
int my_printf(char *fmt, ...) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt);




Not sure if this helps to answer OP's question since I do not know why the restriction for using a helper function akin to vfprintf in the wrapper function applies. I think the key problem here is that forwarding the variadic argument list without interpreting them is difficult. What is possible, is to perform the formatting (using a helper function akin to vfprintf: vsnprintf) and forward the formatted output to the wrapped function with variadic arguments (i.e. not modifying the definition of the wrapped function). So, here we go:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int my_printf(char *fmt, ...)
    if (fmt == NULL) {
        /* Invalid format pointer */
        return -1;
    } else {
        va_list args;
        int len;

        /* Initialize a variable argument list */
        va_start(args, fmt);

        /* Get length of format including arguments */
        len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args);

        /* End using variable argument list */
        if (len < 0) {
            /* vsnprintf failed */
            return -1;
        } else {
            /* Declare a character buffer for the formatted string */
            char formatted[len + 1];

            /* Initialize a variable argument list */
            va_start(args, fmt);
            /* Write the formatted output */
            vsnprintf(formatted, sizeof(formatted), fmt, args);
            /* End using variable argument list */

            /* Call the wrapped function using the formatted output and return */
            fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt);
            return printf("%s", formatted);

int main()
    /* Expected output: Test
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt Test

    /* Expected output: Test
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
    my_printf("%s\n", "Test");
    //printf("%s\n", "Test");

    /* Expected output: %s
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
    my_printf("%s\n", "%s");
    //printf("%s\n", "%s");

    return 0;




Not sure if this helps to answer OP's question since I do not know why the restriction for using a helper function akin to vfprintf in the wrapper function applies. I think the key problem here is that forwarding the variadic argument list without interpreting them is difficult. What is possible, is to perform the formatting (using a helper function akin to vfprintf: vsnprintf) and forward the formatted output to the wrapped function with variadic arguments (i.e. not modifying the definition of the wrapped function). So, here we go:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int my_printf(char *fmt, ...)
    if (fmt == NULL) {
        /* Invalid format pointer */
        return -1;
    } else {
        va_list args;
        int len;

        /* Initialize a variable argument list */
        va_start(args, fmt);

        /* Get length of format including arguments */
        len = vsnprintf(NULL, 0, fmt, args);

        /* End using variable argument list */
        if (len < 0) {
            /* vsnprintf failed */
            return -1;
        } else {
            /* Declare a character buffer for the formatted string */
            char formatted[len + 1];

            /* Initialize a variable argument list */
            va_start(args, fmt);
            /* Write the formatted output */
            vsnprintf(formatted, sizeof(formatted), fmt, args);
            /* End using variable argument list */

            /* Call the wrapped function using the formatted output and return */
            fprintf(stderr, "Calling printf with fmt %s", fmt);
            return printf("%s", formatted);

int main()
    /* Expected output: Test
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt Test

    /* Expected output: Test
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
    my_printf("%s\n", "Test");
    //printf("%s\n", "Test");

    /* Expected output: %s
     * Expected error: Calling printf with fmt %s
    my_printf("%s\n", "%s");
    //printf("%s\n", "%s");

    return 0;




这个头文件允许包装x86_64和i386 (GCC)的可变函数。它不适用于浮点实参,但应该可以直接扩展以支持浮点实参。

#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>

/* This macros allow wrapping variadic functions.
 * Currently we don't care about floating point arguments and
 * we assume that the standard calling conventions are used.
 * The wrapper function has to start with VA_WRAP_PROLOGUE()
 * and the original function can be called by
 * VA_WRAP_CALL(function, ret), whereas the return value will
 * be stored in ret.  The caller has to provide ret
 * even if the original function was returning void.

#define __VA_WRAP_CALL_FUNC __attribute__ ((noinline))

#define VA_WRAP_CALL_COMMON()                                        \
    uintptr_t va_wrap_this_bp,va_wrap_old_bp;                        \
    va_wrap_this_bp  = va_wrap_get_bp();                             \
    va_wrap_old_bp   = *(uintptr_t *) va_wrap_this_bp;               \
    va_wrap_this_bp += 2 * sizeof(uintptr_t);                        \
    size_t volatile va_wrap_size = va_wrap_old_bp - va_wrap_this_bp; \
    uintptr_t *va_wrap_stack = alloca(va_wrap_size);                 \
    memcpy((void *) va_wrap_stack,                                   \
        (void *)(va_wrap_this_bp), va_wrap_size);

#if ( __WORDSIZE == 64 )

/* System V AMD64 AB calling convention */

static inline uintptr_t __attribute__((always_inline)) 
    uintptr_t ret;
    asm volatile ("mov %%rbp, %0":"=r"(ret));
    return ret;

#define VA_WRAP_PROLOGUE()           \
    uintptr_t va_wrap_ret;           \
    uintptr_t va_wrap_saved_args[7]; \
    asm volatile  (                  \
    "mov %%rsi,     (%%rax)\n\t"     \
    "mov %%rdi,  0x8(%%rax)\n\t"     \
    "mov %%rdx, 0x10(%%rax)\n\t"     \
    "mov %%rcx, 0x18(%%rax)\n\t"     \
    "mov %%r8,  0x20(%%rax)\n\t"     \
    "mov %%r9,  0x28(%%rax)\n\t"     \
    :                                \
    :"a"(va_wrap_saved_args)         \

#define VA_WRAP_CALL(func, ret)            \
    VA_WRAP_CALL_COMMON();                 \
    va_wrap_saved_args[6] = (uintptr_t)va_wrap_stack;  \
    asm volatile (                         \
    "mov      (%%rax), %%rsi \n\t"         \
    "mov   0x8(%%rax), %%rdi \n\t"         \
    "mov  0x10(%%rax), %%rdx \n\t"         \
    "mov  0x18(%%rax), %%rcx \n\t"         \
    "mov  0x20(%%rax),  %%r8 \n\t"         \
    "mov  0x28(%%rax),  %%r9 \n\t"         \
    "mov           $0, %%rax \n\t"         \
    "call             *%%rbx \n\t"         \
    : "=a" (va_wrap_ret)                   \
    : "b" (func), "a" (va_wrap_saved_args) \
    :  "%rcx", "%rdx",                     \
      "%rsi", "%rdi", "%r8", "%r9",        \
      "%r10", "%r11", "%r12", "%r14",      \
      "%r15"                               \
    );                                     \
    ret = (typeof(ret)) va_wrap_ret;


/* x86 stdcall */

static inline uintptr_t __attribute__((always_inline))
    uintptr_t ret;
    asm volatile ("mov %%ebp, %0":"=a"(ret));
    return ret;

#define VA_WRAP_PROLOGUE() \
    uintptr_t va_wrap_ret;

#define VA_WRAP_CALL(func, ret)        \
    VA_WRAP_CALL_COMMON();             \
    asm volatile (                     \
    "mov    %2, %%esp \n\t"            \
    "call  *%1        \n\t"            \
    : "=a"(va_wrap_ret)                \
    : "r" (func),                      \
      "r"(va_wrap_stack)               \
    : "%ebx", "%ecx", "%edx"   \
    );                                 \
    ret = (typeof(ret))va_wrap_ret;



int __VA_WRAP_CALL_FUNC wrap_printf(char *str, ...)
    int ret;
    VA_WRAP_CALL(printf, ret);
    printf("printf returned with %d \n", ret);
    return ret;



#include <stdarg.h>

int m_printf(char *fmt, ...)
    int ret;

    /* Declare a va_list type variable */
    va_list myargs;

    /* Initialise the va_list variable with the ... after fmt */

    va_start(myargs, fmt);

    /* Forward the '...' to vprintf */
    ret = vprintf(fmt, myargs);

    /* Clean up the va_list */

    return ret;







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#define Option_VariadicMacro(f, ...)\
    printf("printing using format: %s", f);\
    printf(f, __VA_ARGS__)

int Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn(const char * f, ... )
    int r;
    va_list args;

    printf("printing using format: %s", f);
    va_start(args, f);
    r = vprintf(f, args);
    return r;

void main()
    const char * f = "%s %s %s\n";
    const char * a = "One";
    const char * b = "Two";
    const char * c = "Three";
    printf("---- Normal Print ----\n");
    printf(f, a, b, c);
    printf("---- Option_VariadicMacro ----\n");
    Option_VariadicMacro(f, a, b, c);
    printf("---- Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn ----\n");
    Option_ResolveVariadicAndPassOn(f, a, b, c);

Yes you can do it, but it is somewhat ugly and you have to know the maximal number of arguments. Furthermore if you are on an architecture where the arguments aren't passed on the stack like the x86 (for instance, PowerPC), you will have to know if "special" types (double, floats, altivec etc.) are used and if so, deal with them accordingly. It can be painful quickly but if you are on x86 or if the original function has a well defined and limited perimeter, it can work. It still will be a hack, use it for debugging purpose. Do not build you software around that. Anyway, here's a working example on x86:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

int old_variadic_function(int n, ...)
  va_list args;
  int i = 0;

  va_start(args, n);

  if(i++<n) printf("arg %d is 0x%x\n", i, va_arg(args, int));
  if(i++<n) printf("arg %d is %g\n",   i, va_arg(args, double));
  if(i++<n) printf("arg %d is %g\n",   i, va_arg(args, double));


  return n;

int old_variadic_function_wrapper(int n, ...)
  va_list args;
  int a1;
  int a2;
  int a3;
  int a4;
  int a5;
  int a6;
  int a7;
  int a8;

  /* Do some work, possibly with another va_list to access arguments */

  /* Work done */

  va_start(args, n);

  a1 = va_arg(args, int);
  a2 = va_arg(args, int);
  a3 = va_arg(args, int);
  a4 = va_arg(args, int);
  a5 = va_arg(args, int);
  a6 = va_arg(args, int);
  a7 = va_arg(args, int);


  return old_variadic_function(n, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);

int main(void)
  printf("Call 1: 1, 0x123\n");
  old_variadic_function(1, 0x123);
  printf("Call 2: 2, 0x456, 1.234\n");
  old_variadic_function(2, 0x456, 1.234);
  printf("Call 3: 3, 0x456, 4.456, 7.789\n");
  old_variadic_function(3, 0x456, 4.456, 7.789);
  printf("Wrapped call 1: 1, 0x123\n");
  old_variadic_function_wrapper(1, 0x123);
  printf("Wrapped call 2: 2, 0x456, 1.234\n");
  old_variadic_function_wrapper(2, 0x456, 1.234);
  printf("Wrapped call 3: 3, 0x456, 4.456, 7.789\n");
  old_variadic_function_wrapper(3, 0x456, 4.456, 7.789);

  return 0;

For some reason, you can't use floats with va_arg, gcc says they are converted to double but the program crashes. That alone demonstrates that this solution is a hack and that there is no general solution. In my example I assumed that the maximum number of arguments was 8, but you can increase that number. The wrapped function also only used integers but it works the same way with other 'normal' parameters since they always cast to integers. The target function will know their types but your intermediary wrapper doesn't need to. The wrapper also doesn't need to know the right number of arguments since the target function will also know it. To do useful work (except just logging the call), you probably will have to know both though.