
sqlclient . sqlexception:不允许创建新的事务,因为会话中还有其他线程在运行。


public class ProductManager : IProductManager
    #region Declare Models
    private RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.RIV_Entities _dbRiv = RivWorks.Model.Stores.RivEntities(AppSettings.RivWorkEntities_connString);
    private RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.RivFeedsEntities _dbFeed = RivWorks.Model.Stores.FeedEntities(AppSettings.FeedAutosEntities_connString);

    public IProduct GetProductById(Guid productId)
        // Do a quick sync of the feeds...
        // get a product...
        return product;

    private void SyncFeeds()
        bool found = false;
        string feedSource = "AUTO";
        switch (feedSource) // companyFeedDetail.FeedSourceTable.ToUpper())
            case "AUTO":
                var clientList = from a in _dbFeed.Client.Include("Auto") select a;
                foreach (RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Client client in clientList)
                    var companyFeedDetailList = from a in _dbRiv.AutoNegotiationDetails where a.ClientID == client.ClientID select a;
                    foreach (RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.AutoNegotiationDetails companyFeedDetail in companyFeedDetailList)
                        if (companyFeedDetail.FeedSourceTable.ToUpper() == "AUTO")
                            var company = (from a in _dbRiv.Company.Include("Product") where a.CompanyId == companyFeedDetail.CompanyId select a).First();
                            foreach (RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Auto sourceProduct in client.Auto)
                                foreach (RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Product targetProduct in company.Product)
                                    if (targetProduct.alternateProductID == sourceProduct.AutoID)
                                        found = true;
                                if (!found)
                                    var newProduct = new RivWorks.Model.Negotiation.Product();
                                    newProduct.alternateProductID = sourceProduct.AutoID;
                                    newProduct.isFromFeed = true;
                                    newProduct.isDeleted = false;
                                    newProduct.SKU = sourceProduct.StockNumber;
                            _dbRiv.SaveChanges();  // ### THIS BREAKS ### //

模型#1——这个模型位于我们的开发服务器的数据库中。 模型1 http://content.screencast.com/users/Keith.Barrows/folders/Jing/media/bdb2b000-6e60-4af0-a7a1-2bb6b05d8bc1/Model1.png

模型#2 -这个模型位于我们的Prod服务器的数据库中,每天通过自动馈送进行更新。alt文本http://content.screencast.com/users/Keith.Barrows/folders/Jing/media/4260259f-bce6-43d5-9d2a-017bd9a980d4/Model2.png






I was getting this same issue but in a different situation. I had a list of items in a list box. The user can click an item and select delete but I am using a stored proc to delete the item because there is a lot of logic involved in deleting the item. When I call the stored proc the delete works fine but any future call to SaveChanges will cause the error. My solution was to call the stored proc outside of EF and this worked fine. For some reason when I call the stored proc using the EF way of doing things it leaves something open.





I was getting this same issue but in a different situation. I had a list of items in a list box. The user can click an item and select delete but I am using a stored proc to delete the item because there is a lot of logic involved in deleting the item. When I call the stored proc the delete works fine but any future call to SaveChanges will cause the error. My solution was to call the stored proc outside of EF and this worked fine. For some reason when I call the stored proc using the EF way of doing things it leaves something open.

在拔了很多头发之后,我发现foreach loop是罪魁祸首。需要做的是调用EF,但将它返回到目标类型的IList<T>,然后在IList<T>上循环。


IList<Client> clientList = from a in _dbFeed.Client.Include("Auto") select a;
foreach (RivWorks.Model.NegotiationAutos.Client client in clientList)
   var companyFeedDetailList = from a in _dbRiv.AutoNegotiationDetails where a.ClientID == client.ClientID select a;
    // ...

我需要读取一个巨大的ResultSet并更新表中的一些记录。 我尝试使用Drew Noakes回答中建议的块。

不幸的是,在50000条记录之后,我得到了OutofMemoryException。 答案实体框架大数据集,内存不足的例外解释,即

EF创建用于更改检测的数据的第二个副本 它可以将更改持久化到数据库)。EF包含第二个集合 在context的生命周期中,这个集合会耗尽你的资源 的内存。




  public void ProcessContextByChunks ()
        var tableName = "MyTable";
         var startTime = DateTime.Now;
        int i = 0;
         var minMaxIds = GetMinMaxIds();
        for (int fromKeyID= minMaxIds.From; fromKeyID <= minMaxIds.To; fromKeyID = fromKeyID+_chunkSize)
                using (var context = InitContext())
                    var chunk = GetMyTableQuery(context).Where(r => (r.KeyID >= fromKeyID) && (r.KeyID < fromKeyID+ _chunkSize));
                        foreach (var row in chunk)
                            foundCount = UpdateRowIfNeeded(++i, row);
                    catch (Exception exc)
                        LogChunkException(i, exc);
            catch (Exception exc)
                LogChunkException(i, exc);
        LogSummaryLine(tableName, i, foundCount, startTime);

    private FromToRange<int> GetminMaxIds()
        var minMaxIds = new FromToRange<int>();
        using (var context = InitContext())
            var allRows = GetMyTableQuery(context);
            minMaxIds.From = allRows.Min(n => (int?)n.KeyID ?? 0);  
            minMaxIds.To = allRows.Max(n => (int?)n.KeyID ?? 0);
        return minMaxIds;

    private IQueryable<MyTable> GetMyTableQuery(MyEFContext context)
        return context.MyTable;

    private  MyEFContext InitContext()
        var context = new MyEFContext();
        context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
        //context.Database.Log = SqlLog;
        return context;




//Get your IQueryable list of objects from your main DBContext(db)    
IQueryable<Object> objects = db.Object.Where(whatever where clause you desire);

//Create a new DBContext outside of the foreach loop    
using (DBContext dbMod = new DBContext())
    //Loop through the IQueryable       
    foreach (Object object in objects)
        //Get the same object you are operating on in the foreach loop from the new DBContext(dbMod) using the objects id           
        Object objectMod = dbMod.Object.Find(object.id);

        //Make whatever changes you need on objectMod
        objectMod.RightNow = DateTime.Now;

        //Invoke SaveChanges() on the dbMod context         

第二个选项是从DBContext中获取一个数据库对象列表,但是只选择id。然后遍历id列表(假设是int类型),获得与每个int类型对应的对象,并以这种方式调用SaveChanges()。这个方法背后的思想是获取一个大的整数列表,这比获取一个大的db对象列表并对整个对象调用. tolist()要有效得多。下面是这个方法的一个例子:

//Get the list of objects you want from your DBContext, and select just the Id's and create a list
List<int> Ids = db.Object.Where(enter where clause here)Select(m => m.Id).ToList();

var objects = Ids.Select(id => db.Objects.Find(id));

foreach (var object in objects)
    object.RightNow = DateTime.Now;