自应用发布以来,我一直在使用Android Studio开发应用。
为此,我必须打开DDMS >文件资源管理器。一旦我打开DDMS,我必须重新连接USB,我失去了调试线程。在检查数据库文件之后,我必须关闭DDMS并重新连接USB以回到调试模式。
这太复杂了。有人有更好的方法来做到这一点在Android Studio(我知道它更容易在Eclipse) ?
从Android Studio查看数据库:
Download and install SQLiteBrowser.
Copy the database from the device to your PC:
Android Studio versions < 3.0:
Open DDMS via Tools > Android > Android Device Monitor
Click on your device on the left.
You should see your application:
Go to File Explorer (one of the tabs on the right), go to /data/data/databases
Select the database by just clicking on it.
Go to the top right corner of the Android Device Monitor window. Click on the 'pull a file from the device' button:
A window will open asking you where you want to save your database file. Save it anywhere you want on your PC.
Android Studio versions >= 3.0:
Open Device File Explorer via View > Tool Windows > Device File Explorer
Go to data > data > PACKAGE_NAME > database, where PACKAGE_NAME is the name of your package (it is com.Movie in the example above)
Right click on the database and select Save As.... Save it anywhere you want on your PC.
Now, open the SQLiteBrowser you installed. Click on 'open database', navigate to the location you saved the database file, and open. You can now view the contents of your database.
Follow the above steps to open the database folder of your app in Android Device explorer and in there you can see six files, The first three is named as android and the last three is named as your database name. You only have to work with the last three files, save these three files at your preferred location. You can save these files by right-clicking to the file and click save as button (like I have my database named as room_database and so three files are named as room_database, room_database-shm, and room_database-wal. Rename the corresponding file as follows:-
2) room_database-shm到room_database.db-shm
3) room_database-wal到room_database.db-wal
# Android Studio 4.1 Canary 6及更高版本
你可以使用非常简单的Android Studio的数据库检查器功能。
在这里,您可以使用新的数据库检查器检查,查询和修改应用程序的数据库。例如,你可以通过修改数据库中的值来调试正在运行的应用程序,并在不离开Android Studio的情况下在设备上实时测试这些更改。
首先,将应用程序部署到运行API级别26或更高的设备上,并从菜单栏中选择“查看>工具Windows >数据库检查器”。
# Android Studio 4.0及以下版本
首先,在Android Studio中安装数据库导航插件
第二,重启Android Studio
第三,将数据库保存到默认位置,如:(C:\Users\User .
i.e . (C)
编码快乐! !
要知道sqlite数据库存储由你在android studio,你需要遵循简单的步骤:
1.Run your application
2.Go to Tools--->Android---->Device Monitor
3.Find your application name in left panel
4.Then click on File Explorer tab
5.Select data folder
6.Select data folder again and find your app or module name
7.Click on your database name
8.On right-top window you have an option to pull file from device.
9.Click it and save it on your PC
10.Use FireFox Sqlite manager to attach it to your project.