我用的是Windows 7。
我用的是Windows 7。
如果全部回答不通过,可以从命令行执行资源生成: 进入Eclipse项目目录。 然后运行
aapt.exe package -f -v -m -S res -J src -M AndroidManifest.xml -I ANDROID_HOME/platforms/android-XXX/android.jar
只需用适当的值更改ANDROIRD_HOME和XXX。 您应该在屏幕上获得错误所在的信息。
[null] invalid resource directory name: /Users/gubatron/workspace.android/my-project/res/untitled folder
'No such file or directory' while attempting to get adb version from '/home/patrick/code/android-sdks/platform-tools/adb'
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
详见:Android adb未找到
Make sure that anything the R. links to is not broken. Fix all errors in your XML files. If anything in the ADKs are broken, R will not regenerate. If you somehow hit something and created import android.R in your activity, remove it. Run Project -> Clean. This will delete and regenerate R and BuildConfig. Make sure Project -> Build Automatically is ticked. If not, build it manually via Menu -> Project -> Build Project . Wait a few seconds for the errors to disappear. If it doesn't work, delete everything inside the /gen/ folder If it still doesn't work, try right-clicking your project -> Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties. Check your *.properties files (in the root folder of your app folder) and make sure that the links in there are not broken. Right-click your project > properties > Android. Look at the Project Build Target and Library sections on the right side of the page. Your Build Target should match the target in your AndroidManifest.xml. So if it's set to target 17 in AndroidManifest, make sure that the Target Name is Android 4.2. If your Library has an X under the reference, remove and re-add the library until there's a green tick. This might happen if you've moved a few files and folders around.
Check errors inside your XML files, mainly within the /res/ folder Common places are /layout/ and /values/, especially if you've changed one of them recently Check AndroidManifest.xml. I find that often I change a string and forget to change the string name from AndroidManifest.xml. Check that Android SDK Build-tools is installed. Window -> Android SDK Manager -> Tools -> Android SDK Build-tools Make sure when you update the Android SDK Tools, you also update the Android SDK Platform-tools and Android ADK Build-tools. Build fails silently if they don't match. If you can't find the issue, right click /gen/ -> Restore from local history... -> tick R.java -> click Restore. Even if it doesn't solve the problem, it will clear out the extra errors to make the problem easier to find.