h2>Using a Comment</h2>
<div id="commentExample">
You won't see this in the document
and can use reserved characters like
< > & "

<h2>Using a CDATA Section</h2>
<div id="cdataExample">
You will see this in the document
and can use reserved characters like
< > & "



var myEl = xmlDoc.getElementById("cdata-wrapper");
myEl.appendChild(xmlDoc.createCDATASection("This section cannot contain ]]>"));




  <title>Title of Feed Item</title>
      <a href="/mylink/article1"><img style="float: left; margin-right: 5px;" height="80" src="/mylink/image" alt=""/></a>
      Author Names
      <br/>Paragraph of text describing the article to be displayed</p>



