>>> s = 'TeSt'
>>> casesensitive = re.compile('test')
>>> ignorecase = re.compile('test', re.IGNORECASE)
>>> print casesensitive.match(s)
>>> print ignorecase.match(s)
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x02F0B608>
是否有一种方法可以做同样的事情,但不使用re.compile。我在文档中找不到任何类似Perl的I后缀(例如m/test/ I)的东西。
#'re.IGNORECASE' for case insensitive results short form re.I
#'re.match' returns the first match located from the start of the string.
#'re.search' returns location of the where the match is found
#'re.compile' creates a regex object that can be used for multiple matches
>>> s = r'TeSt'
>>> print (re.match(s, r'test123', re.I))
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 4), match='test'>
# OR
>>> pattern = re.compile(s, re.I)
>>> print(pattern.match(r'test123'))
<_sre.SRE_Match object; span=(0, 4), match='test'>