


using System;

public T CastObject<T>(object input) {   
    return (T) input;   

public T ConvertObject<T>(object input) {
    return (T) Convert.ChangeType(input, typeof(T));


评论里有人说这个答案没有回答问题。但是T转换。ChangeType(input, typeof(T))提供了解决方案。转换。方法尝试将任何对象转换为作为第二个参数提供的类型。


Type intType = typeof(Int32);
object value1 = 1000.1;

// Variable value2 is now an int with a value of 1000, the compiler 
// knows the exact type, it is safe to use and you will have autocomplete
int value2 = Convert.ChangeType(value1, intType);

// Variable value3 is now an int with a value of 1000, the compiler
// doesn't know the exact type so it will allow you to call any
// property or method on it, but will crash if it doesn't exist
dynamic value3 = Convert.ChangeType(value1, intType);




Try to keep your code as type-safe as possible. If the compiler doesn't know the type, then it can't check if your code is correct and things like autocomplete won't work. Simply said: if you can't predict the type(s) at compile time, then how would the compiler be able to? If the classes that you are working with implement a common interface, you can cast the value to that interface. Otherwise consider creating your own interface and have the classes implement that interface. If you are working with external libraries that you are dynamically importing, then also check for a common interface. Otherwise consider creating small wrapper classes that implement the interface. If you want to make calls on the object, but don't care about the type, then store the value in an object or dynamic variable. Generics can be a great way to create reusable code that applies to a lot of different types, without having to know the exact types involved. If you are stuck then consider a different approach or code refactor. Does your code really have to be that dynamic? Does it have to account for any type there is?



I create a lambda expression at run-time using System.Linq.Expressions, of type Func<object, object>, that unboxes its input, performs the desired type conversion then gives the result boxed. A new one is needed not only for all types that get casted to, but also for the types that get casted (because of the unboxing step). Creating these expressions is highly time consuming, because of the reflection, the compilation and the dynamic method building that is done under the hood. Luckily once created, the expressions can be invoked repeatedly and without high overhead, so I cache each one.

private static Func<object, object> MakeCastDelegate(Type from, Type to)
    var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); //do not inline
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<object, object>>(
        Expression.Convert(Expression.ConvertChecked(Expression.Convert(p, from), to), typeof(object)),

private static readonly Dictionary<Tuple<Type, Type>, Func<object, object>> CastCache
= new Dictionary<Tuple<Type, Type>, Func<object, object>>();

public static Func<object, object> GetCastDelegate(Type from, Type to)
    lock (CastCache)
        var key = new Tuple<Type, Type>(from, to);
        Func<object, object> cast_delegate;
        if (!CastCache.TryGetValue(key, out cast_delegate))
            cast_delegate = MakeCastDelegate(from, to);
            CastCache.Add(key, cast_delegate);
        return cast_delegate;

public static object Cast(Type t, object o)
    return GetCastDelegate(o.GetType(), t).Invoke(o);



    public static bool TryCast<T>(ref T t, object o)
        if (!(o is T))
            return false;

        t = (T)o;
        return true;


使用Newtonsoft。Json nuget包…

var castedObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject), myType);



    public static class Tool
            public static object CastTo<T>(object value) where T : class
                return value as T;

            private static readonly MethodInfo CastToInfo = typeof (Tool).GetMethod("CastTo");

            public static object DynamicCast(object source, Type targetType)
                return CastToInfo.MakeGenericMethod(new[] { targetType }).Invoke(null, new[] { source });


    var r = Tool.DynamicCast(myinstance, typeof (MyClass));


private static Enum GetEnum(Type type, int value)
        if (type.IsEnum)
            if (Enum.IsDefined(type, value))
                return (Enum)Enum.ToObject(type, value);

        return null;


var enumValue = GetEnum(typeof(YourEnum), foo);


public enum YourEnum

public static string GetDescriptionFromEnum(Enum value, bool inherit)
        Type type = value.GetType();

        System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] memInfo = type.GetMember(value.ToString());

        if (memInfo.Length > 0)
            object[] attrs = memInfo[0].GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), inherit);
            if (attrs.Length > 0)
                return ((DescriptionAttribute)attrs[0]).Description;

        return value.ToString();


string description = GetDescriptionFromEnum(GetEnum(typeof(YourEnum), foo));
string description2 = GetDescriptionFromEnum(GetEnum(typeof(YourEnum2), foo2));
string description3 = GetDescriptionFromEnum(GetEnum(typeof(YourEnum3), foo3));


 private static T GetEnum<T>(int v) where T : struct, IConvertible
        if (typeof(T).IsEnum)
            if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(T), v))
                return (T)Enum.ToObject(typeof(T), v);

        throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("{0} is not a valid value of {1}", v, typeof(T).Name));