



不是个人经验,但你可以听一集DNR(我想是这个),他们和微软的人谈论f#。他们使用f#编写了大部分Xbox Live评分系统,这远非微不足道。该系统在数百台机器上大规模扩展,他们对此非常满意。

在微软研究院实习期间,我参与了Visual Studio IntelliSense for f#的部分工作(它本身就是用f#编写的)。我在早期的c#项目中已经有了一些智能感知的经验,所以我认为我可以比较这两者。

Visual Studio Extensibility is still based on COM, so you need to deal with objects that are not very nice .NET objects (and definitely not functional), but I don't feel there is any major difference between C# and F# (it works smoothly from F#) The data structures used to represent program code in F# are mostly discriminated unions (which are not supported in C# in any reasonable way) and this makes a huge difference for this kind of application (where you need to process tree structures, such as program code). Discriminated unions and pattern matching allows you to structure the code better (keep related functionality in one place rather than having it all over the place in virtual methods)


CodeDOM provider needs to traverse some structure represented using .NET objects, so there isn't much space for inventing your own representations of data (which is the area where F# can offer nice benefits). However, there were many small F# features that made the task easier. Since you need to produce a string, I defined custom operators for building strings (using StringBuilder) and implemented the code using them and higher-order functions (e.g. to format list of objects separated using the specified string etc.), which removed a lot of repetition (and tedious foreach loops).


f# Visual Studio组件的很多单元测试都是用f#编写的。它们在VS外部运行,模仿Visual Studio的各种功能。将实现接口的匿名对象组合起来的能力可以代替模拟框架/工具。我可以这样写

let owpe : string list ref = ref []
let vsOutputWindowPane = 
    { new IVsOutputWindowPane with
        member this.Activate () = err(__LINE__)
        member this.Clear () = owpe := []; 0
        member this.FlushToTaskList () = VSConstants.S_OK
        member this.GetName(pbstrPaneName) = err(__LINE__)
        member this.Hide () = err(__LINE__)
        member this.OutputString(pszOutputString) = owpe := pszOutputString :: !owpe ; 0
        member this.OutputStringThreadSafe(pszOutputString) = owpe := pszOutputString :: !owpe ; 0
        member this.OutputTaskItemString(pszOutputString, nPriority, nCategory, pszSubcategory, nBitmap, pszFilename, nLineNum, pszTaskItemText) = err(__LINE__)
        member this.OutputTaskItemStringEx(pszOutputString, nPriority, nCategory, pszSubcategory, nBitmap, pszFilename, nLineNum, pszTaskItemText, pszLookupKwd) = err(__LINE__)
        member this.SetName(pszPaneName) = err(__LINE__)
assert( !owpe = expectedOutputStringList )


我不知道《the Path of Go》的AI是否正在制作中,但它是用f#编写的:


The Path of Go: A Microsoft Research Game for Xbox 360 This demo showcases an Xbox 360 game, based on the game of Go, produced in-house at Microsoft Research Cambridge. Go is one of the most famous board games in East Asia, it originated in China 4000 years ago. Behind the deceptive simplicity of the game hides great complexity. It only takes minutes to learn, but it takes a lifetime to master. Although computers have surpassed human skills at Chess, implementing a competitive AI for Go remains a research challenge. The game is powered by three technologies developed at Microsoft Research Cambridge: an AI capable of playing Go, the F# language, and TrueSkill™ to match online players. The AI is implemented in F# and meets the challenge of running efficiently in the .net compact framework on Xbox 360. This game places you in a number of visually stunning 3D scenes. It was fully developed in managed code using the XNA environment.







在过去的6个月左右的时间里,我一直在为Visual Studio 2010开发Vim模拟层。这是一个免费的产品,所有的源代码都可以在github上免费获得

GitHub: http://github.com/jaredpar/VsVim VsVim在Visual Studio画廊


Vim引擎:f# 用于装饰和编辑器集成的WPF层:c# Visual Studio集成层:c#










与传统的编辑/编译/运行/测试循环相比,使用脚本文件和REPL (f# Interactive)可以让我在提交实现之前更有效地探索解决方案空间。对于程序员来说,这是建立他们对问题和设计张力的理解的一种非常自然的方式。





并行性结果实现的功能纯洁性使得利用数据向量处理中固有的并行性变得成熟。也许这就是我接下来要做的,现在。net 4已经发布了。

我们发布了世界上第一个用f#编写的商业产品(f# for Visualization)和第二个(f# for Numerics),以及第一个关于f#的商业文献(the f#。NET Journal),并撰写并出版了关于f#当前版本的唯一一本书(Visual f# 2010 for Technical Computing)。

We had been shipping products along similar lines written in C# (e.g. this) but we also had a strong background in the commercial use of OCaml. We were enthusiastic early adopters of F# when it was still a research prototype back in 2006 because we recognised the potential of having a decent modern OCaml-like language on the industrial-strength .NET platform and, consequently, we pushed to have it productized. The result has been an incredible success and F# has far exceeded our lofty expectations.

For us, F# has many different advantages and we use it for a wide variety of applications. We have hundreds of thousands of lines of F# code in production. We now use F# for all of our LOB apps: our credit card transactions are processed using F# code, our product notifications are sent using F# code, our subscriptions are handled using F# code, our accounts are done using F# code and so on. Perhaps the main language feature that pays dividends here is pattern matching. We even used F# to color syntax highlight our latest book...

Our visualization library is a big seller and its functionality centers on F# interactive running in Visual Studio. Our library augments this with the ability to spawn interactive 2D and 3D visualizations with minimal effort (e.g. just Plot([Function sin], (-6., 6.)) to plot a sine wave). In particular, all threading issues are completely automated so users do not have to worry about UI threads and dispatch. First-class functions and laziness were extremely valuable when writing this part of the library and algebraic datatypes were used extensively elsewhere. Predictable performance also proved to be valuable here when our customers hit performance bugs in WPF's hit testing and were easily able to reimplement the relevant code in F# for a 10,000× performance improvement. Due to the free-form nature of this product's GUI, the GUI designer and C# would not have been beneficial.

Much of our work revolves around numerical methods, including both our commercial libraries and books. F# is much stronger in this area than C# because it offers high-level abstractions (e.g. higher-order functions) with minimal performance penalties. Our most compelling result in this context was the creation of a simple but generalized implementation of QR decomposition from linear algebra that was 20× shorter than the Fortran code from the reference implementation of LAPACK, up to 3× faster than the vendor-tuned Intel Math Kernel Library and more generic because our code can handle matrices of any type, even symbolic matrices!
