至于什么时候AWT可能比Swing -更有用
you may be targeting an older JVM or platform that doesn't support Swing. This used to really come into play if you were building Applets - you wanted to target the lowest common denominator so people wouldn't have to install a newer Java plugin. I'm not sure what the current most widely installed version of the Java plugin is - this may be different today. some people prefer the native look of AWT over Swing's 'not quite there' platform skins. (There are better 3rd party native looking skins than Swing's implementations BTW) Lots of people preferred using AWT's FileDialog over Swing's FileChooser because it gave the platform file dialog most people were used to rather than the 'weird' custom Swing one.
Swing组件提供了非常灵活的用户界面,因为它 遵循模型视图控制器(mvc)。 Awt不是基于MVC的。 Swing工作更快。 Awt的工作速度并不快。 摆动部件重量轻。 Awt组件重量很重。 Swing占用较少的内存空间。 Awt占用较多内存空间。 Swing组件是平台独立的。 Awt依赖于平台。 Swing require javax。摇摆不定的包。 Awt需要javax。awt包。
至于什么时候AWT可能比Swing -更有用
you may be targeting an older JVM or platform that doesn't support Swing. This used to really come into play if you were building Applets - you wanted to target the lowest common denominator so people wouldn't have to install a newer Java plugin. I'm not sure what the current most widely installed version of the Java plugin is - this may be different today. some people prefer the native look of AWT over Swing's 'not quite there' platform skins. (There are better 3rd party native looking skins than Swing's implementations BTW) Lots of people preferred using AWT's FileDialog over Swing's FileChooser because it gave the platform file dialog most people were used to rather than the 'weird' custom Swing one.
Swing是java基础类的一部分。 Swing组件是独立于平台的。 Swing组件是轻量级组件,因为Swing位于awt的顶部。
AWT被称为抽象窗口工具。 AWT组件是平台相关的。 AWT组件是重量级组件。
AWT 1。AWT占用更多的内存空间 2。AWT依赖于平台 3.AWT需要javax。awt包
波动 1。Swing占用较少的内存空间 2。Swing组件是平台独立的 3.Swing需要javax。摇摆不定的包
AWT is a thin layer of code on top of the OS, whereas Swing is much larger. Swing also has very much richer functionality. Using AWT, you have to implement a lot of things yourself, while Swing has them built in. For GUI-intensive work, AWT feels very primitive to work with compared to Swing. Because Swing implements GUI functionality itself rather than relying on the host OS, it can offer a richer environment on all platforms Java runs on. AWT is more limited in supplying the same functionality on all platforms because not all platforms implement the same-looking controls in the same ways.
Swing组件被称为“轻量级”,因为它们不需要 来实现它们的功能。JDialog和JFrame是 重量级的,因为他们有对手。比如JButton, JTextArea等是轻量级的,因为它们没有操作系统对等体。
对等体是操作系统提供的小部件,例如 按钮对象或输入字段对象。