Fork a repository (to which you want to make a pull request). Just click the fork button the the repository page and you will have a separate github repository preceded with your github username. Clone the repository to your local machine. The Github software that you installed on your local machine can do this for you. Click the clone button beside the repository name. Make local changes/commits to the files sync the changes go to your github forked repository and click the "Compare & Review" green button besides the branch button. (The button has icon - no text) A new page will open showing your changes and then click the pull request link, that will send the request to the original owner of the repository you forked.
Same as Tim and Farhan wrote: Fork your own copy of the project: After a few seconds, you'll be redirected to your own forked copy of the project: Navigate to the file(s) you need to change and click "Edit this file" in the toolbar: After editing, write a few words describing the changes and then "Commit changes", just as well to the master branch (since this is only your own copy and not the "main" project). Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all files you need to edit, and then go back to the root of your copy of the project. There, click the green "Compare, review..." button: Finally, click "Create pull request" ..and then "Create pull request" again after you've double-checked your request's heading and description:
(除了官方的“GitHub帮助'使用拉请求'页面”外, 参见“GitHub中的分叉vs.分支”,“GitHub中的起源和上游之间的区别是什么”)
create a branch: isolate your modifications in a branch. Don't create a pull request from master, where you could be tempted to accumulate and mix several modifications at once. rebase that branch: even if you already did a pull request from that branch, rebasing it on top of origin/master (making sure your patch is still working) will update the pull request automagically (no need to click on anything) update that branch: if your pull request is rejected, you simply can add new commits, and/or redo your history completely: it will activate your existing pull request again. "focus" that branch: i.e., make its topic "tight", don't modify thousands of class and the all app, only add or fix a well-defined feature, keeping the changes small. delete that branch: once accepted, you can safely delete that branch on your fork (and git remote prune origin). The GitHub GUI will propose for you to delete your branch in your pull-request page.
注意:要编写pull - request本身,请参见“如何编写完美的pull request”(2015年1月,GitHub)
合并后删除分支也被简化了。 我们不再使用额外的步骤确认删除,而是在您删除分支时立即删除它,并提供一个方便的链接,以便在您再次需要它时恢复该分支。
Pull request不是一个官方的“git”术语。 Git使用request-pull(!)命令构建一个合并请求: 它“总结两次提交到标准输出之间的更改,并在生成的摘要中包含给定的URL。” Github在第一天(2008年2月)推出了自己的版本,但在2010年5月重新设计了该功能,并声明: Pull Request =比较视图+问题+提交注释
最简单的GitHub Pull Request来自web界面,不使用git。
Register a GitHub account, login then go to the page in the repository you want to change. Click the pencil icon, search for text near the location, make any edits you want then preview them to confirm. Give the proposed change a description up to 50 characters and optionally an extended description then click the Propose file Change button. If you're reading this you won't have write access to the repository (project folders) so GitHub will create a copy of the repository (actually a branch) in your account. Click the Create pull request button. Give the Pull Request a description and add any comments then click Create pull request button.
Fork的回购在github 通过点击克隆回购按钮获得克隆url 打开终端,运行git clone <clone url你之前复制的> 为你所做的更改创建一个分支git checkout -b branch-name 做出必要的改变 git Commit提交你的更改 在GitHub上将你的更改推送到你的fork上git Push origin branch-name 去你的GitHub上的分叉看到一个比较和拉请求按钮 点击它并给出必要的细节
Fork a repository (to which you want to make a pull request). Just click the fork button the the repository page and you will have a separate github repository preceded with your github username. Clone the repository to your local machine. The Github software that you installed on your local machine can do this for you. Click the clone button beside the repository name. Make local changes/commits to the files sync the changes go to your github forked repository and click the "Compare & Review" green button besides the branch button. (The button has icon - no text) A new page will open showing your changes and then click the pull request link, that will send the request to the original owner of the repository you forked.
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