我把Project Euler中的第12题作为一个编程练习,并比较了我在C、Python、Erlang和Haskell中的实现(当然不是最优的)。为了获得更高的执行时间,我搜索第一个因数超过1000的三角形数,而不是原始问题中所述的500。



lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ gcc -lm -o euler12.bin euler12.c
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.bin

real    0m11.074s
user    0m11.070s
sys 0m0.000s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.py 

real    1m16.632s
user    1m16.370s
sys 0m0.250s


lorenzo@enzo:~/Downloads/pypy-c-jit-43780-b590cf6de419-linux64/bin$ time ./pypy /home/lorenzo/erlang/euler12.py 

real    0m13.082s
user    0m13.050s
sys 0m0.020s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ erlc euler12.erl 
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time erl -s euler12 solve
Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.4  (abort with ^G)
1> 842161320

real    0m48.259s
user    0m48.070s
sys 0m0.020s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ ghc euler12.hs -o euler12.hsx
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( euler12.hs, euler12.o )
Linking euler12.hsx ...
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.hsx 

real    2m37.326s
user    2m37.240s
sys 0m0.080s


C: 100% Python: 692% (PyPy占118%) Erlang: 436%(135%归功于RichardC) Haskell: 1421%


问题1: Erlang, Python和Haskell是否会因为使用任意长度的整数而降低速度,或者只要值小于MAXINT就不会?

问题2: 哈斯克尔为什么这么慢?是否有一个编译器标志关闭刹车或它是我的实现?(后者是很有可能的,因为Haskell对我来说是一本有七个印章的书。)

问题3: 你能否给我一些提示,如何在不改变我确定因素的方式的情况下优化这些实现?以任何方式优化:更好、更快、更“原生”的语言。


问题4: 我的函数实现是否允许LCO(最后调用优化,也就是尾递归消除),从而避免在调用堆栈中添加不必要的帧?



#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int factorCount (long n)
    double square = sqrt (n);
    int isquare = (int) square;
    int count = isquare == square ? -1 : 0;
    long candidate;
    for (candidate = 1; candidate <= isquare; candidate ++)
        if (0 == n % candidate) count += 2;
    return count;

int main ()
    long triangle = 1;
    int index = 1;
    while (factorCount (triangle) < 1001)
        index ++;
        triangle += index;
    printf ("%ld\n", triangle);

#! /usr/bin/env python3.2

import math

def factorCount (n):
    square = math.sqrt (n)
    isquare = int (square)
    count = -1 if isquare == square else 0
    for candidate in range (1, isquare + 1):
        if not n % candidate: count += 2
    return count

triangle = 1
index = 1
while factorCount (triangle) < 1001:
    index += 1
    triangle += index

print (triangle)

-module (euler12).
-compile (export_all).

factorCount (Number) -> factorCount (Number, math:sqrt (Number), 1, 0).

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate > Sqrt -> Count;

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate == Sqrt -> Count + 1;

factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) ->
    case Number rem Candidate of
        0 -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count + 2);
        _ -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count)

nextTriangle (Index, Triangle) ->
    Count = factorCount (Triangle),
        Count > 1000 -> Triangle;
        true -> nextTriangle (Index + 1, Triangle + Index + 1)  

solve () ->
    io:format ("~p~n", [nextTriangle (1, 1) ] ),
    halt (0).

factorCount number = factorCount' number isquare 1 0 - (fromEnum $ square == fromIntegral isquare)
    where square = sqrt $ fromIntegral number
          isquare = floor square

factorCount' number sqrt candidate count
    | fromIntegral candidate > sqrt = count
    | number `mod` candidate == 0 = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) (count + 2)
    | otherwise = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) count

nextTriangle index triangle
    | factorCount triangle > 1000 = triangle
    | otherwise = nextTriangle (index + 1) (triangle + index + 1)

main = print $ nextTriangle 1 1


通过使用Haskell包中的一些函数,可以大大加快Haskell实现的速度。 在这种情况下,我使用了质数,它只是安装了'cabal安装质数';)

import Data.Numbers.Primes
import Data.List

triangleNumbers = scanl1 (+) [1..]
nDivisors n = product $ map ((+1) . length) (group (primeFactors n))
answer = head $ filter ((> 500) . nDivisors) triangleNumbers

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ "First triangle number to have over 500 divisors: " ++ (show answer)



PS> measure-command { bin\012_slow.exe }

TotalSeconds      : 16.3807409
TotalMilliseconds : 16380.7409


PS> measure-command { bin\012.exe }

TotalSeconds      : 0.0383436
TotalMilliseconds : 38.3436



ghc -O2 012.hs -o bin\012.exe
ghc -O2 012_slow.hs -o bin\012_slow.exe


看看您的Erlang实现。计时包括启动整个虚拟机、运行程序和停止虚拟机。我很确定设置和停止erlang vm需要一些时间。

If the timing was done within the erlang virtual machine itself, results would be different as in that case we would have the actual time for only the program in question. Otherwise, i believe that the total time taken by the process of starting and loading of the Erlang Vm plus that of halting it (as you put it in your program) are all included in the total time which the method you are using to time the program is outputting. Consider using the erlang timing itself which we use when we want to time our programs within the virtual machine itself timer:tc/1 or timer:tc/2 or timer:tc/3. In this way, the results from erlang will exclude the time taken to start and stop/kill/halt the virtual machine. That is my reasoning there, think about it, and then try your bench mark again.


编辑:此外,即使所有的语言都有运行时系统,启动和停止它们的开销也会有所不同。因此,我建议我们从运行时系统内部计时(对于应用此方法的语言)。众所周知,Erlang VM在启动时有相当大的开销!

在x86_64 Core2 Duo (2.5GHz)机器上使用GHC 7.0.3, gcc 4.4.6, Linux 2.6.29,对Haskell使用GHC -O2 - flvm - force-recomp编译,对C使用gcc -O3 -lm编译。

Your C routine runs in 8.4 seconds (faster than your run probably because of -O3) The Haskell solution runs in 36 seconds (due to the -O2 flag) Your factorCount' code isn't explicitly typed and defaulting to Integer (thanks to Daniel for correcting my misdiagnosis here!). Giving an explicit type signature (which is standard practice anyway) using Int and the time changes to 11.1 seconds in factorCount' you have needlessly called fromIntegral. A fix results in no change though (the compiler is smart, lucky for you). You used mod where rem is faster and sufficient. This changes the time to 8.5 seconds. factorCount' is constantly applying two extra arguments that never change (number, sqrt). A worker/wrapper transformation gives us:

 $ time ./so

 real    0m7.954s  
 user    0m7.944s  
 sys     0m0.004s  

没错,7.95秒。始终比C方案快半秒。没有- flvm标志,我仍然得到8.182秒,所以NCG后端在这种情况下也做得很好。



factorCount number = factorCount' number isquare 1 0 - (fromEnum $ square == fromIntegral isquare)
    where square = sqrt $ fromIntegral number
          isquare = floor square

factorCount' :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
factorCount' number sqrt candidate0 count0 = go candidate0 count0
  go candidate count
    | candidate > sqrt = count
    | number `rem` candidate == 0 = go (candidate + 1) (count + 2)
    | otherwise = go (candidate + 1) count

nextTriangle index triangle
    | factorCount triangle > 1000 = triangle
    | otherwise = nextTriangle (index + 1) (triangle + index + 1)

main = print $ nextTriangle 1 1


问题1:erlang、python和haskell是否会因为使用 任意长度的整数,只要值更小 比MAXINT ?

在Haskell中,使用Integer比Int慢,但慢多少取决于执行的计算。幸运的是(对于64位机器)Int就足够了。出于可移植性的考虑,你可能应该重写我的代码,使用Int64或Word64 (C不是唯一的语言长)。

问题2:为什么haskell这么慢?有编译器标志吗 关闭刹车还是我的实现?(后者相当 就像haskell对我来说是一本有七个印章的书一样。) 问题3:你能给我一些建议吗 实现而不改变我确定因子的方式? 以任何方式优化:更好、更快、更“原生”的语言。


0)通过-O2进行优化 1)尽可能使用快速(特别是不可装箱的)类型 2) rem not mod(一个经常被遗忘的优化)和 3)工人/包装器转换(可能是最常见的优化)。

问题4:我的功能实现是否允许LCO,因此 避免添加不必要的帧到调用堆栈?


c++ 11, < 20ms for me -在这里运行它




每个三角数的形式都是n(n+1)/2 N和N +1是互质 除数的数量是一个乘法函数

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <tuple>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;

// Calculates the divisors of an integer by determining its prime factorisation.

int get_divisors(long long n)
    int divisors_count = 1;

    for(long long i = 2;
        i <= sqrt(n);
        /* empty */)
        int divisions = 0;
        while(n % i == 0)
            n /= i;

        divisors_count *= (divisions + 1);

        //here, we try to iterate more efficiently by skipping
        //obvious non-primes like 4, 6, etc
        if(i == 2)
            i += 2;

    if(n != 1) //n is a prime
        return divisors_count * 2;
        return divisors_count;

long long euler12()
    //n and n + 1
    long long n, n_p_1;

    n = 1; n_p_1 = 2;

    // divisors_x will store either the divisors of x or x/2
    // (the later iff x is divisible by two)
    long long divisors_n = 1;
    long long divisors_n_p_1 = 2;

        /* This loop has been unwound, so two iterations are completed at a time
         * n and n + 1 have no prime factors in common and therefore we can
         * calculate their divisors separately

        long long total_divisors;                 //the divisors of the triangle number
                                                  // n(n+1)/2

        //the first (unwound) iteration

        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1 / 2); //here n+1 is even and we

        total_divisors =
                * divisors_n_p_1;

        if(total_divisors > 1000)

        //move n and n+1 forward
        n = n_p_1;
        n_p_1 = n + 1;

        //fix the divisors
        divisors_n = divisors_n_p_1;
        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1);   //n_p_1 is now odd!

        //now the second (unwound) iteration

        total_divisors =
                * divisors_n_p_1;

        if(total_divisors > 1000)

        //move n and n+1 forward
        n = n_p_1;
        n_p_1 = n + 1;

        //fix the divisors
        divisors_n = divisors_n_p_1;
        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1 / 2);   //n_p_1 is now even!

    return (n * n_p_1) / 2;

int main()
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        using namespace std::chrono;
        auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
        auto result = euler12();
        auto end = high_resolution_clock::now();

        double time_elapsed = duration_cast<milliseconds>(end - start).count();

        cout << result << " " << time_elapsed << '\n';
    return 0;


我把“Jannich Brendle”版本改成了1000,而不是500。并列出euler12.bin, euler12.bin的结果。话务量,p12dist.erl。两个erl代码都使用'+native'进行编译。

zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time erl -noshell -s p12dist start
The result is: 842161320.

real    0m3.879s
user    0m14.553s
sys     0m0.314s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time erl -noshell -s euler12 solve

real    0m10.125s
user    0m10.078s
sys     0m0.046s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$ time ./euler12.bin 

real    0m5.370s
user    0m5.328s
sys     0m0.004s
zhengs-MacBook-Pro:workspace zhengzhibin$


package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

func main() {
    var n, m, c int
    for i := 1; ; i++ {
        n, m, c = i * (i + 1) / 2, int(math.Sqrt(float64(n))), 0
        for f := 1; f < m; f++ {
            if n % f == 0 { c++ }
    c *= 2
    if m * m == n { c ++ }
    if c > 1001 {


原始版本:9.1690 100% Go: 8.2520 111%


package main

import (

// Sieve of Eratosthenes
func PrimesBelow(limit int) []int {
    switch {
        case limit < 2:
            return []int{}
        case limit == 2:
            return []int{2}
    sievebound := (limit - 1) / 2
    sieve := make([]bool, sievebound+1)
    crosslimit := int(math.Sqrt(float64(limit))-1) / 2
    for i := 1; i <= crosslimit; i++ {
        if !sieve[i] {
            for j := 2 * i * (i + 1); j <= sievebound; j += 2*i + 1 {
                sieve[j] = true
    plimit := int(1.3*float64(limit)) / int(math.Log(float64(limit)))
    primes := make([]int, plimit)
    p := 1
    primes[0] = 2
    for i := 1; i <= sievebound; i++ {
        if !sieve[i] {
            primes[p] = 2*i + 1
            if p >= plimit {
    last := len(primes) - 1
    for i := last; i > 0; i-- {
        if primes[i] != 0 {
        last = i
    return primes[0:last]

func main() {
// Requires PrimesBelow from utils.go
func p12() int {
    n, dn, cnt := 3, 2, 0
    primearray := PrimesBelow(1000000)
    for cnt <= 1001 {
        n1 := n
        if n1%2 == 0 {
            n1 /= 2
        dn1 := 1
        for i := 0; i < len(primearray); i++ {
            if primearray[i]*primearray[i] > n1 {
                dn1 *= 2
            exponent := 1
            for n1%primearray[i] == 0 {
                n1 /= primearray[i]
            if exponent > 1 {
                dn1 *= exponent
            if n1 == 1 {
        cnt = dn * dn1
        dn = dn1
    return n * (n - 1) / 2


原始版本:9.1690 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.1060 8650% 首发版本:8.2520 111% 第二围棋版本:0.0230 39865%


原版本:8.629 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.109 7916% python: 54.795 16% Pypy3.3-5.5-alpha: 13.291 65%


原版本:8.629 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.109 8650% Python3.6: 1.489 580% Pypy3.3-5.5-alpha: 0.582 1483%

def D(N):
    if N == 1: return 1
    sqrtN = int(N ** 0.5)
    nf = 1
    for d in range(2, sqrtN + 1):
        if N % d == 0:
            nf = nf + 1
    return 2 * nf - (1 if sqrtN**2 == N else 0)

L = 1000
Dt, n = 0, 0

while Dt <= L:
    t = n * (n + 1) // 2
    Dt = D(n/2)*D(n+1) if n%2 == 0 else D(n)*D((n+1)/2)
    n = n + 1

print (t)