

Paris, France, Europe


array[0] = Paris
array[1] = France
array[2] = Europe




string="1 2 3 4 5"
declare -a array=($string)


declare -a array=($(echo $string | tr "$delimiter" " "))




Bash为此提供了一个内置的readarray。让我们使用它。 避免丑陋和不必要的技巧,如更改IFS、循环、使用eval或添加一个额外的元素然后删除它。 找到一个简单易读的方法,可以很容易地适用于类似的问题。



string='  Paris,France  ,   All of Europe  '
readarray -t foo < <(tr ',' '\n' <<< "$string" |sed 's/^ *//' |sed 's/ *$//')

# Result:
declare -p foo
# declare -a foo='([0]="Paris" [1]="France" [2]="All of Europe")'




string='     Paris,France  ,   All of Europe    '
readarray -t foo < <(echo "$foo")



IFS=', ' read -r -a array <<< "$string"



The shell treats each character of IFS as a delimiter, and splits the results of the other expansions into words using these characters as field terminators. If IFS is unset, or its value is exactly <space><tab><newline>, the default, then sequences of <space>, <tab>, and <newline> at the beginning and end of the results of the previous expansions are ignored, and any sequence of IFS characters not at the beginning or end serves to delimit words. If IFS has a value other than the default, then sequences of the whitespace characters <space>, <tab>, and <newline> are ignored at the beginning and end of the word, as long as the whitespace character is in the value of IFS (an IFS whitespace character). Any character in IFS that is not IFS whitespace, along with any adjacent IFS whitespace characters, delimits a field. A sequence of IFS whitespace characters is also treated as a delimiter. If the value of IFS is null, no word splitting occurs.


对于OP,我在前一段中描述的第二种分离模式可能正是他想要的输入字符串,但我们可以相当肯定的是,我描述的第一种分离模式根本不正确。例如,如果他的输入字符串是'Los Angeles, United States, North America'呢?

IFS=', ' read -ra a <<<'Los Angeles, United States, North America'; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Los" [1]="Angeles" [2]="United" [3]="States" [4]="North" [5]="America")

2: Even if you were to use this solution with a single-character separator (such as a comma by itself, that is, with no following space or other baggage), if the value of the $string variable happens to contain any LFs, then read will stop processing once it encounters the first LF. The read builtin only processes one line per invocation. This is true even if you are piping or redirecting input only to the read statement, as we are doing in this example with the here-string mechanism, and thus unprocessed input is guaranteed to be lost. The code that powers the read builtin has no knowledge of the data flow within its containing command structure.



string=', , a, , b, c, , , '; IFS=', ' read -ra a <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="" [1]="" [2]="a" [3]="" [4]="b" [5]="c" [6]="" [7]="")




set -f                     # avoid globbing (expansion of *).
array=(${string//:/ })


a=($(echo $t | tr ',' "\n"))



array=(`echo $string | sed 's/,/\n/g'`)


This solves the problem of two levels of splitting committed by read, since word splitting by itself constitutes only one level of splitting. But just as before, the problem here is that the individual fields in the input string can already contain $IFS characters, and thus they would be improperly split during the word splitting operation. This happens to not be the case for any of the sample input strings provided by these answerers (how convenient...), but of course that doesn't change the fact that any code base that used this idiom would then run the risk of blowing up if this assumption were ever violated at some point down the line. Once again, consider my counterexample of 'Los Angeles, United States, North America' (or 'Los Angeles:United States:North America').

Also, word splitting is normally followed by filename expansion (aka pathname expansion aka globbing), which, if done, would potentially corrupt words containing the characters *, ?, or [ followed by ] (and, if extglob is set, parenthesized fragments preceded by ?, *, +, @, or !) by matching them against file system objects and expanding the words ("globs") accordingly. The first of these three answerers has cleverly undercut this problem by running set -f beforehand to disable globbing. Technically this works (although you should probably add set +f afterward to reenable globbing for subsequent code which may depend on it), but it's undesirable to have to mess with global shell settings in order to hack a basic string-to-array parsing operation in local code.


Note: If you're going to use this solution, it's better to use the ${string//:/ } "pattern substitution" form of parameter expansion, rather than going to the trouble of invoking a command substitution (which forks the shell), starting up a pipeline, and running an external executable (tr or sed), since parameter expansion is purely a shell-internal operation. (Also, for the tr and sed solutions, the input variable should be double-quoted inside the command substitution; otherwise word splitting would take effect in the echo command and potentially mess with the field values. Also, the $(...) form of command substitution is preferable to the old `...` form since it simplifies nesting of command substitutions and allows for better syntax highlighting by text editors.)


str="a, b, c, d"  # assuming there is a space after ',' as in Q
arr=(${str//,/})  # delete all occurrences of ','



同样,文件名展开可能会破坏展开的单词,但可以通过暂时禁用set -f和set +f的赋值通配符来防止这种情况。



string='first line
second line
third line'

IFS=${IFS:0:1} # this is useful to format your code with tabs
lines=( $string )

This is similar to #2 and #3 in that it uses word splitting to get the job done, only now the code explicitly sets $IFS to contain only the single-character field delimiter present in the input string. It should be repeated that this cannot work for multicharacter field delimiters such as the OP's comma-space delimiter. But for a single-character delimiter like the LF used in this example, it actually comes close to being perfect. The fields cannot be unintentionally split in the middle as we saw with previous wrong answers, and there is only one level of splitting, as required.

一个问题是文件名展开会破坏前面描述的受影响的单词,尽管这也可以通过在set -f和set +f中包装关键语句来解决。


因此,总的来说,假设您有一个单字符分隔符,并且它不是“IFS空白字符”,或者您不关心空字段,并且您将关键语句包装在set -f和set +f中,那么这个解决方案是可行的,但否则就不行。



countries='Paris, France, Europe'
IFS=', ' array=($countries)


IFS=', ' eval 'array=($string)'



IFS=', '; ## changes $IFS in the shell environment


IFS=', ' array=($countries); ## changes both $IFS and $array in the shell environment


IFS=', ' :; ## : is a builtin command, the $IFS assignment does not outlive it
IFS=', ' env; ## env is an external command, the $IFS assignment does not outlive it



It is possible to exploit this feature of variable assignment to change $IFS only temporarily, which allows us to avoid the whole save-and-restore gambit like that which is being done with the $OIFS variable in the first variant. But the challenge we face here is that the command we need to run is itself a mere variable assignment, and hence it would not involve a command word to make the $IFS assignment temporary. You might think to yourself, well why not just add a no-op command word to the statement like the : builtin to make the $IFS assignment temporary? This does not work because it would then make the $array assignment temporary as well:

IFS=', ' array=($countries) :; ## fails; new $array value never escapes the : command


IFS=', ' eval 'array=($string)'; ## $IFS does not outlive the eval command, but $array does




IFS=', '; array=(Paris, France, Europe)

IFS=' ';declare -a array=(Paris France Europe)





Let me try to make this clearer. I think it might be good to draw a distinction between parsing and execution. Bash must first parse the source code, which obviously is a parsing event, and then later it executes the code, which is when expansion comes into the picture. Expansion is really an execution event. Furthermore, I take issue with the description of the $IFS variable that I just quoted above; rather than saying that word splitting is performed after expansion, I would say that word splitting is performed during expansion, or, perhaps even more precisely, word splitting is part of the expansion process. The phrase "word splitting" refers only to this step of expansion; it should never be used to refer to the parsing of bash source code, although unfortunately the docs do seem to throw around the words "split" and "words" a lot. Here's a relevant excerpt from the linux.die.net version of the bash manual:

在将命令行分解为单词后,在命令行上执行展开操作。执行的展开有7种:大括号展开、波浪号展开、参数和变量展开、命令替换、算术展开、单词拆分和路径名展开。 展开的顺序是:大括号展开;波浪号展开、参数和变量展开、算术展开和命令替换(以从左到右的方式完成);分词;以及路径名展开。



The important point is, $IFS does not change the way bash parses source code. Parsing of bash source code is actually a very complex process that involves recognition of the various elements of shell grammar, such as command sequences, command lists, pipelines, parameter expansions, arithmetic substitutions, and command substitutions. For the most part, the bash parsing process cannot be altered by user-level actions like variable assignments (actually, there are some minor exceptions to this rule; for example, see the various compatxx shell settings, which can change certain aspects of parsing behavior on-the-fly). The upstream "words"/"tokens" that result from this complex parsing process are then expanded according to the general process of "expansion" as broken down in the above documentation excerpts, where word splitting of the expanded (expanding?) text into downstream words is simply one step of that process. Word splitting only touches text that has been spit out of a preceding expansion step; it does not affect literal text that was parsed right off the source bytestream.


string='first line
        second line
        third line'

while read -r line; do lines+=("$line"); done <<<"$string"


But there are problems. First: When you provide at least one NAME argument to read, it automatically ignores leading and trailing whitespace in each field that is split off from the input string. This occurs whether $IFS is set to its default value or not, as described earlier in this post. Now, the OP may not care about this for his specific use-case, and in fact, it may be a desirable feature of the parsing behavior. But not everyone who wants to parse a string into fields will want this. There is a solution, however: A somewhat non-obvious usage of read is to pass zero NAME arguments. In this case, read will store the entire input line that it gets from the input stream in a variable named $REPLY, and, as a bonus, it does not strip leading and trailing whitespace from the value. This is a very robust usage of read which I've exploited frequently in my shell programming career. Here's a demonstration of the difference in behavior:

string=$'  a  b  \n  c  d  \n  e  f  '; ## input string

a=(); while read -r line; do a+=("$line"); done <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="a  b" [1]="c  d" [2]="e  f") ## read trimmed surrounding whitespace

a=(); while read -r; do a+=("$REPLY"); done <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="  a  b  " [1]="  c  d  " [2]="  e  f  ") ## no trimming


string='Paris, France, Europe';
a=(); while read -rd,; do a+=("$REPLY"); done <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France")

Predictably, the unaccounted surrounding whitespace got pulled into the field values, and hence this would have to be corrected subsequently through trimming operations (this could also be done directly in the while-loop). But there's another obvious error: Europe is missing! What happened to it? The answer is that read returns a failing return code if it hits end-of-file (in this case we can call it end-of-string) without encountering a final field terminator on the final field. This causes the while-loop to break prematurely and we lose the final field.

Technically this same error afflicted the previous examples as well; the difference there is that the field separator was taken to be LF, which is the default when you don't specify the -d option, and the <<< ("here-string") mechanism automatically appends a LF to the string just before it feeds it as input to the command. Hence, in those cases, we sort of accidentally solved the problem of a dropped final field by unwittingly appending an additional dummy terminator to the input. Let's call this solution the "dummy-terminator" solution. We can apply the dummy-terminator solution manually for any custom delimiter by concatenating it against the input string ourselves when instantiating it in the here-string:

a=(); while read -rd,; do a+=("$REPLY"); done <<<"$string,"; declare -p a;
declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France" [2]=" Europe")


a=(); while read -rd,|| [[ -n "$REPLY" ]]; do a+=("$REPLY"); done <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France" [2]=$' Europe\n')

This approach also reveals the secretive LF that automatically gets appended to the here-string by the <<< redirection operator. It could of course be stripped off separately through an explicit trimming operation as described a moment ago, but obviously the manual dummy-terminator approach solves it directly, so we could just go with that. The manual dummy-terminator solution is actually quite convenient in that it solves both of these two problems (the dropped-final-field problem and the appended-LF problem) in one go.



string='first line
        second line
        third line'

readarray -t lines <<<"$string"









string='Paris, France, Europe';
readarray -td, a <<<"$string"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France" [2]=$' Europe\n')


readarray -td, a <<<"$string,"; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France" [2]=" Europe" [3]=$'\n')


readarray -td, a <<<"$string,"; unset 'a[-1]'; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]=" France" [2]=" Europe")



Unfortunately, there's no direct way to get a multicharacter delimiter to work. The best solution I've thought of is to preprocess the input string to replace the multicharacter delimiter with a single-character delimiter that will be guaranteed not to collide with the contents of the input string. The only character that has this guarantee is the NUL byte. This is because, in bash (though not in zsh, incidentally), variables cannot contain the NUL byte. This preprocessing step can be done inline in a process substitution. Here's how to do it using awk:

readarray -td '' a < <(awk '{ gsub(/, /,"\0"); print; }' <<<"$string, "); unset 'a[-1]';
declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]="France" [2]="Europe")



最后,我想用readarray的模糊的-C回调选项演示我自己的相当复杂的修剪解决方案。不幸的是,我已经没有空间来对抗Stack Overflow严格的30,000字符的帖子限制,所以我无法解释它。我把这个留给读者做练习。

function mfcb { local val="$4"; "$1"; eval "$2[$3]=\$val;"; };
function val_ltrim { if [[ "$val" =~ ^[[:space:]]+ ]]; then val="${val:${#BASH_REMATCH[0]}}"; fi; };
function val_rtrim { if [[ "$val" =~ [[:space:]]+$ ]]; then val="${val:0:${#val}-${#BASH_REMATCH[0]}}"; fi; };
function val_trim { val_ltrim; val_rtrim; };
readarray -c1 -C 'mfcb val_trim a' -td, <<<"$string,"; unset 'a[-1]'; declare -p a;
## declare -a a=([0]="Paris" [1]="France" [2]="Europe")


read -r -a myarray <<< "${string//, /$IFS}"

我们不需要更改IFS以匹配所需的分隔符,而是可以通过"${string//, /$IFS}"将所有出现的所需分隔符","替换为$IFS的内容。


这是基于Dennis Williamson的回答。


string="a | b c"
pattern=' | '

# replaces pattern with newlines
splitted="$(sed "s/$pattern/\n/g" <<< "$string")"

# Reads lines and put them in array
readarray -t array2 <<< "$splitted"

# Prints number of elements
echo ${#array2[@]}
# Prints all elements
for a in "${array2[@]}"; do
        echo "> '$a'"

此解决方案适用于较大的分隔符(多个字符)。 如果在原始字符串中已经有换行符,则不工作


str="a, b, c, d"  # assuming there is a space after ',' as in Q
arr=(${str//,/})  # delete all occurrences of ','

在这个'arr'后面是一个包含四个字符串的数组。 这不需要处理IFS或读取或任何其他特殊的东西,因此更简单和直接。