缺点是它可能不会遵循文件重命名(REWRITE_FROM文件夹之外)在源repo - pull请求欢迎GitHub来适应这一点。
GitHub链接:git-move-folder-between- restore -keep-history
# Copy a folder from one git repo to another git repo,
# preserving full history of the folder.
# Most likely you want the REWRITE_FROM and REWRITE_TO to have a trailing slash!
verifyPreconditions() {
#echo 'Checking if SRC_GIT_REPO is a git repo...' &&
{ test -d "${SRC_GIT_REPO}/.git" || { echo "Fatal: SRC_GIT_REPO is not a git repo"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if DST_GIT_REPO is a git repo...' &&
{ test -d "${DST_GIT_REPO}/.git" || { echo "Fatal: DST_GIT_REPO is not a git repo"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if REWRITE_FROM is not empty...' &&
{ test -n "${REWRITE_FROM}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_FROM is empty"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if REWRITE_TO is not empty...' &&
{ test -n "${REWRITE_TO}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_TO is empty"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if REWRITE_FROM folder exists in SRC_GIT_REPO' &&
{ test -d "${SRC_GIT_REPO}/${REWRITE_FROM}" || { echo "Fatal: REWRITE_FROM does not exist inside SRC_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if SRC_GIT_REPO has a branch SRC_BRANCH_NAME' &&
{ cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}"; git rev-parse --verify "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" || { echo "Fatal: SRC_BRANCH_NAME does not exist inside SRC_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
#echo 'Checking if DST_GIT_REPO has a branch DST_BRANCH_NAME' &&
{ cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}"; git rev-parse --verify "${DST_BRANCH_NAME}" || { echo "Fatal: DST_BRANCH_NAME does not exist inside DST_GIT_REPO"; exit; } } &&
echo '[OK] All preconditions met'
# Import folder from one git repo to another git repo, including full history.
# Internally, it rewrites the history of the src repo (by creating
# a temporary orphaned branch; isolating all the files from REWRITE_FROM path
# to the root of the repo, commit by commit; and rewriting them again
# to the original path).
# Then it creates another temporary branch in the dest repo,
# fetches the commits from the rewritten src repo, and does a merge.
# Before any work is done, all the preconditions are verified: all folders
# and branches must exist (except REWRITE_TO folder in dest repo, which
# can exist, but does not have to).
# The code should work reasonably on repos with reasonable git history.
# I did not test pathological cases, like folder being created, deleted,
# created again etc. but probably it will work fine in that case too.
# In case you realize something went wrong, you should be able to reverse
# the changes by calling `undoImportFolderFromAnotherGitRepo` function.
# However, to be safe, please back up your repos just in case, before running
# the script. `git filter-branch` is a powerful but dangerous command.
verifyPreconditions &&
cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
echo "Current working directory: ${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
git checkout "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
echo 'Backing up current branch as FILTER_BRANCH_BACKUP' &&
git branch -f FILTER_BRANCH_BACKUP &&
echo "Creating temporary branch '${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}'..." &&
git checkout -b "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
echo 'Rewriting history, step 1/2...' &&
git filter-branch -f --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter ${REWRITE_FROM} &&
echo 'Rewriting history, step 2/2...' &&
git filter-branch -f --index-filter \
"git ls-files -s | sed \"$SED_COMMAND\" |
GIT_INDEX_FILE=\$GIT_INDEX_FILE.new git update-index --index-info &&
cd - &&
cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
echo "Current working directory: ${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
echo "Adding git remote pointing to SRC_GIT_REPO..." &&
git remote add old-repo ${SRC_GIT_REPO} &&
echo "Fetching from SRC_GIT_REPO..." &&
git fetch old-repo "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
echo "Checking out DST_BRANCH_NAME..." &&
git checkout "${DST_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
echo "Merging SRC_GIT_REPO/" &&
git merge "old-repo/${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}-exported" --no-commit &&
cd -
# If something didn't work as you'd expect, you can undo, tune the params, and try again
cd "${SRC_GIT_REPO}" &&
git checkout "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME}" &&
git branch -D "${SRC_BRANCH_NAME_EXPORTED}" &&
cd - &&
cd "${DST_GIT_REPO}" &&
git remote rm old-repo &&
git merge --abort
cd -