>>> import time
>>> time.strptime('30/03/09 16:31:32', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')
(2009, 3, 30, 16, 31, 32, 0, 89, -1)
>>> time.strptime('30/03/09 16:31:32.123', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/_strptime.py", line 333, in strptime
ValueError: unconverted data remains: .123
Python 2.6添加了新的strftime/strptime宏%f。文档中只提到了微秒,这有点误导人,但%f实际上解析秒的任何小数部分,最多有6位,这意味着它也适用于毫秒,甚至厘秒或分秒。
time.strptime('30/03/09 16:31:32.123', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S.%f')
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> a = datetime.strptime('30/03/09 16:31:32.123', '%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S.%f')
>>> a.microsecond
def timeparse(t, format):
"""Parse a time string that might contain fractions of a second.
Fractional seconds are supported using a fragile, miserable hack.
Given a time string like '02:03:04.234234' and a format string of
'%H:%M:%S', time.strptime() will raise a ValueError with this
message: 'unconverted data remains: .234234'. If %S is in the
format string and the ValueError matches as above, a datetime
object will be created from the part that matches and the
microseconds in the time string.
return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(t, format)[0:6]).time()
except ValueError, msg:
if "%S" in format:
msg = str(msg)
mat = re.match(r"unconverted data remains:"
" \.([0-9]{1,6})$", msg)
if mat is not None:
# fractional seconds are present - this is the style
# used by datetime's isoformat() method
frac = "." + mat.group(1)
t = t[:-len(frac)]
t = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(t, format)[0:6])
microsecond = int(float(frac)*1e6)
return t.replace(microsecond=microsecond)
mat = re.match(r"unconverted data remains:"
" \,([0-9]{3,3})$", msg)
if mat is not None:
# fractional seconds are present - this is the style
# used by the logging module
frac = "." + mat.group(1)
t = t[:-len(frac)]
t = datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(t, format)[0:6])
microsecond = int(float(frac)*1e6)
return t.replace(microsecond=microsecond)