

TimeSpan ts = date1 - date2;






    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the difference between dates in months.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="current">First considered date.</param>
    /// <param name="another">Second considered date.</param>
    /// <returns>The number of full months between the given dates.</returns>
    public static int DifferenceInMonths(this DateTime current, DateTime another)
        DateTime previous, next;
        if (current > another)
            previous = another;
            next     = current;
            previous = current;
            next     = another;

            (next.Year - previous.Year) * 12     // multiply the difference in years by 12 months
          + next.Month - previous.Month          // add difference in months
          + (previous.Day <= next.Day ? 0 : -1); // if the day of the next date has not reached the day of the previous one, then the last month has not yet ended


+(下一个。Day - previous.Day) / DateTime.DaysInMonth(previous. Day)年,previous.Month)


public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()

    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        label3.Text = new DateDifference(Convert.ToDateTime("2018-09-13"), Convert.ToDateTime("2018-11-15")).ToString();
        label2.Text = new DateDifference(Convert.ToDateTime("2018-10-12"), Convert.ToDateTime("2018-11-15")).ToString();

        DateDifference oDateDifference = new DateDifference(Convert.ToDateTime("2018-11-12"));
       label1.Text  =   oDateDifference.ToString();


public class DateDifference
    public DateTime start { get; set; }
    public DateTime currentDAte { get; set; }
    public DateTime origstart { get; set; }
    public DateTime origCurrentDAte { get; set; }

    int days { get; set; }
    int months { get; set; }
    int years { get; set; }

    public DateDifference(DateTime postedDate, DateTime currentDAte)
        this.start = this.removeTime(postedDate);
        this.currentDAte = this.removeTime(currentDAte);
        this.origstart = postedDate;
        this.origCurrentDAte = currentDAte;


    public DateDifference(DateTime postedDate)
        DateTime currentDate_ = DateTime.Now;
        this.start = this.removeTime(postedDate);
        this.currentDAte = this.removeTime(currentDate_);
        this.origstart = postedDate;
        this.origCurrentDAte = currentDate_;
        if (start > this.currentDAte)
            throw new Exception("Current date is greater than date posted");

    void compute()
        while (this.start.Year <= this.currentDAte.Year)
            if (this.start.Year <= this.currentDAte.Year && (this.start.AddMonths(1) <= this.currentDAte))
                this.start = this.start.AddMonths(1);

            if ((this.start.Year == this.currentDAte.Year) && (this.start >= this.currentDAte.AddMonths(-1) && this.start <= this.currentDAte))

        while (this.start.DayOfYear < this.currentDAte.DayOfYear)
            this.start = start.AddDays(1);

        if (this.months > 11)
            while (this.months > 11)
                this.months = months - 12;


    public override string ToString()
        if (this.start > this.currentDAte)
            throw new Exception("Current date is greater than date posted");
        String ret = this.ComposeTostring();
        return ret;

    private String ComposeTostring()
        if (this.years > 0)
            if (this.months > 0)
                if (this.days > 0)
                    return String.Format("{0} year{1}, {2} month{3} && {4} Day{5} ago", this.years, plural(this.years), this.months, plural(this.months), this.days, plural(this.days));
                return String.Format("{0} year{1}, {2} month{3} ago", this.years, plural(this.years), this.months, plural(this.months));
                if (this.days > 0)
                    return String.Format("{0} year{1},{2} day{3} ago", this.years, plural(this.years), this.days, plural(this.days));

                return String.Format("{0} year{1} ago", this.years, plural(this.years));


        if (this.months > 0)
            if (this.days > 0)
                return String.Format("{0} month{1}, {2} day{3} ago", this.months, plural(this.months), this.days, plural(this.days));
                return String.Format("{0} month{1} ago", this.months, plural(this.months));

        if ((this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Days > 0)
            int daysDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Days;
            this.origstart = this.origstart.AddDays(daysDiff);
            int HoursDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Hours;
            return String.Format("{0} day{1}, {2} hour{3} ago", daysDiff, plural(daysDiff), HoursDiff, plural(HoursDiff));

        else if ((this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Hours > 0)
            int HoursDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Hours;
            this.origstart = this.origstart.AddHours(HoursDiff);
            int MinDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Minutes;
            return String.Format("{0} hour{1}, {2} minute{3} ago", HoursDiff, plural(HoursDiff), MinDiff, plural(MinDiff));
        else if ((this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Minutes > 0)

            int MinDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Minutes;
            this.origstart = this.origstart.AddMinutes(MinDiff);
            int SecDiff = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Seconds;
            return String.Format("{0} minute{1}, {2} second{3} ago", MinDiff, plural(MinDiff), SecDiff, plural(SecDiff));
        else if ((this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Seconds > 0)
            int sec = (this.origCurrentDAte - this.origstart).Seconds;
            return String.Format("{0} second{1}", sec, plural(sec));

        return "";

    String plural(int val)
        return (val > 1 ? "s" : String.Empty);

    DateTime removeTime(DateTime dtime)
        dtime = dtime.AddHours(-dtime.Hour);
        dtime = dtime.AddMinutes(-dtime.Minute);
        dtime = dtime.AddSeconds(-dtime.Second);
        return dtime;

    public void reset()

        this.days = 0;
        this.months = 0;
        this.years = 0;
        this.start = DateTime.MinValue;
        this.currentDAte = DateTime.MinValue;
        this.origstart = DateTime.MinValue;
        this.origCurrentDAte = DateTime.MinValue;


if ( date1.AddMonths(x) > date2 )


1.1. 到31.1。= 1.0 1.4. 到15.4。= 0.5 16.4. 到30.4。= 0.5 1.3. 到1.4。= 1 + 1/30


public static double GetDeltaMonths(DateTime t0, DateTime t1)
     DateTime t = t0;
     double months = 0;
         int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(t.Year, t.Month);
         DateTime endOfMonth = new DateTime(t.Year, t.Month, daysInMonth);
         int cutDay = endOfMonth <= t1 ? daysInMonth : t1.Day;
         months += (cutDay - t.Day + 1) / (double) daysInMonth;
         t = new DateTime(t.Year, t.Month, 1).AddMonths(1);
     return Math.Round(months,2);


var timespan = endDate.Subtract(startDate);
var tempdate = DateTime.MinValue + timespan;

var totalMonths = (tempdate.Year - 1) * 12 + tempdate.Month - 1;

var totalDays = tempdate.Day - 1;
if (totalDays > 0)
    totalMonths = totalMonths + 1;


int numberOfMonths= (Year2 > Year1 ? ( Year2 - Year1 - 1) * 12 + (12 - Month1) + Month2 + 1 : Month2 - Month1 + 1); 


Year1/Month1: 2021/10   
Year2/Month2: 2022/08   
numberOfMonths = 11;


Year1/Month1: 2021/10   
Year2/Month2: 2021/12   
numberOfMonths = 3;

如果你只想触碰其中一个,就去掉两个+ 1。