我发现在Python 3.4中,有几个不同的多处理/线程库:multiprocessing vs threading vs asyncio。
我发现在Python 3.4中,有几个不同的多处理/线程库:multiprocessing vs threading vs asyncio。
是IO-BOUND吗?----------->使用asyncio 它的cpu量大吗?--------->使用多处理 其他的吗?---------------------->使用线程
已经有很多好的答案了。无法详细说明何时使用每种方法。这更像是两者的有趣结合。Multiprocessing + asyncio: https://pypi.org/project/aiomultiprocess/。
import asyncio
from aiohttp import request
from aiomultiprocess import Pool
async def get(url):
async with request("GET", url) as response:
return await response.text("utf-8")
async def main():
urls = ["https://jreese.sh", ...]
async with Pool() as pool:
async for result in pool.map(get, urls):
... # process result
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Python 3.7
# Python 3.6
# loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# loop.run_until_complete(main())
if io_bound:
if io_very_slow:
print("Use Asyncio")
print("Use Threads")
print("Multi Processing")
CPU绑定=>多处理 I/O绑定,快速I/O,有限数量的连接=>多线程 I/O受限,慢I/O,多连接=> Asyncio
如果你有一个很长的调用方法(例如,一个包含睡眠时间或惰性I/O的方法),最好的选择是asyncio, Twisted或Tornado方法(协程方法),它与单个线程一起工作作为并发。 asyncio适用于Python3.4及更高版本。 Tornado和Twisted从Python2.7开始就准备好了 Uvloop是超快的asyncio事件循环(Uvloop使asyncio快2-4倍)。
Japranto (GitHub)是一个非常快速的基于uvloop的流水线HTTP服务器。
They are intended for (slightly) different purposes and/or requirements. CPython (a typical, mainline Python implementation) still has the global interpreter lock so a multi-threaded application (a standard way to implement parallel processing nowadays) is suboptimal. That's why multiprocessing may be preferred over threading. But not every problem may be effectively split into [almost independent] pieces, so there may be a need in heavy interprocess communications. That's why multiprocessing may not be preferred over threading in general.
是IO-BOUND吗?----------->使用asyncio 它的cpu量大吗?--------->使用多处理 其他的吗?---------------------->使用线程
Processes on the other hand have separate virtual memory spaces. They cannot directly read or write the other process’ memory space, just like a person cannot read or alter the mind of another person without talking to him. (Allowing so would be a violation of memory protection and defeat the purpose of using virtual memory. ) To exchange data between processes, they have to rely on the operating system’s facility (e.g. message passing), and for more than one reasons this is more costly to do than the “shared memory” scheme used by threads. One reason is that invoking the OS’ message passing mechanism requires making a system call which will switch the code execution from user mode to kernel mode, which is time consuming; another reason is likely that OS message passing scheme will have to copy the data bytes from the senders’ memory space to the receivers’ memory space, so non-zero copy cost.
With Python with GIL, the only way to unleash the power of multicores is to use multiprocessing (there are exceptions to this as mentioned below). But your problem better be easily partition-able into parallel sub-problems that have minimal intercommunication, otherwise a lot of inter-process communication will have to take place and as explained above, the overhead of using the OS’ message passing mechanism will be costly, sometimes so costly the benefits of parallel processing are totally offset. If the nature of your problem requires intense communication between concurrent routines, multithreading is the natural way to go. Unfortunately with CPython, true, effectively parallel multithreading is not possible due to the GIL. In this case you should realize Python is not the optimal tool for your project and consider using another language.
还有一种替代解决方案,即在用C(或其他语言)编写的外部库中实现并发处理例程,并将该模块导入Python。CPython GIL不会阻塞由该外部库生成的线程。
So, with the burdens of GIL, is multithreading in CPython any good? It still offers benefits though, as other answers have mentioned, if you’re doing IO or network communication. In these cases the relevant computation is not done by your CPU but done by other devices (in the case of IO, the disk controller and DMA (direct memory access) controller will transfer the data with minimal CPU participation; in the case of networking, the NIC (network interface card) and DMA will take care of much of the task without CPU’s participation), so once a thread delegates such task to the NIC or disk controller, the OS can put that thread to a sleeping state and switch to other threads of the same program to do useful work.
所以: cpu密集型程序,可以很容易地分区到多个进程上运行,但通信有限:如果GIL不存在,则使用多线程(如Jython),如果GIL存在,则使用多进程(如CPython)。
大量的IO: asyncio