自应用发布以来,我一直在使用Android Studio开发应用。


为此,我必须打开DDMS >文件资源管理器。一旦我打开DDMS,我必须重新连接USB,我失去了调试线程。在检查数据库文件之后,我必须关闭DDMS并重新连接USB以回到调试模式。

这太复杂了。有人有更好的方法来做到这一点在Android Studio(我知道它更容易在Eclipse) ?



Install DB Browser for SQLite Get the exact location from Device File Explorer for MyBase.db something like "/data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db" Set the project window from Android to Project - so you can see the files (build.gradle, gradle.properties,...etc) In Project window right click and chose Open in Terminal In terminal you are now in the root director of your application from the hardisk so execute: adb pull /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db Now on the Project window of you Android Studio you have a file "MyBase.db" Double click your db file from Project and you can now browse/edit your databases in DB Browser When you are ready just do Write Changes in DB Browser so databases are saved on hardisk In terminal with the command: adb push MyBase.db /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db you just send from the Hardisk to device the edited database.



Install DB Browser for SQLite Get the exact location from Device File Explorer for MyBase.db something like "/data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db" Set the project window from Android to Project - so you can see the files (build.gradle, gradle.properties,...etc) In Project window right click and chose Open in Terminal In terminal you are now in the root director of your application from the hardisk so execute: adb pull /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db Now on the Project window of you Android Studio you have a file "MyBase.db" Double click your db file from Project and you can now browse/edit your databases in DB Browser When you are ready just do Write Changes in DB Browser so databases are saved on hardisk In terminal with the command: adb push MyBase.db /data/data/com.whatever.myapp/databases/MyBase.db you just send from the Hardisk to device the edited database.

Android Studio从4.1版开始就绑定了一个数据库检查器。



我使用windows 7,我的设备是一个模拟的android设备API 23。我想对于任何真实的设备都是一样的,只要它是根设备,API不超过23

进入工具-> Android -> Android设备监视器。 进入文件资源管理器。在我的例子中,它在data/data//app_webview/databases/file_0/1中


在Arctic fox Studio中,它位于底部工具栏中的“App Inspection”

虽然这是一个很老的问题,但我认为它今天仍然有意义。在最新版本的android studio中,我找到了一种方法来查看它(我不确定以前的版本中是否可用)。]



Go to View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer Then the folder data > data and you will see applications lists. There scroll down a little bit and see the package [ your package for application ]. After finding your package, see databases folder and select file, right click it and save [ download ] As you can't see the data directly, there is a tool, DB Browser for SQLite, go website https://sqlitebrowser.org/ Open Db browser and click open database and choose the database table you downloaded and it will show you the data.



点击它,你会看到数据库。 但是,请确保API的最小级别是26,如果不通过构建更改它。gradle文件作为minSdkVersion 26