
usage: app_name [options] required_input required_input2
    -a, --argument     Does something
    -b required     Does something with "required"
    -c, --command required     Something else
    -d [optlistitem1 optlistitem 2 ... ]     Something with list





  my_program command --option <argument>
  my_program [<optional-argument>]
  my_program --another-option=<with-argument>
  my_program (--either-that-option | <or-this-argument>)
  my_program <repeating-argument> <repeating-argument>...



An option is a hyphen followed by a single alphanumeric character, like this: -o. An option may require an argument (which must appear immediately after the option); for example, -o argument or -oargument. Options that do not require arguments can be grouped after a hyphen, so, for example, -lst is equivalent to -t -l -s. Options can appear in any order; thus -lst is equivalent to -tls. Options can appear multiple times. Options precede other nonoption arguments: -lst nonoption. The -- argument terminates options. The - option is typically used to represent one of the standard input streams.


Description of what the app does Usage syntax, which: Uses [options] to indicate where the options go arg_name for a required, singular arg [arg_name] for an optional, singular arg arg_name... for a required arg of which there can be many (this is rare) [arg_name...] for an arg for which any number can be supplied note that arg_name should be a descriptive, short name, in lower, snake case A nicely-formatted list of options, each: having a short description showing the default value, if there is one showing the possible values, if that applies Note that if an option can accept a short form (e.g. -l) or a long form (e.g. --list), include them together on the same line, as their descriptions will be the same Brief indicator of the location of config files or environment variables that might be the source of command line arguments, e.g. GREP_OPTS If there is a man page, indicate as such, otherwise, a brief indicator of where more detailed help can be found



Component values may be arranged into property values as follows: Several juxtaposed words mean that all of them must occur, in the given order. A bar (|) separates two or more alternatives: exactly one of them must occur. A double bar (||) separates two or more options: one or more of them must occur, in any order. A double ampersand (&&) separates two or more components, all of which must occur, in any order. Brackets ([ ]) are for grouping. Juxtaposition is stronger than the double ampersand, the double ampersand is stronger than the double bar, and the double bar is stronger than the bar. Thus, the following lines are equivalent: a b | c || d && e f [ a b ] | [ c || [ d && [ e f ]]] Every type, keyword, or bracketed group may be followed by one of the following modifiers: An asterisk (*) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs zero or more times. A plus (+) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs one or more times. A question mark (?) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group is optional. A pair of numbers in curly braces ({A,B}) indicates that the preceding type, word, or group occurs at least A and at most B times.



$ pandoc <input_file>.md --from [markdown|commonmark_x][-smart]? --to html --standalone --table-of-contents? --number-sections? [--css <style_sheet>.css]? --output <output_file>.html



  my_program command --option <argument>
  my_program [<optional-argument>]
  my_program --another-option=<with-argument>
  my_program (--either-that-option | <or-this-argument>)
  my_program <repeating-argument> <repeating-argument>...
