
SomeText, text continues.


var text = document.querySelector('div[SomeText*]').innerTEXT;




  .find(el => el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.');

from将把NodeList转换为一个数组(有多种方法可以做到这一点,如展开操作符或切片) 结果现在是一个数组,允许使用数组。Find方法,然后可以放入任何谓词。你也可以用正则表达式或任何你喜欢的东西检查textContent。


  .filter(function (el) {
    return el.textContent === 'SomeText, text continues.'



Uses the ES6 spread operator to convert the NodeList of all divs to an array. Provides output if the div contains the query string, not just if it exactly equals the query string (which happens for some of the other answers). e.g. It should provide output not just for 'SomeText' but also for 'SomeText, text continues'. Outputs the entire div contents, not just the query string. e.g. For 'SomeText, text continues' it should output that whole string, not just 'SomeText'. Allows for multiple divs to contain the string, not just a single div.

[…document.querySelectorAll('div')] //获取数组中所有div .map(div => div. innerhtml) //获取它们的内容 .filter(txt => txt.includes('SomeText')) //只保留包含查询的内容 .forEach(txt => console.log(txt));//输出这些的全部内容 <div> . SomeText, text continue .</div> . SomeText, text continue <div>不在这个div中 这里是更多的SomeText.</div> .


function findByText(rootElement, text){
    var filter = {
        acceptNode: function(node){
            // look for nodes that are text_nodes and include the following string.
            if(node.nodeType === document.TEXT_NODE && node.nodeValue.includes(text)){
                 return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
            return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
    var nodes = [];
    var walker = document.createTreeWalker(rootElement, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, filter, false);
       //give me the element containing the node
    return nodes;

//call it like
var nodes = findByText(document.body,'SomeText');
//then do what you will with nodes[];
for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ 
    //do something with nodes[i]





function getElementsByText(document, str, tag = '*') {
return [...document.querySelectorAll(tag)]
        el => (el.text && el.text.includes(str))
            || (el.children.length === 0 && el.outerText && el.outerText.includes(str)))




// for matching <element class="foo bar baz">...</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.querySelectorAll('[class*="bar"]');
for (var i = 0; i < things.length; i++) {
    things[i].style.outline = '1px solid red';


// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar'
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(text(),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
    things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';


// for matching <element>foo bar baz</element> by 'bar' case-insensitively
var things = document.evaluate('//*[contains(translate(text(),"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),"bar")]',document,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
for (var i = 0; i < things.snapshotLength; i++) {
    things.snapshotItem(i).style.outline = '1px solid red';



// find all elements with inner text matching a given regular expression
// args: 
//      selector: string query selector to use for identifying elements on which we 
//                should check innerText
//      regex: A regular expression for matching innerText; if a string is provided,
//             a case-insensitive search is performed for any element containing the string.
Object.prototype.queryInnerTextAll = function(selector, regex) {
    if (typeof(regex) === 'string') regex = new RegExp(regex, 'i'); 
    const elements = [...this.querySelectorAll(selector)];
    const rtn = elements.filter((e)=>{
        return e.innerText.match(regex);
    return rtn.length === 0 ? null : rtn

// find the first element with inner text matching a given regular expression
// args: 
//      selector: string query selector to use for identifying elements on which we 
//                should check innerText
//      regex: A regular expression for matching innerText; if a string is provided,
//             a case-insensitive search is performed for any element containing the string.
Object.prototype.queryInnerText = function(selector, text){
    return this.queryInnerTextAll(selector, text)[0];


document.queryInnerTextAll('div.link', 'go'); This would find all divs containing the link class with the word go in the innerText (eg. Go Left or GO down or go right or It's Good) document.queryInnerText('div.link', 'go'); This would work exactly as the example above except it would return only the first matching element. document.queryInnerTextAll('a', /^Next$/); Find all links with the exact text Next (case-sensitive). This will exclude links that contain the word Next along with other text. document.queryInnerText('a', /next/i); Find the first link that contains the word next, regardless of case (eg. Next Page or Go to next) e = document.querySelector('#page'); e.queryInnerText('button', /Continue/); This performs a search within a container element for a button containing the text, Continue (case-sensitive). (eg. Continue or Continue to Next but not continue)