
创建一个Cocoa Touch框架项目 添加一个swift文件和一个类Dog 为设备构建一个框架 在Swift中创建一个单视图应用程序 导入框架到应用程序项目 从ViewController中的框架实例化swift类 在设备上构建并运行应用程序


dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FrameworkTest03.framework/FrameworkTest03
  Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FA6BAAC8-1AAD-49B4-8326-F30F66458CB6/FrameworkTest03App.app/FrameworkTest03App
  Reason: image not found

I have tried to build on iOS 7.1 and 8.0 devices, they both have the same crash. However, I can build an app and run on the simulator fine. Also, I am aware that I can change the framework to form Required to Optional in Link Binary With Libraries, but it did not completely resolve the problem, the app crashed when I create an instance of Dog. The behavior is different on the device and simulator, I suspect that we can't distribute a framework for the device using a beta version of Xcode. Can anyone shed light on this?





After trying all the methods available on internet and my own trial and error tricks 100 times. Finally I was able to solve it. – Apeksha Sahu 6 mins ago Goto iTunes in Mac --> accounts-->Authorize this computer – Apeksha Sahu 5 mins ago second step.... Goto developer in settings in iPad and iPhone and reindex with identifiers and clear trust computers everything. It worked for me........ ....... After reinstalling Mac OSHigh seria 10.13.15 version from Mac OS seirra beta latest version, to reinstalling Xcode latest version, after updating all certificates. etc etc etc... as many methods as you can think I did. –

如果你使用的是Xcode 11或更新版本:


向下滚动到框架、库和嵌入式内容。 如有必要,请确保为“嵌入”选项选择了“嵌入&签名”或“嵌入不签名”值。



dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/<some_path>
Referenced from: <some_path>
Reason: image not found


Check if the dynamic framework was added to the front target General -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content (Embedded Binaries). It is very simple to drag-and-drop a framework to project with Copy items if needed[About] and miss to add the framework as implicit dependency in Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content(or check in Add to targets). In this case during compile time Xcode build it as success but when you run it you get runtime error Check the @rpath setup between consumer(application) and producer(dynamic framework):

动态框架: 构建设置->动态库安装名称 应用程序: 构建设置->运行路径搜索路径 构建阶段->嵌入框架->目标,子路径



Dynamic Library Install Name(LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME) which is used by loadable bundle(Dynamic framework as a derivative) where dyld come into play Dynamic Library Install Name - path to binary file(not .framework). Yes, they have the same name, but MyFramework.framework is a packaged bundle with MyFramework binary file and resources inside. This path to directory can be absolute or relative(e.g. @executable_path, @loader_path, @rpath). Relative path is more preferable because it is changed together with an anchor that is useful when you distribute your bundle as a single directory


//Framework1 Dynamic Library Install Name



@executable_path -相对于加载框架的可执行二进制文件 用例:应用程序内部的动态框架(应用程序二进制路径 是@executable_path)或更复杂的应用程序扩展[关于]的例子,它是包含动态框架的应用程序的一部分。@executable_path用于应用程序目标(应用程序二进制路径为@executable_path)和应用程序扩展目标(应用程序扩展二进制路径为@executable_path)

//Application bundle(`.app` package) absolute path

//Application binary absolute path 

//Framework2 binary absolute path

//Framework2 @executable_path == Application binary absolute path <-

//Framework2 Dynamic Library Install Name 

//Framework2 binary resolved absolute path by dyld


@loader_path -相对于导致框架被加载的bundle。如果它是一个应用程序,那么它将与@executable_path相同 用例:框架和嵌入式框架- Framework3_1和Framework3_2在里面

//Framework3_1 binary absolute path

//Framework3_2 binary absolute path

//Framework3_1 @executable_path == Application binary absolute path <-

//Framework3_1 @loader_path == Framework3_1 @executable_path <-

//Framework3_2 @executable_path == Application binary absolute path <-

//Framework3_2 @loader_path == Framework3_1 binary absolute path <-

//Framework3_2 Dynamic Library Install Name 

//Framework3_2 binary resolved absolute path by dyld

@rpath -跑道路径搜索路径




Application: Runpath Search Paths(LD_RUNPATH_SEARCH_PATHS) - @rpath - defines a list of templates which will be substituted with @rpath. Consumer uses @rpath word to point on this list @executable_path/../Frameworks Review Build Phases -> Embed Frameworks -> Destination, Subpath to be sure where exactly the embed framework is located Dynamic Framework: Dynamic Library Install Name(LD_DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME) - points that @rpath is used together with local bundle path to a binary @rpath/Framework2.framework/subfolder1

//Application Runpath Search Paths

//Framework2 Dynamic Library Install Name

//Framework2 binary resolved absolute path by dyld
//Framework2 @rpath is replaced by each element of Application Runpath Search Paths

* . ./ -进入当前目录的父目录


//-L print shared libraries used
//Application otool -L

//Framework2 otool -L

//-l print the load commands
//Application otool -l


//Framework2 otool -l




(Java ClassLoader)

在我的案例中,我的项目是用objective-c编写的,库中有Swift文件。所以我把项目Build Settings选项卡中的“Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries”改为“Yes”,它变得完全ok了。