




Add Embedded Content Contains Swift Code to project. You need to set this flag if your app contains Swift code. Clean project. In addition to a Project > Clean you can also delete the DerivedData and Build directories. Look under the Preferences for the location of DerivedData. Build should be in your project folder. Ensure Runpath Search Paths contains @executable_path/Frameworks. Ensure that your certificate contains your Apple Team ID in the OU (Organization Unit) field Apple will add this for you, just revoke your existing distribution certificate and create a new one, download, install on KeyChain, regenerate all provisioning profiles, download those and rebuild. Xcode restart. If everything is basically good, but Xcode hasn't gotten there yet.


Make sure the version of the Swift files in SwiftSupport/iphoneos is the same as the version in Contents/YourApp.app/Frameworks Because Swift is not yet binary compatible between version, you must ensure these versions are the one that you built your app with. You can find these libraries under /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/iphoneos. Sign the libraries and frameworks first. You need to codesign the libraries and framework files (under Frameworks in the .app folder) first and then sign the entire .app tree. The .app tree must be signed with an entitlements.plist but not the frameworks.

希望当Swift 3.0问世时,我们不再需要将Swift捆绑到我们的应用程序中,这个问题就会消失。


我使用Xcode 6.1.1版本的Mavericks,在带有iOS 8.1.1的iPhone5上测试,也遇到了同样的问题。我尝试了所有可能的解决方案,包括新的证书和配置配置文件,但都没有帮助。我在项目级和目标级上对包含Swift代码的嵌入式内容和跑道搜索路径进行了更改。



Add Embedded Content Contains Swift Code to project. You need to set this flag if your app contains Swift code. Clean project. In addition to a Project > Clean you can also delete the DerivedData and Build directories. Look under the Preferences for the location of DerivedData. Build should be in your project folder. Ensure Runpath Search Paths contains @executable_path/Frameworks. Ensure that your certificate contains your Apple Team ID in the OU (Organization Unit) field Apple will add this for you, just revoke your existing distribution certificate and create a new one, download, install on KeyChain, regenerate all provisioning profiles, download those and rebuild. Xcode restart. If everything is basically good, but Xcode hasn't gotten there yet.


Make sure the version of the Swift files in SwiftSupport/iphoneos is the same as the version in Contents/YourApp.app/Frameworks Because Swift is not yet binary compatible between version, you must ensure these versions are the one that you built your app with. You can find these libraries under /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/lib/swift/iphoneos. Sign the libraries and frameworks first. You need to codesign the libraries and framework files (under Frameworks in the .app folder) first and then sign the entire .app tree. The .app tree must be signed with an entitlements.plist but not the frameworks.

希望当Swift 3.0问世时,我们不再需要将Swift捆绑到我们的应用程序中,这个问题就会消失。


在我的案例中,accws的答案中提到的所有解决方案都非常有用,但没有一个是有效的。我通过在项目目标的“General”部分的“Embedded Binaries”部分中添加我的swift库来解决我的问题。也许这是因为我在我的工作区中包含了我的swift框架?不管它现在编译什么!准备好,斯威夫特,我来了!



我的环境:Cocos2d 2.0, Box2d, Objective C
