
a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)

def test():
    c += 1


UnboundLocalError: local variable 'c' referenced before assignment


UnboundLocalError: 'c' not assigned


如果注释掉c += 1,两次打印都成功。

我不明白:如果c不行,为什么打印a和b可以?c += 1是如何导致print(c)失败的,即使它出现在代码的后面?

赋值c += 1似乎创建了一个局部变量c,它优先于全局变量c。但是一个变量如何在它存在之前“窃取”作用域呢?为什么c是局部的?






class Employee:

    def __init__(self):



class Employee:

    def __init__(self):


Python decides the scope of the variable ahead of time. Unless explicitly overridden using the global or nonlocal (in 3.x) keywords, variables will be recognized as local based on the existence of any operation that would change the binding of a name. That includes ordinary assignments, augmented assignments like +=, various less obvious forms of assignment (the for construct, nested functions and classes, import statements...) as well as unbinding (using del). The actual execution of such code is irrelevant.






如果函数包含一个名称的全局或非局部声明,则该名称将分别被视为引用包含该名称的全局作用域或第一个封闭作用域。 否则,如果它包含任何用于更改名称的绑定(赋值或删除)的语法,即使代码在运行时不会实际更改绑定,该名称也是本地的。 否则,它引用包含该名称的第一个外围作用域,或者引用全局作用域。

Importantly, the scope is resolved at compile time. The generated bytecode will directly indicate where to look. In CPython 3.8 for example, there are separate opcodes LOAD_CONST (constants known at compile time), LOAD_FAST (locals), LOAD_DEREF (implement nonlocal lookup by looking in a closure, which is implemented as a tuple of "cell" objects), LOAD_CLOSURE (look for a local variable in the closure object that was created for a nested function), and LOAD_GLOBAL (look something up in either the global namespace or the builtin namespace).




It does not matter if the global variable is a builtin function etc., rather than an explicitly created global: def x(): int = int('1') # `int` is local! (Of course, it is a bad idea to shadow builtin names like this anyway, and global cannot help (just like using the same code outside of a function will still cause problems). See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6039605.) It does not matter if the code could never be reached: y = 1 def x(): return y # local! if False: y = 0 It does not matter if the assignment would be optimized into an in-place modification (e.g. extending a list) - conceptually, the value is still assigned, and this is reflected in the bytecode in the reference implementation as a useless reassignment of the name to the same object: y = [] def x(): y += [1] # local, even though it would modify `y` in-place with `global` However, it does matter if we do an indexed/slice assignment instead. (This is transformed into a different opcode at compile time, which will in turn call __setitem__.) y = [0] def x(): print(y) # global now! No error occurs. y[0] = 1 There are other forms of assignment, e.g. for loops and imports: import sys y = 1 def x(): return y # local! for y in []: pass def z(): print(sys.path) # `sys` is local! import sys Another common way to cause problems with import is trying to reuse the module name as a local variable, like so: import random def x(): random = random.choice(['heads', 'tails']) Again, import is assignment, so there is a global variable random. But this global variable is not special; it can just as easily be shadowed by the local random. Deletion is also changing the name binding, e.g.: y = 1 def x(): return y # local! del y



对全局关键字和非局部关键字进行必要的修改后,问题以同样的方式工作。(Python 2。X没有非局部的。)无论采用哪种方式,关键字都需要从外部作用域赋值给变量,但不需要仅仅查找它,也不需要更改所查找的对象。(同样:+=在列表上改变列表,但随后也将名称重新分配给相同的列表。)


As seen above, Python does not treat any names as being "in builtin scope". Instead, the builtins are a fallback used by global-scope lookups. Assigning to these variables will only ever update the global scope, not the builtin scope. However, in the reference implementation, the builtin scope can be modified: it's represented by a variable in the global namespace named __builtins__, which holds a module object (the builtins are implemented in C, but made available as a standard library module called builtins, which is pre-imported and assigned to that global name). Curiously, unlike many other built-in objects, this module object can have its attributes modified and deld. (All of this is, to my understanding, supposed to be considered an unreliable implementation detail; but it has worked this way for quite some time now.)


>>> def f():
...    print a
...    print b
...    a = 1

>>> import dis
>>> dis.dis(f)

  2           0 LOAD_FAST                0 (a)
              3 PRINT_ITEM
              4 PRINT_NEWLINE

  3           5 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (b)
              8 PRINT_ITEM
              9 PRINT_NEWLINE

  4          10 LOAD_CONST               1 (1)
             13 STORE_FAST               0 (a)
             16 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             19 RETURN_VALUE

As you can see, the bytecode for accessing a is LOAD_FAST, and for b, LOAD_GLOBAL. This is because the compiler has identified that a is assigned to within the function, and classified it as a local variable. The access mechanism for locals is fundamentally different for globals - they are statically assigned an offset in the frame's variables table, meaning lookup is a quick index, rather than the more expensive dict lookup as for globals. Because of this, Python is reading the print a line as "get the value of local variable 'a' held in slot 0, and print it", and when it detects that this variable is still uninitialised, raises an exception.


1: docs.python.org/3.1/faq/programming.html?highlight=nonlocal#why-am-i-getting-an-unboundlocalerror-when-the-variable-has- a-value

2: docs.python.org/3.1/faq/programming.html?highlight=nonlocal#how-do-i-write-a-function-with-output-parameters-call-by-ref erence

link 1描述了错误UnboundLocalError。链接二可以帮助您重新编写测试函数。基于连杆二,原问题可以改写为:

>>> a, b, c = (1, 2, 3)
>>> print (a, b, c)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> def test (a, b, c):
...     print (a)
...     print (b)
...     print (c)
...     c += 1
...     return a, b, c
>>> a, b, c = test (a, b, c)
>>> print (a, b ,c)
(1, 2, 4)


我相信你已经意识到,在'='左边使用的任何名称都是隐式的局部变量。我不止一次因为改变一个变量对a +=的访问而被发现,它突然变成了一个不同的变量。
