

Java实现包含实用程序类Java .util. arrays和Java .util. collections,它们都包含静态工厂方法,它的示例和如何使用:

arrays . aslist(“1”、“2”、“3”) Collections.synchronizedList(..), Collections.emptyList(), Collections.unmodifiableList(…)(只是一些例子,可以检查javadocs mor方法的例子https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html)


String.format(…),String.valueOf (. .), String.copyValueOf(…)



The factory pattern lets you separate how you create an object from what you do with the object. When you create all of your objects using constructors, you are essentially hard-wiring the code that uses the object to that implementation. The code that uses your object is "dependent on" that object. This may not seem like a big deal on the surface, but when the object changes (think of changing the signature of the constructor, or subclassing the object) you have to go back and rewire things everywhere.


One of the advantages of the static factory methods with private constructor(object creation must have been restricted for external classes to ensure instances are not created externally) is that you can create instance-controlled classes. And instance-controlled classes guarantee that no two equal distinct instances exist(a.equals(b) if and only if a==b) during your program is running that means you can check equality of objects with == operator instead of equals method, according to Effective java.

The ability of static factory methods to return the same object from repeated invocations allows classes to maintain strict control over what instances exist at any time. Classes that do this are said to be instance-controlled. There are several reasons to write instance-controlled classes. Instance control allows a class to guarantee that it is a singleton (Item 3) or noninstantiable (Item 4). Also, it allows an immutable class (Item 15) to make the guarantee that no two equal instances exist: a.equals(b) if and only if a==b. If a class makes this guarantee, then its clients can use the == operator instead of the equals(Object) method, which may result in improved performance. Enum types (Item 30) provide this guarantee.

摘自Effective Java, Joshua Bloch(第1项,第6页)


public class DbConnection{
   private static final int MAX_CONNS = 100;
   private static int totalConnections = 0;

   private static Set<DbConnection> availableConnections = new HashSet<DbConnection>();

   private DbConnection(){
     // ...

   public static DbConnection getDbConnection(){

     if(totalConnections < MAX_CONNS){
       return new DbConnection();

     }else if(availableConnections.size() > 0){
         DbConnection dbc = availableConnections.iterator().next();
         return dbc;

     }else {
         throw new NoDbConnections();

   public static void returnDbConnection(DbConnection dbc){



//instantiating a class using constructor
Vinoth vin = new Vinoth(); 

//instantiating the class using static method
Class Vinoth{
  private Vinoth(){
  // factory method to instantiate the class
  public static Vinoth getInstance(){
        return new Vinoth();


另一个例子来自Effective Java。

public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b) {
        return (b ? TRUE : FALSE);

此方法将布尔原语值转换为布尔对象引用。boolean . valueof (boolean)方法说明了我们,它从不创建对象。静态工厂方法从重复调用中返回相同对象的能力允许类在任何时候对存在的实例保持严格控制。




public class Singleton{
    //initailzed during class loading
    private static final Singleton INSTANCE = new Singleton();

    //to prevent creating another instance of Singleton
    private Singleton(){}

    public static Singleton getSingleton(){
        return INSTANCE;