



Always (90% important to remember) Escape < as &lt; unless < is starting a <tag/> or other markup. Escape & as &amp; unless & is starting an &entity;. Attribute Values (9% important to remember) attr=" 'Single quotes' are ok within double quotes." attr=' "Double quotes" are ok within single quotes.' Escape " as &quot; and ' as &apos; otherwise. Comments, CDATA, and Processing Instructions (0.9% important to remember) <!-- Within comments --> nothing has to be escaped but no -- strings are allowed. <![CDATA[ Within CDATA ]]> nothing has to be escaped, but no ]]> strings are allowed. <?PITarget Within PIs ?> nothing has to be escaped, but no ?> strings are allowed. Esoterica (0.1% important to remember) Escape control codes in XML 1.1 via Base64 or Numeric Character References. Escape ]]> as ]]&gt; unless ]]> is ending a CDATA section. (This rule applies to character data in general – even outside a CDATA section.)




Always (90% important to remember) Escape < as &lt; unless < is starting a <tag/> or other markup. Escape & as &amp; unless & is starting an &entity;. Attribute Values (9% important to remember) attr=" 'Single quotes' are ok within double quotes." attr=' "Double quotes" are ok within single quotes.' Escape " as &quot; and ' as &apos; otherwise. Comments, CDATA, and Processing Instructions (0.9% important to remember) <!-- Within comments --> nothing has to be escaped but no -- strings are allowed. <![CDATA[ Within CDATA ]]> nothing has to be escaped, but no ]]> strings are allowed. <?PITarget Within PIs ?> nothing has to be escaped, but no ?> strings are allowed. Esoterica (0.1% important to remember) Escape control codes in XML 1.1 via Base64 or Numeric Character References. Escape ]]> as ]]&gt; unless ]]> is ending a CDATA section. (This rule applies to character data in general – even outside a CDATA section.)







如果你只转义这五个字符。您可能会遇到这样的问题:发现了一个无效的XML字符(Unicode: 0xc)


Original CharacterXML entity replacementXML numeric replacement <                              &lt;                                    &#60;                                     >                              &gt;                                   &#62;                                     "                               &quot;                               &#34;                                     &                              &amp;                               &#38;                                     '                               &apos;                               &#39;                                    

注意,前面提到的实体也可以在HTML中使用,除了&apos;,它是在XHTML 1.0中引入的,在HTML 4中没有声明。因此,为了确保向后兼容性,XHTML规范建议使用&#39;代替。



 < &lt;
 > &gt; (only for compatibility, read below)
 & &amp;


" &quot;
' &apos;


The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) must not appear in their literal form, except when used as markup delimiters, or within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA section. If they are needed elsewhere, they must be escaped using either numeric character references or the strings " &amp; " and " &lt; " respectively. The right angle bracket (>) may be represented using the string " &gt; ", and must, for compatibility, be escaped using either " &gt; " or a character reference when it appears in the string " ]]> " in content, when that string is not marking the end of a CDATA section. To allow attribute values to contain both single and double quotes, the apostrophe or single-quote character (') may be represented as " &apos; ", and the double-quote character (") as " &quot; ".