val state = myList.layoutManager.onSaveInstanceState()
getNewThings() { newThings: List<Thing> ->
myList.adapter.things = newThings
If you are saving/restoring scroll position of ListView yourself you are essentially duplicating the functionality already implemented in android framework. The ListView restores fine scroll position just well on its own except one caveat: as @aaronvargas mentioned there is a bug in AbsListView that won't let to restore fine scroll position for the first list item. Nevertheless the best way to restore scroll position is not to restore it. Android framework will do it better for you. Just make sure you have met the following conditions:
确保你没有调用setSaveEnabled(false)方法,也没有为xml布局文件中的列表设置android:saveEnabled="false"属性 为ExpandableListView重写long getCombinedChildId(long groupId, long childId)方法,使其返回正长数(BaseExpandableListAdapter类中的默认实现返回负数)。下面是一些例子:
public long getChildId(int groupPosition, int childPosition) {
return 0L | groupPosition << 12 | childPosition;
public long getCombinedChildId(long groupId, long childId) {
return groupId << 32 | childId << 1 | 1;
public long getGroupId(int groupPosition) {
return groupPosition;
public long getCombinedGroupId(long groupId) {
return (groupId & 0x7FFFFFFF) << 32;
如果在一个片段中使用了ListView或ExpandableListView,不要在活动重新创建片段(例如在屏幕旋转后)。使用findFragmentByTag(String标签)方法获取片段。 确保ListView有一个唯一的android:id。
To avoid aforementioned caveat with first list item you can craft your adapter the way it returns special dummy zero pixels height view for the ListView at position 0. Here is the simple example project shows ListView and ExpandableListView restore their fine scroll positions whereas their scroll positions are not explicitly saved/restored. Fine scroll position is restored perfectly even for the complex scenarios with temporary switching to some other application, double screen rotation and switching back to the test application. Please note, if you are explicitly exiting the application (by pressing the Back button) the scroll position won't be saved (as well as all other Views won't save their state). https://github.com/voromto/RestoreScrollPosition/releases
Parcelable state;
public void onPause() {
// Save ListView state @ onPause
Log.d(TAG, "saving listview state");
state = listView.onSaveInstanceState();
public void onViewCreated(final View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState);
// Set new items
// Restore previous state (including selected item index and scroll position)
if(state != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "trying to restore listview state");
// save index and top position
int index = mList.getFirstVisiblePosition();
View v = mList.getChildAt(0);
int top = (v == null) ? 0 : (v.getTop() - mList.getPaddingTop());
// ...
// restore index and position
mList.setSelectionFromTop(index, top);
Explanation: ListView.getFirstVisiblePosition() returns the top visible list item. But this item may be partially scrolled out of view, and if you want to restore the exact scroll position of the list you need to get this offset. So ListView.getChildAt(0) returns the View for the top list item, and then View.getTop() - mList.getPaddingTop() returns its relative offset from the top of the ListView. Then, to restore the ListView's scroll position, we call ListView.setSelectionFromTop() with the index of the item we want and an offset to position its top edge from the top of the ListView.
我采用了@(Kirk Woll)建议的解决方案,它对我很有效。我还在“联系人”应用程序的Android源代码中看到,他们使用了类似的技术。我还想补充一些具体情况: 在我的listactivity派生类的顶部:
private static final String LIST_STATE = "listState";
private Parcelable mListState = null;
protected void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle state) {
mListState = state.getParcelable(LIST_STATE);
protected void onResume() {
if (mListState != null)
mListState = null;
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) {
mListState = getListView().onSaveInstanceState();
state.putParcelable(LIST_STATE, mListState);
private Parcelable state;
public void onPause() {
state = mAlbumListView.onSaveInstanceState();
public void onResume() {
if (getAdapter() != null) {
if (state != null){
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