关于Python和CPython (Jython,IronPython)有什么大惊小怪的,我不明白:



还有一个Stack Overflow问题提到:










Jython, IronPython和PyPy是目前Python编程语言的“其他”实现;它们分别用Java、c#和RPython (Python的一个子集)实现。Jython将您的Python代码编译为Java字节码,因此您的Python代码可以在JVM上运行。IronPython允许您在Microsoft CLR上运行Python。而PyPy,是在Python(子集)中实现的,可以让你比CPython更快地运行Python代码,这应该会让你大吃一惊。: -)



implementation是指使用什么语言来实现Python,而不是如何实现Python代码。使用CPython的优点是C运行时的可用性以及与C/ c++的容易集成。

所以CPython最初是使用c实现的。原始实现的其他分支使Python能够利用Java (JYthon)或。net Runtime (IronPython)。

根据您使用的实现,库的可用性可能会有所不同,例如,在Jython中不可用Ctypes,因此任何使用Ctypes的库都不能在Jython中工作。类似地,如果你想使用Java类,你不能直接从CPython中这样做。你要么需要一个胶水(JEPP),要么需要使用Jython (Python的Java实现)









Python是一种语言。 CPython是Python在c语言中的实现,Jython是Java语言中的实现,等等。



你应该看看python wiki上的这个页面。



首先要意识到“Python”是一个接口。有一个 Python应该做什么以及它应该如何表现(如 任何接口)。并且有多种实现(如 任何接口)。 要意识到的第二件事是“解释”和“编译” 实现的属性,而不是接口的属性。

甚至我也有同样的问题,理解CPython, JPython, IronPython, PyPy是如何彼此不同的。


Python:它是一种语言,它只声明/描述如何向解释器(接受你的Python代码的程序)传达/表达你自己。 实现:解释器是如何编写的,具体来说,是用什么语言编写的,以及它最终会做什么。 字节码:它是由程序处理的代码,通常被称为虚拟机,而不是由“真正的”计算机机器,即硬件处理器。

CPython是它的实现 用C语言编写。它最终产生字节码(堆栈机器 基于指令集),这是特定于Python的,然后执行它。 将Python代码转换为字节码的原因是它更容易 实现一个解释器,如果它看起来像机器指令。但是, 方法执行之前,没有必要生成一些字节码 Python代码(但CPython会生成)。


>>> def f(x, y):                # line 1
...    print("Hello")           # line 2
...    if x:                    # line 3
...       y += x                # line 4
...    print(x, y)              # line 5
...    return x+y               # line 6
...                             # line 7
>>> import dis                  # line 8
>>> dis.dis(f)                  # line 9
  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print)
              2 LOAD_CONST               1 ('Hello')
              4 CALL_FUNCTION            1
              6 POP_TOP

  3           8 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             10 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       20

  4          12 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
             14 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             16 INPLACE_ADD
             18 STORE_FAST               1 (y)

  5     >>   20 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (print)
             22 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             24 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
             26 CALL_FUNCTION            2
             28 POP_TOP

  6          30 LOAD_FAST                0 (x)
             32 LOAD_FAST                1 (y)
             34 BINARY_ADD


注意:我从#python IRC频道:https://gist.github.com/nedbat/e89fa710db0edfb9057dc8d18d979f9c获得了这段代码的链接

And then, there is Jython, which is written in Java and ends up producing Java byte code. The Java byte code runs on Java Runtime Environment, which is an implementation of Java Virtual Machine (JVM). If this is confusing then I suspect that you have no clue how Java works. In layman terms, Java (the language, not the compiler) code is taken by the Java compiler and outputs a file (which is Java byte code) that can be run only using a JRE. This is done so that, once the Java code is compiled then it can be ported to other machines in Java byte code format, which can be only run by JRE. If this is still confusing then you may want to have a look at this web page.




The original, and standard, implementation of Python is usually called CPython when you want to contrast it with the other options (and just plain “Python” otherwise). This name comes from the fact that it is coded in portable ANSI C language code. This is the Python that you fetch from http://www.python.org, get with the ActivePython and Enthought distributions, and have automatically on most Linux and Mac OS X machines. If you’ve found a preinstalled version of Python on your machine, it’s probably CPython, unless your company or organization is using Python in more specialized ways.

除非你想用Python编写Java或。net应用程序的脚本,或者找到其中的好处 如果你不想使用Stackless或PyPy,你可能想使用标准的CPython系统。 因为它是该语言的参考实现,所以它倾向于运行 最快、最完整、比替代方案更新更及时、更健壮 系统。



解释:解释器将某种语言的程序作为输入,并在某些机器上执行用该语言编写的操作。 编译:编译器将某种语言的程序作为输入,并将该程序翻译成另一种语言,该语言可作为另一解释器或另一编译器的输入。

Python是一种解释性高级编程语言,由Guido van Rossum于1991年创建。

CPython是Python计算语言的参考版本,它也是由Guido van Rossum创建的C语言编写的。


由于python是开源的,这就是为什么我们可以根据我们的需求定制python。自定义之后,我们可以根据需要命名该版本。这就是为什么python有多种口味。每种口味都是python的定制版本,以满足特殊要求。这类似于UNIX有多种版本,比如Ubuntu、Linux、RedHat Linux等等。以下是python的一些风味:


Default implementation of python programming language which we download from python.org, provided by python software foundation. It is written in C and python. It does not allow us to write any C code, only python code are allowed. CPython can be called as both an interpreter and a compiler as here our python code first gets compiled to python bytecode then the bytecode gets interpreted into platform-specific operations by PVM or Python Virtual Machine. Keep in mind interpreters have language syntaxes predefined that's why it does not need to translate into low level machine code. Here Interpreter just executes bytecode on the fly during runtime and results in platform-specific operations.

Old versions of JavaScript, Ruby, Php were fully interpreted languages as their interpreters would directly translate each line source code into platform-specific operations, no bytecode was involved. Bytecode is there in Java, Python, C++ (.net), C# to decouple the language from execution environment, i.e. for portability, write once, run anywhere. Since 2008, Google Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine has come up with Just-In-Time Compiler for JavaScript. It executes JavaScript code line-by-line like an interpreter to reduce start up time, but if encounters with a hot section with repeatedly executed line of code then optimizes that code using baseline or optimizing compiler.



Cython允许我们编写可选的额外C代码, 在Cython中,我们的python代码在内部被翻译成C代码,以便C编译器可以编译它。虽然Cython的执行速度快得多,但与原始C语言的执行速度相比还是差得多。这是因为Cython必须调用CPython解释器和CPython标准库来理解编写的CPython代码




RPython implementation of python programming language. It is written in a restricted subset of python called Restricted Python (RPython). PyPy runs faster than CPython because to interpret bytecode, PyPy has a Just-in-time Compiler (Interpreter + Compiler) while CPython has an Interpreter. So JIT Compiler in PyPy can execute Python bytecode line-by-line like an Interpreter to reduce start up time, but if encounters with a hot section with repeatedly executed line of code then optimizes that code using Baseline or Optimizing Compiler.

JIT Compiler in a Nutshell: Compiler in Python translates our high level source code into bytecode and to execute bytecode, some implementations have normal Interpreter, some have Just-in-time Compiler. To execute a loop which runs say, million times i.e. a very hot code, initially Interpreter will run it for some time and Monitor of JIT Compiler will watch that code. Then when it gets repeated some times i.e. the code becomes warm* then JIT compiler will send that code to Baseline Compiler which will make some assumptions on variable types etc. based on data gathered by Monitor while watching the code. From next iterations if assumptions turn out to be valid, then no need to retranslate bytecode into machine code, i.e. steps can be skipped for faster execution. If the code repeats a lot of times i.e. code becomes very hot then JIT compiler will send that code to Optimizing Compiler which will make more assumptions and will skip more steps for very fast execution.

JIT Compiler Drawbacks: initial slower execution when the code gets analysed, and if assumptions turn out to be false then optimized compiled code gets thrown out i.e. Deoptimization or Bailing out happens which can make code execution slower, although JIT compilers has limit for optimization/deoptimization cycle. After certain number of deoptimization happens, JIT Compiler just does not try to optimize anymore. Whereas normal Interpreter, in each iteration, repeatedly translates bytecode into machine code thereby taking more time to complete a loop which runs say, million times



Ruby Python



python和R编程语言用于科学计算,如数据科学、机器学习、人工智能、深度学习、处理大量数据等。大量的库,如scikit-learn, tensorflow, pytorch, numba, pandas, jupyter, numpy, matplotlib等都可以使用这个包


Python for并发

为了测试每个实现的速度,我们编写了一个程序,使用N值50,000调用integrate_f 500次,并记录几次运行的执行时间。下表显示了基准测试结果:

Implementation Execution Time (seconds) Speed Up
CPython 9.25
CPython + Cython 0.21 44x
PyPy 0.57 16x



还有许多其他的Python实现,如IronPython, Jython, PyPy, CPython, Stackless Python等等。