
private async Task<Cat> FeedCat() {}
private async Task<House> SellHouse() {}
private async Task<Tesla> BuyCar() {}





var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();

await Task.WhenAll(catTask, houseTask, carTask);

var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;


var catTask = FeedCat();
var houseTask = SellHouse();
var carTask = BuyCar();

var cat = await catTask;
var house = await houseTask;
var car = await carTask;


SellHouse is already completed successfully when FeedCat failed. In this case you are fine. SellHouse is not complete and fails with exception at some point. Exception is not observed and will be rethrown on finalizer thread. SellHouse is not complete and contains awaits inside it. In case your code runs in ASP.NET SellHouse will fail as soon as some of the awaits will completed inside it. This happens because you basically made fire & forget call and synchronization context was lost as soon as FeedCat failed.


System.AggregateException: A Task's exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or accessing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown by the finalizer thread. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Web.ThreadContext.AssociateWithCurrentThread(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.Util.ISyncContext.Enter()
   at System.Web.Util.SynchronizationHelper.SafeWrapCallback(Action action)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
---> (Inner Exception #0) System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at System.Web.ThreadContext.AssociateWithCurrentThread(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.OnThreadEnterPrivate(Boolean setImpersonationContext)
   at System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.Util.ISyncContext.Enter()
   at System.Web.Util.SynchronizationHelper.SafeWrapCallback(Action action)
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()<---


对于. net 4.0及更高版本,您可以使用TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException捕获未观察到的异常。对于。net 4.5及以后的版本,未观察到的异常将被默认接受,而对于。net 4.0,未观察到的异常将使您的进程崩溃。

更多详细信息请参见。net 4.5中的任务异常处理



var tCat = FeedCat();
var tHouse = SellHouse();
var tCar = BuyCar();
await Task.WhenAll(tCat, tHouse, tCar);
Cat cat = await tCat;
House house = await tHouse;
Tesla car = await tCar; 
//as they have all definitely finished, you could also use Task.Value.

The three tasks in your example differ greatly in importance. In case one of them fails, you probably want to know what happened with the others. For example in case the communication with the automatic cat feeder failed, you don't want to miss whether selling your house succeeded or failed. So it makes sense to return back not just a Cat, a House and a Tesla, but the tasks themselves. The calling code will then be able to query separately each of the three tasks, and react appropriately to their successful or failed completions:

public async Task<(Task<Cat>, Task<House>, Task<Tesla>)> FeedCatSellHouseBuyCar()
    Task<Cat> task1 = FeedCat();
    Task<House> task2 = SellHouse();
    Task<Tesla> task3 = BuyCar();

    // All three tasks are launched at this point.

    try { await Task.WhenAll(task1, task2, task3).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch { }

    // All three tasks are completed at this point.
    return (task1, task2, task3);


var (catTask, houseTask, teslaTask) = await FeedCatSellHouseBuyCar();

// All three tasks are completed at this point.

if (catTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
    Console.WriteLine($"{catTask.Result.Name} is eating her healthy meal.");
    Console.WriteLine("Your cat is starving!");

if (houseTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
    Console.WriteLine($"Your house at {houseTask.Result.Address} was sold. You are now rich and homeless!");
    Console.WriteLine("You are still the poor owner of your house.");

if (teslaTask.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
    Console.WriteLine($"You are now the owner a battery-powered {teslaTask.Result.Name}.");
    Console.WriteLine("You are still driving a Hyundai.");

带有空catch的try块是必需的,因为. net 7仍然没有提供适当的方法来等待任务,而不会在取消或失败时抛出。



Task<string> DoTheThings() {
    Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
    Task<House> y = SellHouse();
    Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();
    // what here?


Task.WhenAll(x, y, z);


async Task<string> DoTheThings() {
    Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
    Task<House> y = SellHouse();
    Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();

    await Task.WhenAll(x, y, z);
    // presumably we want to do something with the results...
    return DoWhatever(x.Result, y.Result, z.Result);

但是这会产生很多开销,并分配各种数组(包括params Task[]数组)和列表(内部)。这是可行的,但在我看来并不是很好。在许多方面,使用异步操作并依次等待每个操作会更简单:

async Task<string> DoTheThings() {
    Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
    Task<House> y = SellHouse();
    Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();

    // do something with the results...
    return DoWhatever(await x, await y, await z);



Task<string> DoTheThings() {
    Task<Cat> x = FeedCat();
    Task<House> y = SellHouse();
    Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar();

    if(x.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
       y.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion &&
       z.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
        return Task.FromResult(
          DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result));
       // we can safely access .Result, as they are known
       // to be ran-to-completion

    return Awaited(x, y, z);

async Task Awaited(Task<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) {
    return DoWhatever(await x, await y, await z);



with recent C#, a common pattern is for the async fallback method is commonly implemented as a local function: Task<string> DoTheThings() { async Task<string> Awaited(Task<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) { return DoWhatever(await a, await b, await c); } Task<Cat> x = FeedCat(); Task<House> y = SellHouse(); Task<Tesla> z = BuyCar(); if(x.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion && y.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion && z.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) return Task.FromResult( DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result)); // we can safely access .Result, as they are known // to be ran-to-completion return Awaited(x, y, z); } prefer ValueTask<T> to Task<T> if there is a good chance of things ever completely synchronously with many different return values: ValueTask<string> DoTheThings() { async ValueTask<string> Awaited(ValueTask<Cat> a, Task<House> b, Task<Tesla> c) { return DoWhatever(await a, await b, await c); } ValueTask<Cat> x = FeedCat(); ValueTask<House> y = SellHouse(); ValueTask<Tesla> z = BuyCar(); if(x.IsCompletedSuccessfully && y.IsCompletedSuccessfully && z.IsCompletedSuccessfully) return new ValueTask<string>( DoWhatever(a.Result, b.Result, c.Result)); // we can safely access .Result, as they are known // to be ran-to-completion return Awaited(x, y, z); } if possible, prefer IsCompletedSuccessfully to Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion; this now exists in .NET Core for Task, and everywhere for ValueTask<T>


WaitAll vs WhenAll

var dn = await Task.WhenAll<dynamic>(FeedCat(),SellHouse(),BuyCar());


var ct = (Cat)dn[0];
