读取输入文件 处理该文件并创建一个三角形列表,由它们的顶点表示 以OFF格式输出顶点:顶点列表后面跟着三角形列表。三角形由顶点列表中的索引表示
读取输入文件 处理该文件并创建一个三角形列表,由它们的顶点表示 以OFF格式输出顶点:顶点列表后面跟着三角形列表。三角形由顶点列表中的索引表示
biglist = [blah,blah,blah]
del biglist
import gc
del my_array
del my_object
I had a similar problem in reading a graph from a file. The processing included the computation of a 200 000x200 000 float matrix (one line at a time) that did not fit into memory. Trying to free the memory between computations using gc.collect() fixed the memory-related aspect of the problem but it resulted in performance issues: I don't know why but even though the amount of used memory remained constant, each new call to gc.collect() took some more time than the previous one. So quite quickly the garbage collecting took most of the computation time.
from dask import delayed # this module wraps the multithreading
def f(storage, index, chunk_size): # the processing function
# read the chunk of size chunk_size starting at index in the file
# process it using data in storage if needed
# append data needed for further computations to storage
return storage
partial_result = delayed([]) # put into the delayed() the constructor for your data structure
# I personally use "delayed(nx.Graph())" since I am creating a networkx Graph
chunk_size = 100 # ideally you want this as big as possible while still enabling the computations to fit in memory
for index in range(0, len(file), chunk_size):
# we indicates to dask that we will want to apply f to the parameters partial_result, index, chunk_size
partial_result = delayed(f)(partial_result, index, chunk_size)
# no computations are done yet !
# dask will spawn a thread to run f(partial_result, index, chunk_size) once we call partial_result.compute()
# passing the previous "partial_result" variable in the parameters assures a chunk will only be processed after the previous one is done
# it also allows you to use the results of the processing of the previous chunks in the file if needed
# this launches all the computations
result = partial_result.compute()
# one thread is spawned for each "delayed" one at a time to compute its result
# dask then closes the tread, which solves the memory freeing issue
# the strange performance issue with gc.collect() is also avoided
The only really reliable way to ensure that a large but temporary use of memory DOES return all resources to the system when it's done, is to have that use happen in a subprocess, which does the memory-hungry work then terminates. Under such conditions, the operating system WILL do its job, and gladly recycle all the resources the subprocess may have gobbled up. Fortunately, the multiprocessing module makes this kind of operation (which used to be rather a pain) not too bad in modern versions of Python.
通过对数据使用更紧凑的结构,也许一开始就不会遇到内存问题。 因此,与标准数组模块或第三方numpy模块使用的格式相比,数字列表的内存效率要低得多。您可以通过将顶点放在NumPy 3xN数组中,将三角形放在n元素数组中来节省内存。