



github-make-pr-branch ssh your-github-username orig_repo_user orig_repo_name new-feature




Same as Tim and Farhan wrote: Fork your own copy of the project: After a few seconds, you'll be redirected to your own forked copy of the project: Navigate to the file(s) you need to change and click "Edit this file" in the toolbar: After editing, write a few words describing the changes and then "Commit changes", just as well to the master branch (since this is only your own copy and not the "main" project). Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all files you need to edit, and then go back to the root of your copy of the project. There, click the green "Compare, review..." button: Finally, click "Create pull request" ..and then "Create pull request" again after you've double-checked your request's heading and description:


git push -u origin <branch>



Fork的回购在github 通过点击克隆回购按钮获得克隆url 打开终端,运行git clone <clone url你之前复制的> 为你所做的更改创建一个分支git checkout -b branch-name 做出必要的改变 git Commit提交你的更改 在GitHub上将你的更改推送到你的fork上git Push origin branch-name 去你的GitHub上的分叉看到一个比较和拉请求按钮 点击它并给出必要的细节


$ git clone https://github.com/tim-peterson/dwolla-php.git
$ cd dwolla-php
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/Dwolla/dwolla-php.git
$ git fetch upstream
// make your changes to this newly cloned, local repo 
$ git add .
$ git commit -m '1st commit to dwolla'
$ git push origin master

Part 1: fork someone's repo: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo click the 'fork' button on the repo you want to contribute to, in this case: Dwolla's PHP repo (Dwolla/dwolla-php) get the URL for your newly created fork, in this case: https://github.com/tim-peterson/dwolla-php.git (tim-peterson/dwolla-php) type the git clone->cd dwolla-php->git remote->git fetch sequence above to clone your fork somewhere in your computer (i.e., "copy/paste" it to, in this case: third_party TimPeterson$) and sync it with the master repo (Dwolla/dwolla-php) make your changes to your local repo type the git add->git commit->git push sequence above to push your changes to the remote repo, i.e., your fork on Github (tim-peterson/dwolla-php) Part 2: make pull-request: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests go to your fork's webpage on Github (https://github.com/tim-peterson/dwolla-php) click 'pull-request' button give pull-request a name, fill in details of what changes you made, click submit button. you're done!!



github-make-pr-branch ssh your-github-username orig_repo_user orig_repo_name new-feature
