如何提高ASP ?NET MVC应用程序性能?
Gzip实现。 对部分视图使用异步呈现。 最小化数据库命中次数。 使用编译后的查询。 运行分析器找出不必要的匹配。优化所有返回响应时间超过1秒的存储过程。 使用缓存。 使用捆绑最小化优化。 对只读内容使用会话缓存和本地存储等HTML 5实用程序。
... 并利用一个好的存储库模式:
使用最新版本的任务并行库(TPL),根据. net版本。必须根据不同的用途选择正确的TPL模块。
Use Sprites: Sprites are a great thing to reduce a request. You merge all your images into a single one and use CSS to get to good part of the sprite. Microsoft provides a good library to do it: Sprite and Image Optimization Preview 4. Cache Your server object: If you have some references lists or data which will change rarely, you can cache them into memory instead of querying database every time. Use ADO.NET instead of Entity Framework: EF4 or EF5 are great to reduce development time, but it will be painful to optimize. It's more simple to optimize a stored procedure than Entity Framework. So you should use store procedures as much as possible. Dapper provides a simple way to query and map SQL with very good performance. Cache Page or partial page: MVC provides some easy filter to cache page according to some parameters, so use it. Reduce Database calls: You can create a unique database request that returns multiple objects. Check on Dapper website. Always have a clean architecture: Have a clean n-tiers architecture, even on a small project. It will help you to keep your code clean, and it will be easier to optimize it if needed. You can take a look at this template "Neos-SDI MVC Template" which will create a clean architecture for you with lots of performance improvements by default (check MvcTemplate website).
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