

我有一个windows 7(64位)系统,安装了Anaconda3(不在C驱动器中)。我想改变Jupyter开始文件夹的位置。



jupyter notebook——notebook-dir="C:/您的/需要的/开始目录/"



在Windows文件资源管理器或桌面上,右键单击>新建>快捷方式 输入以下位置,然后单击下一步:

jupyter notebook——notebook-dir="C:/您的/需要的/开始目录/"


现在你有一个快捷方式启动Jupyter在你想要的位置。这适用于Windows 7、macOS和Linux。 对于windows,最好用双引号将路径括起来,因为如果路径名中有空格,单引号将不起作用

注意,如果您发现错误提示路径无效,请尝试在路径中使用普通斜杠/而不是反斜杠\,例如 jupyter笔记本——notebook-dir="D:/"


尝试导航到要运行jupyter笔记本文件的文件夹。 在资源管理器中单击右键,然后单击“在终端中打开” 然后键入命令jupyter notebook以从所需位置运行notebook。

我用的是Windows 10,不过是同一个版本的Anaconda。

Click on the Start Menu, then All Programs (just Programs for Win10) Click on the Anaconda3 folder; mine is Anaconda3 (64-bit) In there you should see Jupyter Notebook. If you have a virtual environment installed, it will be followed by the environment name like this: Jupyter Notebook (env) Right-click Jupyter Notebook entry and navigate to More => Open File Location Right-click the correct Jupyter Notebook entry, then click on Properties Enter a path in the Start in: box; if the path has spaces in it, you must enclose it in double quotes Delete "%USERPROFILE%" at the end of the executable path

I've just installed Anaconda on Windows 10 and have been trying to configure Jupyter to open in my specified directory, including updating the Jupyter config file as suggested above. This didn't work. After viewing other threads, I stumbled on file "notebook.bat" in the .anaconda\scripts\ folder. This launches Jupyter. I took a copy of the .bat file into the folder I want to work in, ran it, and voila - Jupyter launches in that folder and I no longer see every folder on my PC, just the one I want. One desktop shortcut later and I'm a happy 'non-techy'. I hope this helps.

我使用Anaconda2的windows 7(64位)。在开始菜单中,右键单击Jupyter Notebook ->属性。在Target字段中,将%USERPROFILE%更改为新的“D:\path”。




然后运行命令jupyter notebook