









One of the advantages of the static factory methods with private constructor(object creation must have been restricted for external classes to ensure instances are not created externally) is that you can create instance-controlled classes. And instance-controlled classes guarantee that no two equal distinct instances exist(a.equals(b) if and only if a==b) during your program is running that means you can check equality of objects with == operator instead of equals method, according to Effective java.

The ability of static factory methods to return the same object from repeated invocations allows classes to maintain strict control over what instances exist at any time. Classes that do this are said to be instance-controlled. There are several reasons to write instance-controlled classes. Instance control allows a class to guarantee that it is a singleton (Item 3) or noninstantiable (Item 4). Also, it allows an immutable class (Item 15) to make the guarantee that no two equal instances exist: a.equals(b) if and only if a==b. If a class makes this guarantee, then its clients can use the == operator instead of the equals(Object) method, which may result in improved performance. Enum types (Item 30) provide this guarantee.

摘自Effective Java, Joshua Bloch(第1项,第6页)



public class Foo{
  public Foo(boolean withBar){


// What exactly does this mean?
Foo foo = new Foo(true);
// You have to lookup the documentation to be sure.
// Even if you remember that the boolean has something to do with a Bar
// you might not remember whether it specified withBar or withoutBar.


public class Foo{
  public static Foo createWithBar(){

  public static Foo createWithoutBar(){

// ...

// This is much easier to read!
Foo foo = Foo.createWithBar();


class Test{
 int x, y;
 private Test(){

我们不能从上面的类的外部创建一个对象。所以你不能从类外访问x y。那么这门课有什么用呢? 下面是答案:FACTORY方法。 在上面的类中添加下面的方法

public static Test getObject(){
  return new Test();


Test t = Test.getObject();


注意!“静态工厂方法与工厂方法模式不同”(c) Effective Java, Joshua Bloch。

工厂方法:定义一个用于创建对象的接口,但是让实现该接口的类来决定实例化哪个类。Factory方法允许类延迟实例化到子类“(c) GoF”。



The key idea of static factory method is to gain control over object creation and delegate it from constructor to static method. The decision of object to be created is like in Abstract Factory made outside the method (in common case, but not always). While the key (!) idea of Factory Method is to delegate decision of what instance of class to create inside Factory Method. E.g. classic Singleton implementation is a special case of static factory method. Example of commonly used static factory methods:

返回对象的值 getInstance newInstance