


Java 8


它是Java基础类的一部分 Swing是建立在AWT之上的 Swing组件是轻量级的 Swing支持可插入的外观和感觉 平台无关的 采用MVC:模型-视图-控制器架构 包:javax.swing 与Swing的其他组件不同, 它们是轻量级的,顶级容器是重量级的。

AWT -抽象窗口工具包

平台的依赖 AWT组件是重量级的 包java.awt


Swing vs AWT。基本上,最先出现的是AWT,它是一组重量级UI组件(意味着它们是操作系统对象的包装器),而Swing则构建在AWT之上,拥有一组更丰富的轻量级组件。

任何严肃的Java UI工作都是在Swing中完成的,而不是主要用于applet的AWT。

Java 8


它是Java基础类的一部分 Swing是建立在AWT之上的 Swing组件是轻量级的 Swing支持可插入的外观和感觉 平台无关的 采用MVC:模型-视图-控制器架构 包:javax.swing 与Swing的其他组件不同, 它们是轻量级的,顶级容器是重量级的。

AWT -抽象窗口工具包

平台的依赖 AWT组件是重量级的 包java.awt


Swing is a more-or-less pure-Java GUI. It uses AWT to create an operating system window and then paints pictures of buttons, labels, text, checkboxes, etc., into that window and responds to all of your mouse-clicks, key entries, etc., deciding for itself what to do instead of letting the operating system handle it. Thus Swing is 100% portable and is the same across platforms (although it is skinnable and has a "pluggable look and feel" that can make it look more or less like how the native windows and widgets would look).


AWT is a cross-platform interface, so even though it uses the underlying OS or native GUI toolkit for its functionality, it doesn't provide access to everything that those toolkits can do. Advanced or newer AWT widgets that might exist on one platform might not be supported on another. Features of widgets that aren't the same on every platform might not be supported, or worse, they might work differently on each platform. People used to invest lots of effort to get their AWT applications to work consistently across platforms - for instance, they may try to make calls into native code from Java.


Because Swing tries to do everything possible in Java other than the very raw graphics routines provided by a native GUI window, it used to incur quite a performance penalty compared to AWT. This made Swing unfortunately slow to catch on. However, this has shrunk dramatically over the last several years due to more optimized JVMs, faster machines, and (I presume) optimization of the Swing internals. Today a Swing application can run fast enough to be serviceable or even zippy, and almost indistinguishable from an application using native widgets. Some will say it took far too long to get to this point, but most will say that it is well worth it.


The base difference that which already everyone mentioned is that one is heavy weight and other is light weight. Let me explain, basically what the term heavy weight means is that when you're using the awt components the native code used for getting the view component is generated by the Operating System, thats why it the look and feel changes from OS to OS. Where as in swing components its the responsibility of JVM to generate the view for the components. Another statement which i saw is that swing is MVC based and awt is not.

Swing组件提供了非常灵活的用户界面,因为它 遵循模型视图控制器(mvc)。 Awt不是基于MVC的。 Swing工作更快。 Awt的工作速度并不快。 摆动部件重量轻。 Awt组件重量很重。 Swing占用较少的内存空间。 Awt占用较多内存空间。 Swing组件是平台独立的。 Awt依赖于平台。 Swing require javax。摇摆不定的包。 Awt需要javax。awt包。