我有一个windows 7(64位)系统,安装了Anaconda3(不在C驱动器中)。我想改变Jupyter开始文件夹的位置。
我有一个windows 7(64位)系统,安装了Anaconda3(不在C驱动器中)。我想改变Jupyter开始文件夹的位置。
Right click on the jupyter launcher icon from start menu or desktop or anaconda navigator Now you need to change 2 things on the screen: Add your path to both target and start in the properties window Caveats: a. Your path needs to be in the same drive as the drive in which jupyter is installed. Since mine was in C drive, I used the following path "C:/JupyterWorkLibrary" b. For target, at the end of the existing path, i.e, after sript.py", add this after a space. Some people have mentioned removing %USERPROFILE% from target. I did not come across this. Image for jupyter properties c. For start in, add the same path. I have used a path without spaces to avoid issues. I would also suggest stick to using path in double quotes anyways d.I have also used forward slashes in the path Now just launch the notebook. It should open into the right folder.
从所需位置打开Jupyter Notebook最简单的方法是打开Anaconda Prompt(仅当您使用Anaconda Distribution安装Python时才可能)。
在Windows文件资源管理器中打开所需位置,从Windows文件资源管理器的地址栏复制所需位置。Alt + D到地址栏,Ctrl + C复制位置。
现在打开Anaconda Prompt并输入以下命令:
cd D:\desired location
不知怎么的,蟒蛇提示符回到了原来的位置。输入“d:”,提示符将到达您想要的位置(如下图所示)。请注意,您必须输入所需位置的驱动器号(C:表示C:\ drive-主分区)。
然后,输入“jupyter notebook”,jupyter notebook就会打开。
注意,Jupyter Notebook的主页没有列出任何东西,因为文件夹是空的。
这样您就可以从任何位置打开Jupyter Notebook,而不必处理前往安装位置并进行必要调整的所有复杂问题。
Right click on the jupyter launcher icon from start menu or desktop or anaconda navigator Now you need to change 2 things on the screen: Add your path to both target and start in the properties window Caveats: a. Your path needs to be in the same drive as the drive in which jupyter is installed. Since mine was in C drive, I used the following path "C:/JupyterWorkLibrary" b. For target, at the end of the existing path, i.e, after sript.py", add this after a space. Some people have mentioned removing %USERPROFILE% from target. I did not come across this. Image for jupyter properties c. For start in, add the same path. I have used a path without spaces to avoid issues. I would also suggest stick to using path in double quotes anyways d.I have also used forward slashes in the path Now just launch the notebook. It should open into the right folder.
jupyter初学者指南中列出了最佳和最简单的方法: [https://jupyter-notebook-beginner-guide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/execute.html] 它有Windows和Mac的解决方案,Mac的解决方案也适用于Ubuntu或任何linux发行版。
来自水蟒航海家 使用快捷方式(名称:Jupyter Notebook)到Jupyter Notebook应用程序。在Windows操作系统中,通常可以在以下文件夹中找到: C:\Users\ AppData\漫游\Microsoft\Windows\开始菜单\程序\Anaconda3(64位)
在使用Anaconda导航器来启动Jupyter笔记本应用程序的情况下,配置的方法是取消注释“c.NotebookApp”。“jupyter_notebook_config.py”中的“Notebook_dir”字段,并添加路径。更新后的字段看起来像: c.NotebookApp。notebook_dir = <此处输入绝对路径>
运行anaconda命令提示符 在命令提示符下运行"jupyter notebook——generate-config"
如果使用快捷方式(名称:Jupyter Notebook)来启动Jupyter Notebook应用程序
如果你检查这个快捷方式的目标框中的命令,你会注意到Notebook应用程序是通过执行文件“C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Anaconda3\Scripts\ jupyter-notebook-script.py”来启动的,该文件接受一个路径参数。
定义笔记本文件保存位置的基本方法是——>,用于在启动Jupyter notebook应用程序时提供所需文件夹的路径。这可以通过两种方式实现:
创建一个指向所需文件夹的环境变量,并将其用作参数 在快捷方式本身中定义绝对路径
Locate the shortcut "Jupyter Notebook". When Anaconda was installed for a particular user (during installation the choice selected was for the user only) the shortcut (Name: "Jupyter Notebook", Type: Shortcut) resided in "C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Anaconda3 (64-bit)" Right click on the shortcut and select "Properties" In the "Target" box locate C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook-script.py %USERPROFILE% Replace "%USERPROFILE%" with a. Either: the environment variable created to point to the folder where you want to store the notebook files. The command will look like: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook-script.py %<ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE>% b. OR: the absolute path to the work folder you want the notebook files to be stored in. The command will look like: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Anaconda3\Scripts\jupyter-notebook-script.py <F://folder//subfolder> Replace the text (path) in "Start In" box with: a. Either: the environment variable created to point to the folder where you want to store the notebook files. The text in "Start In" box will look like: %<ENVIRONMENTVARIABLE>% b. OR: the absolute path to the work folder you want the notebook files to be stored in. The text in "Start In" box will look like: <F://folder//subfolder>
注2:此解决方案中的路径适用于为特定用户(而不是所有用户)在Windows上安装Anaconda 3(和Jupyter 3)的情况。
这是我为Windows 10 Anaconda Navigator找到的解决方案。
步骤1:搜索Jupyter Notebook并导航到文件位置。大致如下
步骤2:右键单击Jupyter Notebook,选择属性。将您的目录添加到Target。我的是D:\教育\机器学习
步骤3:不要从Anaconda Navigator中启动Jupyter Notebook。请使用上面的快捷方式。