int my_printf(char *fmt, ...) {
fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#define Option_VariadicMacro(f, ...)\
printf("printing using format: %s", f);\
printf(f, __VA_ARGS__)
int Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn(const char * f, ... )
int r;
va_list args;
printf("printing using format: %s", f);
va_start(args, f);
r = vprintf(f, args);
return r;
void main()
const char * f = "%s %s %s\n";
const char * a = "One";
const char * b = "Two";
const char * c = "Three";
printf("---- Normal Print ----\n");
printf(f, a, b, c);
printf("---- Option_VariadicMacro ----\n");
Option_VariadicMacro(f, a, b, c);
printf("---- Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn ----\n");
Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn(f, a, b, c);
Not sure if this helps to answer OP's question since I do not know why the restriction for using a helper function akin to vfprintf in the wrapper function applies. I think the key problem here is that forwarding the variadic argument list without interpreting them is difficult. What is possible, is to perform the formatting (using a helper function akin to vfprintf: vsnprintf) and forward the formatted output to the wrapped function with variadic arguments (i.e. not modifying the definition of the wrapped function). So, here we go:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
int my_printf(char *fmt, ...)
if (fmt == NULL) {
/* Invalid format pointer */
return -1;
} else {
va_list args;
int len;
/* Initialize a variable argument list */
va_start(args, fmt);
/* Get length of format including arguments */
len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args);
/* End using variable argument list */
if (len < 0) {
/* vsnprintf failed */
return -1;
} else {
/* Declare a character buffer for the formatted string */
char formatted[len + 1];
/* Initialize a variable argument list */
va_start(args, fmt);
/* Write the formatted output */
vsnprintf(formatted, sizeof(formatted), fmt, args);
/* End using variable argument list */
/* Call the wrapped function using the formatted output and return */
fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt);
return printf("%s", formatted);
int main()
/* Expected output: Test
* Expected error: Calling printf with fmt Test
/* Expected output: Test
* Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
my_printf("%s\n", "Test");
//printf("%s\n", "Test");
/* Expected output: %s
* Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
my_printf("%s\n", "%s");
//printf("%s\n", "%s");
return 0;
static BOOL(__cdecl *OriginalVarArgsFunction)(BYTE variable1, char* format, ...)(0x12345678); //TODO: change address lolz
BOOL __cdecl HookedVarArgsFunction(BYTE variable1, char* format, ...)
BOOL res;
va_list vl;
va_start(vl, format);
// Get variable arguments count from disasm. -2 because of existing 'format', 'variable1'
uint32_t argCount = *((uint8_t*)_ReturnAddress() + 2) / sizeof(void*) - 2;
printf("arg count = %d\n", argCount);
// ((int( __cdecl* )(const char*, ...))&oldCode)(fmt, ...);
mov eax, argCount
test eax, eax
je noLoop
mov edx, vl
loop1 :
push dword ptr[edx + eax * 4 - 4]
sub eax, 1
jnz loop1
noLoop :
push format
push variable1
//lea eax, [oldCode] // oldCode - original function pointer
mov eax, OriginalVarArgsFunction
call eax
mov res, eax
mov eax, argCount
lea eax, [eax * 4 + 8] //+8 because 2 parameters (format and variable1)
add esp, eax
return res;