


我认为“为什么”这个问题是不必要的。有很多接口/类等…它非常有用,但不是. net Frameworku基础库的一部分。


public interface ICloneable<T> : ICloneable {
    new T Clone();

public abstract class CloneableBase<T> : ICloneable<T> where T : CloneableBase<T> {
    public abstract T Clone();
    object ICloneable.Clone() => return this.Clone();

public abstract class CloneableExBase<T> : CloneableBase<T> where T : CloneableExBase<T> {
    protected abstract T CreateClone();
    protected abstract void FillClone(T clone);
    public override T Clone() {
        T clone = this.CreateClone();
        if (clone is null ) {
            throw new NullReferenceException( "Clone was not created." );

        return clone

public abstract class PersonBase<T> : CloneableExBase<T> where T : PersonBase<T> {
    public string Name { get; set; }

    protected override void FillClone( T clone ) {
        clone.Name = this.Name;

public sealed class Person : PersonBase<Person> {
    protected override Person CreateClone() => return new Person();

public abstract class EmployeeBase<T> : PersonBase<T> where T : EmployeeBase<T> {
    public string Department { get; set; }

    protected override void FillClone(T clone) {

        clone.Department = this.Department;

public sealed class Employee : EmployeeBase<Employee> {
    protected override Employee CreateClone() => return new Employee();


I need to ask, what exactly would you do with the interface other than implement it? Interfaces are typically only useful when you cast to it (ie does this class support 'IBar'), or have parameters or setters that take it (ie i take an 'IBar'). With ICloneable - we went through the entire Framework and failed to find a single usage anywhere that was something other than an implementation of it. We've also failed to find any usage in the 'real world' that also does something other than implement it (in the ~60,000 apps that we have access to).



我认为“为什么”这个问题是不必要的。有很多接口/类等…它非常有用,但不是. net Frameworku基础库的一部分。


public interface ICloneable<T> : ICloneable {
    new T Clone();

public abstract class CloneableBase<T> : ICloneable<T> where T : CloneableBase<T> {
    public abstract T Clone();
    object ICloneable.Clone() => return this.Clone();

public abstract class CloneableExBase<T> : CloneableBase<T> where T : CloneableExBase<T> {
    protected abstract T CreateClone();
    protected abstract void FillClone(T clone);
    public override T Clone() {
        T clone = this.CreateClone();
        if (clone is null ) {
            throw new NullReferenceException( "Clone was not created." );

        return clone

public abstract class PersonBase<T> : CloneableExBase<T> where T : PersonBase<T> {
    public string Name { get; set; }

    protected override void FillClone( T clone ) {
        clone.Name = this.Name;

public sealed class Person : PersonBase<Person> {
    protected override Person CreateClone() => return new Person();

public abstract class EmployeeBase<T> : PersonBase<T> where T : EmployeeBase<T> {
    public string Department { get; set; }

    protected override void FillClone(T clone) {

        clone.Department = this.Department;

public sealed class Employee : EmployeeBase<Employee> {
    protected override Employee CreateClone() => return new Employee();


interface ICloneable<T> : ICloneable
  new T Clone ( );

安德烈说它被认为是一个糟糕的API,但我还没有听到任何关于这个接口被弃用的消息。这将破坏大量的接口…… Clone方法应该执行浅拷贝。 如果对象还提供深度复制,则可以使用重载Clone (bool deep)。


class C
  public C ( C prototype )

这消除了任何潜在的冗余代码实现情况。 顺便说一下,谈到ICloneable的局限性,是否应该执行浅克隆或深克隆,甚至是部分浅克隆/部分深克隆,难道不是由对象本身决定的吗?只要对象按预期工作,我们真的应该关心吗?在某些情况下,一个好的Clone实现很可能同时包括浅克隆和深克隆。


public Foo Clone() { /* your code */ }
object ICloneable.Clone() {return Clone();}

当然,泛型ICloneable<T> -继承还有第二个问题。


public class Foo {}
public class Bar : Foo {}

我实现了ICloneable<T>,那么我实现了ICloneable<Foo>吗?酒吧ICloneable < > ?你很快就开始实现许多相同的接口…… 与演员相比……真的有那么糟糕吗?


public interface ICloneable<T> : ICloneable
        where T : ICloneable<T>
    new T Clone();