对于区分大小写的重命名,git mv somefolder somefolder以前为我工作过,但今天由于某种原因没有。所以作为一个解决方案,我创建了一个新文件夹temp,将somefolder的所有内容移动到temp,删除somefolder,提交temp,然后创建somefolder,将temp的所有内容移动到somefolder,删除temp,提交并推送somefolder,它工作了!在git中显示为someFolder。
可以使用文件系统重命名目录。然后你可以做git rm <旧目录>和git add <新目录>(帮助页面)。然后你就可以承诺并推动。
在git中重命名是困难的,因为索引必须改变,并且树对象将在提交后创建。 我有重命名模板为模板的问题… 我用……解决了这个问题
copying Templates to templates in bash [cp -r Templates templates ] (git mv Templates templates will not work) removing Templates in bash [rm -r Templates ](check that the copying was successful first) Removing the Templates file from the index[use "git ls-files -s" to see the index, "git rm " you can use wildcards such as git rm Templates/*, continue checking the index] Adding the renamed paths to the index ("git add -v ." and check the result with "git ls-files -s" Commit ["git commit -m "renaming ... " If you have remotes git push <to wherever origin,
git mv <old name> <new name>
git mv casesensitive tmp
git mv tmp CaseSensitive
…然后是commit和push,这是在git repo中重命名目录的最简单方法。
$ rm <directory> // remove the directory
$ git add . // add changes to the git
$ git commit // commit removed directory
1. 将一个文件夹的名称从oldfolder改为newfolder
git mv oldfolder newfolder
2. 如果newfolder已经在你的存储库中&你想覆盖它并使用:- force
git mv -f oldfolder newfolder
不要忘记将更改添加到索引中,并在使用git mv重命名后提交。
简单地用普通mv命令重命名(不是git mv)将不会被识别为来自git的文件更改。如果您尝试使用' git mv '命令,如下面一行
git mv foldername folderName
fatal:重命名' foldername '失败:无效参数
git mv foldername tempname && git mv tempname folderName
This splits up the renaming process by renaming the folder at first to a completely different foldername. After renaming it to the different foldername the folder can finally be renamed to the new folderName. After those ‘git mv’s, again, do not forget to add and commit the changes. Though this is probably not a beautiful technique, it works perfectly fine. The filesystem will still not recognize a change of the letter cases, but git does due to renaming it to a new foldername, and that’s all we wanted :)
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