我把Project Euler中的第12题作为一个编程练习,并比较了我在C、Python、Erlang和Haskell中的实现(当然不是最优的)。为了获得更高的执行时间,我搜索第一个因数超过1000的三角形数,而不是原始问题中所述的500。



lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ gcc -lm -o euler12.bin euler12.c
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.bin

real    0m11.074s
user    0m11.070s
sys 0m0.000s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.py 

real    1m16.632s
user    1m16.370s
sys 0m0.250s


lorenzo@enzo:~/Downloads/pypy-c-jit-43780-b590cf6de419-linux64/bin$ time ./pypy /home/lorenzo/erlang/euler12.py 

real    0m13.082s
user    0m13.050s
sys 0m0.020s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ erlc euler12.erl 
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time erl -s euler12 solve
Erlang R13B03 (erts-5.7.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [rq:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.7.4  (abort with ^G)
1> 842161320

real    0m48.259s
user    0m48.070s
sys 0m0.020s


lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ ghc euler12.hs -o euler12.hsx
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( euler12.hs, euler12.o )
Linking euler12.hsx ...
lorenzo@enzo:~/erlang$ time ./euler12.hsx 

real    2m37.326s
user    2m37.240s
sys 0m0.080s


C: 100% Python: 692% (PyPy占118%) Erlang: 436%(135%归功于RichardC) Haskell: 1421%


问题1: Erlang, Python和Haskell是否会因为使用任意长度的整数而降低速度,或者只要值小于MAXINT就不会?

问题2: 哈斯克尔为什么这么慢?是否有一个编译器标志关闭刹车或它是我的实现?(后者是很有可能的,因为Haskell对我来说是一本有七个印章的书。)

问题3: 你能否给我一些提示,如何在不改变我确定因素的方式的情况下优化这些实现?以任何方式优化:更好、更快、更“原生”的语言。


问题4: 我的函数实现是否允许LCO(最后调用优化,也就是尾递归消除),从而避免在调用堆栈中添加不必要的帧?



#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int factorCount (long n)
    double square = sqrt (n);
    int isquare = (int) square;
    int count = isquare == square ? -1 : 0;
    long candidate;
    for (candidate = 1; candidate <= isquare; candidate ++)
        if (0 == n % candidate) count += 2;
    return count;

int main ()
    long triangle = 1;
    int index = 1;
    while (factorCount (triangle) < 1001)
        index ++;
        triangle += index;
    printf ("%ld\n", triangle);

#! /usr/bin/env python3.2

import math

def factorCount (n):
    square = math.sqrt (n)
    isquare = int (square)
    count = -1 if isquare == square else 0
    for candidate in range (1, isquare + 1):
        if not n % candidate: count += 2
    return count

triangle = 1
index = 1
while factorCount (triangle) < 1001:
    index += 1
    triangle += index

print (triangle)

-module (euler12).
-compile (export_all).

factorCount (Number) -> factorCount (Number, math:sqrt (Number), 1, 0).

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate > Sqrt -> Count;

factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate == Sqrt -> Count + 1;

factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) ->
    case Number rem Candidate of
        0 -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count + 2);
        _ -> factorCount (Number, Sqrt, Candidate + 1, Count)

nextTriangle (Index, Triangle) ->
    Count = factorCount (Triangle),
        Count > 1000 -> Triangle;
        true -> nextTriangle (Index + 1, Triangle + Index + 1)  

solve () ->
    io:format ("~p~n", [nextTriangle (1, 1) ] ),
    halt (0).

factorCount number = factorCount' number isquare 1 0 - (fromEnum $ square == fromIntegral isquare)
    where square = sqrt $ fromIntegral number
          isquare = floor square

factorCount' number sqrt candidate count
    | fromIntegral candidate > sqrt = count
    | number `mod` candidate == 0 = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) (count + 2)
    | otherwise = factorCount' number sqrt (candidate + 1) count

nextTriangle index triangle
    | factorCount triangle > 1000 = triangle
    | otherwise = nextTriangle (index + 1) (triangle + index + 1)

main = print $ nextTriangle 1 1


c++ 11, < 20ms for me -在这里运行它




每个三角数的形式都是n(n+1)/2 N和N +1是互质 除数的数量是一个乘法函数

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <tuple>
#include <chrono>

using namespace std;

// Calculates the divisors of an integer by determining its prime factorisation.

int get_divisors(long long n)
    int divisors_count = 1;

    for(long long i = 2;
        i <= sqrt(n);
        /* empty */)
        int divisions = 0;
        while(n % i == 0)
            n /= i;

        divisors_count *= (divisions + 1);

        //here, we try to iterate more efficiently by skipping
        //obvious non-primes like 4, 6, etc
        if(i == 2)
            i += 2;

    if(n != 1) //n is a prime
        return divisors_count * 2;
        return divisors_count;

long long euler12()
    //n and n + 1
    long long n, n_p_1;

    n = 1; n_p_1 = 2;

    // divisors_x will store either the divisors of x or x/2
    // (the later iff x is divisible by two)
    long long divisors_n = 1;
    long long divisors_n_p_1 = 2;

        /* This loop has been unwound, so two iterations are completed at a time
         * n and n + 1 have no prime factors in common and therefore we can
         * calculate their divisors separately

        long long total_divisors;                 //the divisors of the triangle number
                                                  // n(n+1)/2

        //the first (unwound) iteration

        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1 / 2); //here n+1 is even and we

        total_divisors =
                * divisors_n_p_1;

        if(total_divisors > 1000)

        //move n and n+1 forward
        n = n_p_1;
        n_p_1 = n + 1;

        //fix the divisors
        divisors_n = divisors_n_p_1;
        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1);   //n_p_1 is now odd!

        //now the second (unwound) iteration

        total_divisors =
                * divisors_n_p_1;

        if(total_divisors > 1000)

        //move n and n+1 forward
        n = n_p_1;
        n_p_1 = n + 1;

        //fix the divisors
        divisors_n = divisors_n_p_1;
        divisors_n_p_1 = get_divisors(n_p_1 / 2);   //n_p_1 is now even!

    return (n * n_p_1) / 2;

int main()
    for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        using namespace std::chrono;
        auto start = high_resolution_clock::now();
        auto result = euler12();
        auto end = high_resolution_clock::now();

        double time_elapsed = duration_cast<milliseconds>(end - start).count();

        cout << result << " " << time_elapsed << '\n';
    return 0;




import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers.Squares

isInt :: RealFrac c => c -> Bool
isInt = (==) <$> id <*> fromInteger . round

intSqrt :: (Integral a) => a -> Int
--intSqrt = fromIntegral . floor . sqrt . fromIntegral
intSqrt = fromIntegral . integerSquareRoot'

factorize :: Int -> [Int]
factorize 1 = []
factorize n = first : factorize (quot n first)
  where first = (!! 0) $ [a | a <- [2..intSqrt n], rem n a == 0] ++ [n]

factorize2 :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
factorize2 = foldl (\ls@((val,freq):xs) y -> if val == y then (val,freq+1):xs else (y,1):ls) [(0,0)] . factorize

numDivisors :: Int -> Int
numDivisors = foldl (\acc (_,y) -> acc * (y+1)) 1 <$> factorize2

nextTriangleNumber :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
nextTriangleNumber (n,acc) = (n+1,acc+n+1)

forward :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Either (Int, Int) (Int, Int)
forward k val@(n,acc) = if numDivisors acc > k then Left val else Right (nextTriangleNumber val)

problem12 :: Int -> (Int, Int)
problem12 n = (!!0) . lefts . scanl (>>=) (forward n (1,1)) . repeat . forward $ n

main = do
  let (n,val) = problem12 1000
  print val

使用ghc -O3,它在我的机器上持续运行0.55-0.58秒(1.73GHz Core i7)。


int factorCount (int n)
  int count = 1;
  int candidate,tmpCount;
  while (n % 2 == 0) {
    n /= 2;
    for (candidate = 3; candidate < n && candidate * candidate < n; candidate += 2)
    if (n % candidate == 0) {
      tmpCount = 1;
      do {
        n /= candidate;
      } while (n % candidate == 0);
  if (n > 1)
    count *= 2;
  return count;

在main中使用gcc -O3 -lm将long类型更改为int类型,该程序始终在0.31-0.35秒内运行。

如果您利用第n个三角形数= n*(n+1)/2,并且n和(n+1)具有完全不同的质因数分解,则可以使两者运行得更快,因此可以将每个一半的因数数相乘,以得到整体的因数数。以下几点:

int main ()
  int triangle = 0,count1,count2 = 1;
  do {
    count1 = count2;
    count2 = ++triangle % 2 == 0 ? factorCount(triangle+1) : factorCount((triangle+1)/2);
  } while (count1*count2 < 1001);
  printf ("%lld\n", ((long long)triangle)*(triangle+1)/2);



package main

import "fmt"
import "math"

func main() {
    var n, m, c int
    for i := 1; ; i++ {
        n, m, c = i * (i + 1) / 2, int(math.Sqrt(float64(n))), 0
        for f := 1; f < m; f++ {
            if n % f == 0 { c++ }
    c *= 2
    if m * m == n { c ++ }
    if c > 1001 {


原始版本:9.1690 100% Go: 8.2520 111%


package main

import (

// Sieve of Eratosthenes
func PrimesBelow(limit int) []int {
    switch {
        case limit < 2:
            return []int{}
        case limit == 2:
            return []int{2}
    sievebound := (limit - 1) / 2
    sieve := make([]bool, sievebound+1)
    crosslimit := int(math.Sqrt(float64(limit))-1) / 2
    for i := 1; i <= crosslimit; i++ {
        if !sieve[i] {
            for j := 2 * i * (i + 1); j <= sievebound; j += 2*i + 1 {
                sieve[j] = true
    plimit := int(1.3*float64(limit)) / int(math.Log(float64(limit)))
    primes := make([]int, plimit)
    p := 1
    primes[0] = 2
    for i := 1; i <= sievebound; i++ {
        if !sieve[i] {
            primes[p] = 2*i + 1
            if p >= plimit {
    last := len(primes) - 1
    for i := last; i > 0; i-- {
        if primes[i] != 0 {
        last = i
    return primes[0:last]

func main() {
// Requires PrimesBelow from utils.go
func p12() int {
    n, dn, cnt := 3, 2, 0
    primearray := PrimesBelow(1000000)
    for cnt <= 1001 {
        n1 := n
        if n1%2 == 0 {
            n1 /= 2
        dn1 := 1
        for i := 0; i < len(primearray); i++ {
            if primearray[i]*primearray[i] > n1 {
                dn1 *= 2
            exponent := 1
            for n1%primearray[i] == 0 {
                n1 /= primearray[i]
            if exponent > 1 {
                dn1 *= exponent
            if n1 == 1 {
        cnt = dn * dn1
        dn = dn1
    return n * (n - 1) / 2


原始版本:9.1690 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.1060 8650% 首发版本:8.2520 111% 第二围棋版本:0.0230 39865%


原版本:8.629 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.109 7916% python: 54.795 16% Pypy3.3-5.5-alpha: 13.291 65%


原版本:8.629 100% Thaumkid的c版本:0.109 8650% Python3.6: 1.489 580% Pypy3.3-5.5-alpha: 0.582 1483%

def D(N):
    if N == 1: return 1
    sqrtN = int(N ** 0.5)
    nf = 1
    for d in range(2, sqrtN + 1):
        if N % d == 0:
            nf = nf + 1
    return 2 * nf - (1 if sqrtN**2 == N else 0)

L = 1000
Dt, n = 0, 0

while Dt <= L:
    t = n * (n + 1) // 2
    Dt = D(n/2)*D(n+1) if n%2 == 0 else D(n)*D((n+1)/2)
    n = n + 1

print (t)

问题1:erlang, python和haskell会因为使用任意长度的整数而降低速度吗?还是只要值小于MAXINT就不会?

This is unlikely. I cannot say much about Erlang and Haskell (well, maybe a bit about Haskell below) but I can point a lot of other bottlenecks in Python. Every time the program tries to execute an operation with some values in Python, it should verify whether the values are from the proper type, and it costs a bit of time. Your factorCount function just allocates a list with range (1, isquare + 1) various times, and runtime, malloc-styled memory allocation is way slower than iterating on a range with a counter as you do in C. Notably, the factorCount() is called multiple times and so allocates a lot of lists. Also, let us not forget that Python is interpreted and the CPython interpreter has no great focus on being optimized.

编辑:哦,好吧,我注意到你使用的是Python 3,所以range()不返回一个列表,而是一个生成器。在这种情况下,我关于分配列表的观点有一半是错误的:该函数只是分配范围对象,尽管效率很低,但没有分配包含很多项的列表那么低。







def factorial(n, acc=1):
    if n > 1:
        acc = acc * n
        n = n - 1
        return factorial(n, acc)
        return acc


def factorial2(n):
    if n > 1:
        f = factorial2(n-1)
        return f*n
        return 1


def factorial(n, acc=1):
    if n > 1:
        return factorial(n-1, acc*n)
        return acc

def factorial2(n):
    if n > 1:
        return n*factorial(n-1)
        return 1

注意,这是由编译器/解释器来决定是否进行尾递归。例如,如果我记得很清楚,Python解释器就不会这样做(我在示例中使用Python只是因为它的语法流畅)。不管怎样,如果你发现了一些奇怪的东西,比如带两个参数的阶乘函数(其中一个参数有acc, accumulator等名称),现在你知道为什么人们这样做了:)



The first thing you should do if you want to run computationally intensive Erlang code is to use native code. Compiling with erlc +native euler12 got the time down to 41.3 seconds. This is however a much lower speedup (just 15%) than expected from native compilation on this kind of code, and the problem is your use of -compile(export_all). This is useful for experimentation, but the fact that all functions are potentially reachable from the outside causes the native compiler to be very conservative. (The normal BEAM emulator is not that much affected.) Replacing this declaration with -export([solve/0]). gives a much better speedup: 31.5 seconds (almost 35% from the baseline).


factorCount (_, Sqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate == Sqrt -> Count + 1;



factorCount (N) ->
    Sqrt = math:sqrt (N),
    ISqrt = trunc(Sqrt),
    if ISqrt == Sqrt -> factorCount (N, ISqrt, 1, -1);
       true          -> factorCount (N, ISqrt, 1, 0)

factorCount (_N, ISqrt, Candidate, Count) when Candidate > ISqrt -> Count;
factorCount ( N, ISqrt, Candidate, Count) ->
    case N rem Candidate of
        0 -> factorCount (N, ISqrt, Candidate + 1, Count + 2);
        _ -> factorCount (N, ISqrt, Candidate + 1, Count)


$ erlc +native euler12.erl
$ time erl -noshell -s euler12 solve

real    0m19.468s
user    0m19.450s
sys 0m0.010s


$ time ./a.out 

real    0m12.755s
user    0m12.730s
sys 0m0.020s



问题1:erlang、python和haskell是否会因为使用任意长度的整数而降低速度 只要值小于MAXINT,它们不就行了吗?

Yes, somewhat. In Erlang, there is no way of saying "use 32/64-bit arithmetic with wrap-around", so unless the compiler can prove some bounds on your integers (and it usually can't), it must check all computations to see if they can fit in a single tagged word or if it has to turn them into heap-allocated bignums. Even if no bignums are ever used in practice at runtime, these checks will have to be performed. On the other hand, that means you know that the algorithm will never fail because of an unexpected integer wraparound if you suddenly give it larger inputs than before.



看看您的Erlang实现。计时包括启动整个虚拟机、运行程序和停止虚拟机。我很确定设置和停止erlang vm需要一些时间。

If the timing was done within the erlang virtual machine itself, results would be different as in that case we would have the actual time for only the program in question. Otherwise, i believe that the total time taken by the process of starting and loading of the Erlang Vm plus that of halting it (as you put it in your program) are all included in the total time which the method you are using to time the program is outputting. Consider using the erlang timing itself which we use when we want to time our programs within the virtual machine itself timer:tc/1 or timer:tc/2 or timer:tc/3. In this way, the results from erlang will exclude the time taken to start and stop/kill/halt the virtual machine. That is my reasoning there, think about it, and then try your bench mark again.


编辑:此外,即使所有的语言都有运行时系统,启动和停止它们的开销也会有所不同。因此,我建议我们从运行时系统内部计时(对于应用此方法的语言)。众所周知,Erlang VM在启动时有相当大的开销!