
我还使用JWT作为我的XSRF- token来防止XSRF,但我被要求将它们分开?我应该把它们分开吗?这里的任何帮助都将受到感谢,并可能为社区提供一套指导方针。


JWT tokens require, at most, a one-time communication between the resource server and the authorization server at runtime. The resource server needs to request the authorization server for the public key to decrypt the JWT tokens. This can be done at resource server startup. This can even be stored in the resource server in a properties file avoiding the query at all. OAuth2 solve a problem that user wants to access the data using client software like browser-based web apps, native mobile apps, or desktop apps. OAuth2 is just for authorization, client software can be authorized to access the resources on behalf of end-user using an access token. OAuth2 can be used with JWT tokens or access token which is a bearer token.


Firstly, we have to differentiate JWT and OAuth. Basically, JWT is a token format. OAuth is an authorization protocol that can use JWT as a token. OAuth uses server-side and client-side storage. If you want to do real logout you must go with OAuth2. Authentication with JWT token can not logout actually. Because you don't have an Authentication Server that keeps track of tokens. If you want to provide an API to 3rd party clients, you must use OAuth2 also. OAuth2 is very flexible. JWT implementation is very easy and does not take long to implement. If your application needs this sort of flexibility, you should go with OAuth2. But if you don't need this use-case scenario, implementing OAuth2 is a waste of time.



OAuth2 on the other hand is not a protocol, its a delegated authorization framework. think very detailed guideline, for letting users and applications authorize specific permissions to other applications in both private and public settings. OpenID Connect which sits on top of OAUTH2 gives you Authentication and Authorization.it details how multiple different roles, users in your system, server side apps like an API, and clients such as websites or native mobile apps, can authenticate with each othe


OAuth 2.0定义了一个协议,即指定了令牌如何传输,JWT定义了令牌格式。

OAuth 2.0和“JWT身份验证”在客户端向资源服务器提供令牌的(第二)阶段具有类似的外观:令牌在头文件中传递。


因此,真正的区别在于JWT只是一种令牌格式,OAuth 2.0是一种协议(可以使用JWT作为令牌格式)。







另一个重要提示: 对于JWT和OAUTH,您可以随意使用身份验证这个词,但它们都不提供身份验证机制。是的,一个是令牌机制,另一个是协议,但一旦经过身份验证,它们只用于授权(访问管理)。您必须使用OPENID类型身份验证或您自己的客户端凭据来支持OAUTH

JWT tokens require, at most, a one-time communication between the resource server and the authorization server at runtime. The resource server needs to request the authorization server for the public key to decrypt the JWT tokens. This can be done at resource server startup. This can even be stored in the resource server in a properties file avoiding the query at all. OAuth2 solve a problem that user wants to access the data using client software like browser-based web apps, native mobile apps, or desktop apps. OAuth2 is just for authorization, client software can be authorized to access the resources on behalf of end-user using an access token. OAuth2 can be used with JWT tokens or access token which is a bearer token.