function NotImplementedError() {
Error.apply(this, arguments);
NotImplementedError.prototype = new Error();
var nie = new NotImplementedError("some message");
console.log("The message is: '"+nie.message+"'")
从Error对象继承- message属性在哪里?
TL; diana:
a .没有设置message的原因是Error是一个函数,它返回一个新的Error对象,并且不以任何方式操作它。
function MyError() {
var temp = Error.apply(this, arguments);
temp.name = this.name = 'MyError';
this.message = temp.message;
if(Object.defineProperty) {
// getter for more optimizy goodness
/*this.stack = */Object.defineProperty(this, 'stack', {
get: function() {
return temp.stack
configurable: true // so you can change it if you want
} else {
this.stack = temp.stack
//inherit prototype using ECMAScript 5 (IE 9+)
MyError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: MyError,
writable: true,
configurable: true
var myError = new MyError("message");
console.log("The message is: '" + myError.message + "'"); // The message is: 'message'
console.log(myError instanceof Error); // true
console.log(myError instanceof MyError); // true
console.log(myError.toString()); // MyError: message
console.log(myError.stack); // MyError: message \n
// <stack trace ...>
//for EMCAScript 4 or ealier (IE 8 or ealier), inherit prototype this way instead of above code:
var IntermediateInheritor = function() {};
IntermediateInheritor.prototype = Error.prototype;
MyError.prototype = new IntermediateInheritor();
您可能会使用一些技巧来枚举tmp Error的所有不可枚举属性来设置它们,而不是显式地只设置stack和message,但是ie<9不支持这种技巧
最后一个是一个实际的错误。如果您使用字符串,它看起来很好,但它不会提供堆栈跟踪。如果你抛出错误,你不能有“Uncaught BadError: bad”,所以你必须删除自定义错误(遗憾的是)。如果你抛出一个对象,它看起来有点偏离,最后一个只是一个平均错误。
var errProto = Object.create(Error.prototype, {
constructor: {
value: Error,
enumerable: false,
writable: true,
configurable: true
var isFirefox = !!window.InstallTrigger
// Hide stack for Firefox only, as stacks can cause problems with high "frame" counts.
function createError(name, message, hideStack) {
if (message == null) {
message = ""
var customError = Error(message)
customError.name = name
Object.setPrototypeOf(customError, errProto)
if (isFirefox && hideStack) {
customError.stack = ""
} else if (isFirefox) {
var stack = customError.stack
var newline = stack.indexOf("\n") + 1
stack = stack.slice(newline)
customError.stack = stack
var split = stack.split(":")
if (split.length > 4) {
var a = split[3]
var b = split[4]
var t = b.slice(0, b.indexOf("\n"))
customError.lineNumber = Number(a)
customError.columnNumber = Number(t)
} else {
var stack = customError.stack
var split = stack.split("\n")
var secondPart = split.slice(2).join("\n")
stack = split[0] + "\n" + secondPart
customError.stack = stack
var split = secondPart.split(":")
var a = split[2]
var b = split[3]
throw customError
var frame = 0
function aFunction() {
if (++frame === 100) {
createError("LazyError", "function getting lazy", false, true)
} else {
setTimeout(aFunction, Math.random() * 500)
* {
font-family: Verdana;
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