在VS2012 c#项目的构建过程中,我一直得到这个错误

Error   41  Could not copy "obj\Debug\WeinGartner.WeinCad.exe" to
 Exceeded retry count of 10. Failed.    

Error   42  Unable to copy file "obj\Debug\WeinGartner.WeinCad.exe" to
"bin\Debug\WeinGartner.WeinCad.exe". The process cannot access the file
'bin\Debug\WeinGartner.WeinCad.exe' because it is being used by another 







REM   This script is invoked before compiling an assembly, and if the target file exist, it moves it to a temporary location
REM   The file-move works even if the existing assembly file is currently locked-by/in-use-in any process.
REM   This way we can be sure that the compilation won't end up claiming the assembly cannot be erased!

echo PreBuildEvents 
echo  $(TargetPath) is %1
echo  $(TargetFileName) is %2 
echo  $(TargetDir) is %3   
echo  $(TargetName) is %4

set dir=C:\temp\LockedAssemblies

if not exist %dir% (mkdir %dir%)

REM   delete all assemblies moved not really locked by a process
del "%dir%\*" /q

REM   assembly file (.exe / .dll) - .pdb file and eventually .xml file (documentation) are concerned
REM   use %random% to let coexists several process that hold several versions of locked assemblies
if exist "%1"  move "%1" "%dir%\%2.locked.%random%"
if exist "%3%4.pdb" move "%3%4.pdb" "%dir%\%4.pdb.locked%random%"
if exist "%3%4.xml.locked" del "%dir%\%4.xml.locked%random%"

REM Code with Macros
REM   if exist "$(TargetPath)"  move "$(TargetPath)" "C:\temp\LockedAssemblies\$(TargetFileName).locked.%random%"
REM   if exist "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).pdb" move "C:\temp\LockedAssemblies\$(TargetName).pdb" "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).pdb.locked%random%"
REM   if exist "$(TargetDir)$(TargetName).xml.locked" del "C:\temp\LockedAssemblies\$(TargetName).xml.locked%random%"

REM PreBuildEvent code
REM   $(SolutionDir)\BuildProcess\PreBuildEvents.bat  "$(TargetPath)"  "$(TargetFileName)"  "$(TargetDir)"  "$(TargetName)"

REM References:
REM   http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ManagingMultipleConfigurationFileEnvironmentsWithPreBuildEvents.aspx
REM   http://stackoverflow.com/a/2738456/27194
REM   http://stackoverflow.com/a/35800302/27194


$(SolutionDir)\BuildProcess\PreBuildEvents.bat  "$(TargetPath)"  "$(TargetFileName)"  "$(TargetDir)"  "$(TargetName)"


I ran into this as well. It turns out that I had been testing with a service which I had built myself and which was running out the of the ..\bin\release directory of one of the projects in my solution. I had got the service running, but I forget to stop/uninstall it before returning to testing. As a result, it was holding on to one of the dlls that I reference and which needed to be moved (automatically as a dependency) from one project's bin/release subfolders to another. Stopping the service solved the problem.

对我来说,这是一个许可问题。我必须以管理员的身份运行Visual Studio。







(if exist "$(TargetDir)*old.exe" del "$(TargetDir)*old.exe") & (if exist "$(TargetDir)*.exe" ren "$(TargetDir)*.exe" *.old.exe)