我的大部分编程都是用Python 3完成的。但现在我需要使用Python成像库(PIL)、ImageMagick和wxPython,所有这些都需要Python 2.x。

我可以要两个Python 2吗?3. Python。Windows 7?当我运行一个脚本时,我如何“选择”哪个版本的Python应该运行它?上述程序是否能够处理同时安装的多个Python版本?我已经花了好几个小时来寻找如何做到这一点,但无济于事。



You can install multiple versions of Python one machine, and during setup, you can choose to have one of them associate itself with Python file extensions. If you install modules, there will be different setup packages for different versions, or you can choose which version you want to target. Since they generally install themselves into the site-packages directory of the interpreter version, there shouldn't be any conflicts (but I haven't tested this). To choose which version of python, you would have to manually specify the path to the interpreter if it is not the default one. As far as I know, they would share the same PATH and PYTHONPATH variables, which may be a problem.

注:我使用的是Windows XP。我不知道其他版本是否会有这些变化,但我看不出有任何理由会发生变化。




一如既往,py -2将在此场景中启动python2。

我所做的就是下载2.7.6和3.3.4。Python 3.3.4提供了在环境变量中添加路径的选项,这样就完成了。所以基本上我只是手动添加了Python 2.7.6。


Start > in the search type in environment select "Edit environment variables to your account"1 Scroll down to Path, select path, click edit. Add C:\Python27; so you should have paths to both versions of Python there, but if you don't this you can easily edit it so that you do..... C:\Python27;C:\Python33; Navigate to the Python27 folder in C:\ and rename a copy of python.exe to python2.exe Navigate to the Python34 folder in C:\ and rename a copy of python.exe to python3.exe Test: open up commmand prompt and type python2 ....BOOM! Python 2.7.6. exit out. Test: open up commmand prompt and type python3 ....BOOM! Python 3.4.3. exit out.


我在自己安装了Python 2.7和Python 3.4的windows计算机上所做的是,我在与Python.exe文件相同的目录下编写了一个简单的。bat文件。它们看起来像,

cmd /k "c:\python27\python.exe" %*

%*允许您随后添加参数(Python文件)。我相信/k在运行完脚本后会保持提示打开。然后我将其保存为python27.bat,然后我进入Python 3目录并在那里创建一个bat文件。现在我可以在命令行中写了

Python27 helloworld.py


Python34 helloworld.py




或者(来自python3.3 README):


On Unix and Mac systems if you intend to install multiple versions of Python using the same installation prefix (--prefix argument to the configure script) you must take care that your primary python executable is not overwritten by the installation of a different version. All files and directories installed using "make altinstall" contain the major and minor version and can thus live side-by-side. "make install" also creates ${prefix}/bin/python3 which refers to ${prefix}/bin/pythonX.Y. If you intend to install multiple versions using the same prefix you must decide which version (if any) is your "primary" version. Install that version using "make install". Install all other versions using "make altinstall".

例如,如果你想安装Python 2.6, 2.7和3.3,其中2.7是 主版本,您将在2.7构建目录中执行“make install” 而其他的则是“make altinstall”。


例如,假设你想安装Python 2。3. Python。x在同一个Windows系统上。

Install both of their binary releases anywhere you want. When prompted do not register their file extensions and do not add them automatically to the PATH environment variable Running simply the command python the executable that is first met in PATH will be chosen for launch. In other words, add the Python directories manually. The one you add first will be selected when you type python. Consecutive python programs (increasing order that their directories are placed in PATH) will be chosen like so: py -2 for the second python py -3 for the third python etc.. No matter the order of "pythons" you can: run Python 2.x scripts using the command: py -2 (Python 3.x functionality) (ie. the first Python 2.x installation program found in your PATH will be selected) run Python 3.x scripts using the command: or py -3 (ie. the first Python 3.x installation program found in your PATH will be selected)

在我的例子中,我先安装了Python 2.7.14,然后安装了Python 3.5.3。这是我的PATH变量的开头:

路径=C:\文件程序\微软MPI\ \ \;C:\Python27;C:\文件程序\ python_3.6 \ scription \;C:\文件程序\ python_3.6 \


请注意,Python 2.7是第一个,Python 3.5是第二个。

因此,运行python命令将启动python 2.7(如果python 3.5,同样的命令将启动python 3.5)。 运行py -2将启动Python 2.7(因为恰好第二个Python是Python 3.5,与py -2不兼容)。 运行py -3会启动Python 3.5(因为它是Python 3.x) 如果你的路径中有另一个python,你会像这样启动:py -4。如果/当Python版本4发布时,这可能会改变。

现在py -4或py -5等在我的系统输出:请求的Python版本(4)未安装或请求的Python版本(5)未安装等。
