我为我的应用程序不期望的每个条件创建了异常。UserNameNotValidException, PasswordNotCorrectException等。
我为我的应用程序不期望的每个条件创建了异常。UserNameNotValidException, PasswordNotCorrectException等。
Example 2: say I have another function which examines a List<> and returns true if its length is more than 50, and false if the length is less. This function asks the question, "Does this list have more than 50 items?" But this question makes an assumption - it assumes that the object it is given is a list. If I hand it a NULL, then that assumption is false. In that case, if the function returns either true or false, then it is breaking its own rules. The function cannot return anything and claim that it answered the question correctly. So it doesn't return - it throws an exception.
Example 2: say I have another function which examines a List<> and returns true if its length is more than 50, and false if the length is less. This function asks the question, "Does this list have more than 50 items?" But this question makes an assumption - it assumes that the object it is given is a list. If I hand it a NULL, then that assumption is false. In that case, if the function returns either true or false, then it is breaking its own rules. The function cannot return anything and claim that it answered the question correctly. So it doesn't return - it throws an exception.
The simple answer is, whenever an operation is impossible (because of either application OR because it would violate business logic). If a method is invoked and it impossible to do what the method was written to do, throw an Exception. A good example is that constructors always throw ArgumentExceptions if an instance cannot be created using the supplied parameters. Another example is InvalidOperationException, which is thrown when an operation cannot be performed because of the state of another member or members of the class.
{ // class
public LoginResult Login(string user, string password)
if (IsInvalidUser(user))
return new UserInvalidLoginResult(user);
else if (IsInvalidPassword(user, password))
return new PasswordInvalidLoginResult(user, password);
return new SuccessfulLoginResult();
public abstract class LoginResult
public readonly string Message;
protected LoginResult(string message)
this.Message = message;
public class SuccessfulLoginResult : LoginResult
public SucccessfulLogin(string user)
: base(string.Format("Login for user '{0}' was successful.", user))
{ }
public class UserInvalidLoginResult : LoginResult
public UserInvalidLoginResult(string user)
: base(string.Format("The username '{0}' is invalid.", user))
{ }
public class PasswordInvalidLoginResult : LoginResult
public PasswordInvalidLoginResult(string password, string user)
: base(string.Format("The password '{0}' for username '{0}' is invalid.", password, user))
{ }
Most developers are taught to avoid Exceptions because of the overhead caused by throwing them. It's great to be resource-conscious, but usually not at the expense of your application design. That is probably the reason you were told not to throw your two Exceptions. Whether to use Exceptions or not usually boils down to how frequently the Exception will occur. If it's a fairly common or an fairly expectable result, this is when most developers will avoid Exceptions and instead create another method to indicate failure, because of the supposed consumption of resources.
public class ValidatedLogin
public readonly string User;
public readonly string Password;
public ValidatedLogin(string user, string password)
if (IsInvalidUser(user))
throw new UserInvalidException(user);
else if (IsInvalidPassword(user, password))
throw new PasswordInvalidException(password);
this.User = user;
this.Password = password;
public static bool TryCreate(string user, string password, out ValidatedLogin validatedLogin)
if (IsInvalidUser(user) ||
IsInvalidPassword(user, password))
return false;
validatedLogin = new ValidatedLogin(user, password);
return true;