
usage: app_name [options] required_input required_input2
    -a, --argument     Does something
    -b required     Does something with "required"
    -c, --command required     Something else
    -d [optlistitem1 optlistitem 2 ... ]     Something with list




This document is focused at developers of command line utilities. Collectively, our goal is to present a consistent, composable command line user experience. Achieving that allows a user to learn a core set of concepts (syntax, naming, behaviors, etc) and then be able to translate that knowledge into working with a large set of commands. Those commands should be able to output standardized streams of data in a standardized format to allow easy composition without the burden of parsing streams of output text. This document is written to be independent of any specific implementation of a shell, set of utilities or command creation technologies; however, Appendix J - Using Windows Powershell to implement the Microsoft Command Line Standard shows how using Windows PowerShell will provide implementation of many of these guidelines for free.




  my_program command --option <argument>
  my_program [<optional-argument>]
  my_program --another-option=<with-argument>
  my_program (--either-that-option | <or-this-argument>)
  my_program <repeating-argument> <repeating-argument>...


An option is a hyphen followed by a single alphanumeric character, like this: -o. An option may require an argument (which must appear immediately after the option); for example, -o argument or -oargument. Options that do not require arguments can be grouped after a hyphen, so, for example, -lst is equivalent to -t -l -s. Options can appear in any order; thus -lst is equivalent to -tls. Options can appear multiple times. Options precede other nonoption arguments: -lst nonoption. The -- argument terminates options. The - option is typically used to represent one of the standard input streams.








This document is focused at developers of command line utilities. Collectively, our goal is to present a consistent, composable command line user experience. Achieving that allows a user to learn a core set of concepts (syntax, naming, behaviors, etc) and then be able to translate that knowledge into working with a large set of commands. Those commands should be able to output standardized streams of data in a standardized format to allow easy composition without the burden of parsing streams of output text. This document is written to be independent of any specific implementation of a shell, set of utilities or command creation technologies; however, Appendix J - Using Windows Powershell to implement the Microsoft Command Line Standard shows how using Windows PowerShell will provide implementation of many of these guidelines for free.