
我在WebApp1的HttpResponse中设置了一个cookie。 如何从WebApp2中的HttpRequest读取相同的cookie ?


注意:我正在尝试使用J2EE web应用程序





The Like button actually allows Facebook to track all visitors of the external site, no matter if they click it or not. Facebook can do that because they use an iframe to display the button. An iframe is something like an embedded browser window within a page. The difference between using an iframe and a simple image for the button is that the iframe contains a complete web page – from Facebook. There is not much going on on this page, except for the button and the information about how many people have liked the current page.




http://dorianroy.com/blog/2010/04/how-facebooks-like-button-works/ https://stackoverflow.com/a/8256920/715483


还有浏览器指纹识别,它与cookie不同,但作用类似,因为它可以帮助您以相当程度的确定性识别用户。Stack Overflow上有一篇文章提到了一种指纹识别方法

function GetOrder(status, filter) {
    var isValid = true; //isValidGuid(customerId);
    if (isValid) {
        var refundhtmlstr = '';
        //varsURL = ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer/' + customerId + '?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter;
        varsURL = ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter;
            type: "GET",
            //url: ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer/' + customerId + '?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter,
            url: ApiPath + '/api/Orders/Customer?status=' + status + '&filter=' + filter,
            dataType: "json",
            crossDomain: true,
            xhrFields: {
                withCredentials: true
            success: function (data) {
                var htmlStr = '';
                if (data == null || data.Count === 0) {
                    htmlStr = '<div class="card"><div class="card-header">Bu kriterlere uygun sipariş bulunamadı.</div></div>';
                else {
                    $('#ReturnPolicyBtnUrl').attr('href', data.ReturnPolicyBtnUrl);
                    var groupedData = data.OrderDto.sort(function (x, y) {
                        return new Date(y.OrderDate) - new Date(x.OrderDate);
                    groupedData = _.groupBy(data.OrderDto, function (d) { return toMonthStr(d.OrderDate) });
                    localStorage['orderData'] = JSON.stringify(data.OrderDto);

                    $.each(groupedData, function (key, val) {

                        var sortedData = groupedData[key].sort(function (x, y) {
                            return new Date(y.OrderDate) - new Date(x.OrderDate);
                        htmlStr += '<div class="card-header">' + key + '</div>';
                        $.each(sortedData, function (keyitem, valitem) {
                            //Date Convertions
                            if (valitem.StatusDesc != null) {
                                valitem.StatusDesc = valitem.StatusDesc;

                            var date = valitem.OrderDate;
                            date = date.substring(0, 10).split('-');
                            date = date[2] + '.' + date[1] + '.' + date[0];
                            htmlStr += '<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12 col-sm-12 card-item clearfix ">' +
                        //'<div class="card-item-head"><span class="order-head">Sipariş No: <a href="ViewOrderDetails.html?CustomerId=' + customerId + '&OrderNo=' + valitem.OrderNumber + '" >' + valitem.OrderNumber + '</a></span><span class="order-date">' + date + '</span></div>' +
                        '<div class="card-item-head"><span class="order-head">Sipariş No: <a href="ViewOrderDetails.html?OrderNo=' + valitem.OrderNumber + '" >' + valitem.OrderNumber + '</a></span><span class="order-date">' + date + '</span></div>' +
                        '<div class="card-item-head-desc">' + valitem.StatusDesc + '</div>' +
                        '<div class="card-item-body">' +
                            '<div class="slider responsive">';
                            var i = 0;
                            $.each(valitem.ItemList, function (keylineitem, vallineitem) {
                                var imageUrl = vallineitem.ProductImageUrl.replace('{size}', 200);
                                htmlStr += '<div><img src="' + imageUrl + '" alt="' + vallineitem.ProductName + '"><span class="img-desc">' + ProductNameStr(vallineitem.ProductName) + '</span></div>';
                            htmlStr += '</div>' +
                        '</div>' +

                    $.each(data.OrderDto, function (key, value) {
                        if (value.IsSAPMigrationflag === true) {
                            refundhtmlstr = '<div class="notify-reason"><span class="note"><B>Notification : </B> Geçmiş siparişleriniz yükleniyor.  Lütfen kısa bir süre sonra tekrar kontrol ediniz. Teşekkürler. </span></div>';
            error: function () {
                console.log("System Failure");

. config


        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="http://burada.com" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Content-Type" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS" />
        <add name="Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" value="true" />

阅读Web Api中的Cookie

var cookie = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetCookies("newhbsslv1");

                    Logger.Log("Cookie  " + cookie, LoggerLevel.Info);
                    Logger.Log("Cookie count  " + cookie.Count, LoggerLevel.Info);

                    if (cookie != null && cookie.Count > 0)
                        Logger.Log("Befor For  " , LoggerLevel.Info);
                        foreach (var perCookie in cookie[0].Cookies)
                            Logger.Log("perCookie  " + perCookie, LoggerLevel.Info);

                            if (perCookie.Name == "newhbsslv1")
                                strToken = perCookie.Value;


会话存储 本地存储 cookie存储

安全cookie -用于加密网站,以提供保护,免受来自黑客的任何可能威胁。 访问cookie - document.cookie。这意味着这个cookie是公开的,可以通过跨站点脚本来利用。保存的cookie值可以通过浏览器控制台看到。


HTTPonly - ensures that a cookie is not accessible using the JavaScript code. This is the most crucial form of protection against cross-scripting attacks. A secure attribute - ensures that the browser will reject cookies unless the connection happens over HTTPS. sameSite attribute improves cookie security and avoids privacy leaks. sameSite=Lax - It is set to Lax (sameSite = Lax) meaning a cookie is only set when the domain in the URL of the browser matches the domain of the cookie, thus eliminating third party’s domains. This will restrict cross-site sharing even between different domains that the same publisher owns. we need to include SameSite=None to avoid the new default of Lax:


使用include作为{withCredentials: true}必须包含来自前端的请求的所有cookie。

const data = { email: 'youremailaddress@gmail.com' , password: '1234' };
const response = await axios.post('www.yourapi.com/login', data , { withCredentials: true });



res.cookie('token', token, {
      maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, // would expire after (for 15 minutes  1000 * 60 * 15 ) 15 minutes
      httpOnly: true, // The cookie only accessible by the web server
      sameSite: 'none',
      secure: true, // Marks the cookie to be used with HTTPS only.
