



获胜者将获得+450声望奖励!比赛将于2009年11月17日开始。17号零时之前的投稿和编辑将不被接受。(中央标准时间) 尽早提交你的作品,这样你就不会错过机会!



游戏在10x10的网格上进行。 每个参赛者将5艘船(长度为2、3、3、4、5)中的每一艘放在他们的网格上。 没有船只可以重叠,但它们可以相邻。 然后选手们轮流向对手射击。 游戏的一个变体允许每次齐射多次,每艘幸存的船一次。 如果击球沉、命中或未命中,对手将通知选手。 当任何一名玩家的所有船只都沉没时,游戏就结束了。


The spirit of the competition is to find the best Battleship algorithm. Anything that is deemed against the spirit of the competition will be grounds for disqualification. Interfering with an opponent is against the spirit of the competition. Multithreading may be used under the following restrictions: No more than one thread may be running while it is not your turn. (Though, any number of threads may be in a "Suspended" state). No thread may run at a priority other than "Normal". Given the above two restrictions, you will be guaranteed at least 3 dedicated CPU cores during your turn. A limit of 1 second of CPU time per game is allotted to each competitor on the primary thread. Running out of time results in losing the current game. Any unhandled exception will result in losing the current game. Network access and disk access is allowed, but you may find the time restrictions fairly prohibitive. However, a few set-up and tear-down methods have been added to alleviate the time strain. Code should be posted on stack overflow as an answer, or, if too large, linked. Max total size (un-compressed) of an entry is 1 MB. Officially, .Net 2.0 / 3.5 is the only framework requirement. Your entry must implement the IBattleshipOpponent interface.


Best 51 games out of 101 games is the winner of a match. All competitors will play matched against each other, round-robin style. The best half of the competitors will then play a double-elimination tournament to determine the winner. (Smallest power of two that is greater than or equal to half, actually.) I will be using the TournamentApi framework for the tournament. The results will be posted here. If you submit more than one entry, only your best-scoring entry is eligible for the double-elim.


编辑1: 多亏弗里德,他在飞船上发现了一个错误。是否是可用的函数。问题已经解决了。请下载框架的更新版本。

编辑2: 由于人们对将统计数据持久化到磁盘等非常感兴趣,所以我添加了一些非计时设置和删除事件,它们应该能够提供所需的功能。这是一个半突破性的变化。也就是说:修改了接口,添加了功能,但不需要body。请下载框架的更新版本。

编辑3: 错误修复1:GameWon和GameLost只在超时的情况下被调用。 错误修复2:如果引擎在每一款游戏中都暂停计时,那么竞争将永远不会结束。 请下载框架的更新版本。

编辑4: 比赛结果:


事实上,这个解决方案在ubuntu 9.10 linux的monodevelop中无需修改就可以打开和运行





Shuffle源自Jon Skeet的回答

class WellBehavedRandomOpponent : IBattleShipOpponent
    Rand rand = new Rand();
    List<Point> guesses;
    int nextGuess = 0;

    public void PlaceShips(IEnumerable<Ship> ships)
        BoardView<bool> board = new BoardView<bool>(BoardSize);
        var AllOrientations = new[] {
            ShipOrientation.Vertical };

        foreach (var ship in ships)
            while (!ship.IsPlaced)
                var l = rand.Pick(board.Select(c => c.Location));
                var o = rand.Pick(AllOrientations);
                if (ship.IsLegal(ships, BoardSize, l, o))
                    ship.Place(l, o);

    public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan)
        var board = new BoardView<bool>(size);
        this.guesses = new List<Point>(
            board.Select(x => x.Location).Shuffle(rand));
        nextGuess = 0;

    public System.Drawing.Point GetShot()
        return guesses[nextGuess++];

    // empty methods left out 

事实上,这个解决方案在ubuntu 9.10 linux的monodevelop中无需修改就可以打开和运行









我喜欢这个战列舰比赛的一个原因是上面的树几乎小到可以强制使用这种算法。如果这5艘船每艘都有150个可能的位置,那就是1505 = 750亿种可能性。这个数字只会越来越小,特别是如果你可以排除整艘船。


这不是一个完全成熟的答案,但用常见的代码来混淆真实的答案似乎没有什么意义。 因此,我将本着开放源码的精神介绍一些扩展/通用类。 如果你使用这些,那么请更改名称空间或试图将所有内容编译到一个dll中是行不通的。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;

namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
    public enum Compass

    class Cell<T>
        private readonly BoardView<T> view;
        public readonly int X;
        public readonly int Y;
        public T Data;
        public double Bias { get; set; }

        public Cell(BoardView<T> view, int x, int y) 
            this.view = view; this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Bias = 1.0;  

        public Point Location
            get { return new Point(X, Y); }

        public IEnumerable<U> FoldAll<U>(U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
            return new[] { Compass.North, Compass.East, Compass.South, Compass.West }
                .Select(x => FoldLine(x, acc, trip));

        public U FoldLine<U>(Compass direction, U acc, Func<Cell<T>, U, U> trip)
            var cell = this;
            while (true)
                switch (direction)
                    case Compass.North:
                        cell = cell.North; break;
                    case Compass.East:
                        cell = cell.East; break;
                    case Compass.South:
                        cell = cell.South; break;
                    case Compass.West:
                        cell = cell.West; break;
                if (cell == null)
                    return acc;
                acc = trip(cell, acc);

        public Cell<T> North
            get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y - 1); }

        public Cell<T> South
            get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y + 1); }

        public Cell<T> East
            get { return view.SafeLookup(X+1, Y); }

        public Cell<T> West
            get { return view.SafeLookup(X-1, Y); }

        public IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Neighbours()
            if (North != null)
                yield return North;
            if (South != null)
                yield return South;
            if (East != null)
                yield return East;
            if (West != null)
                yield return West;

    class BoardView<T>  : IEnumerable<Cell<T>>
        public readonly Size Size;
        private readonly int Columns;
        private readonly int Rows;

        private Cell<T>[] history;

        public BoardView(Size size)
            this.Size = size;
            Columns = size.Width;
            Rows = size.Height;
            this.history = new Cell<T>[Columns * Rows];
            for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Rows; x++)
                    history[x + y * Columns] = new Cell<T>(this, x, y);

        public T this[int x, int y]
            get { return history[x + y * Columns].Data; }
            set { history[x + y * Columns].Data = value; }

        public T this[Point p]
            get { return history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data; }
            set { this.history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data = value; }

        private int SafeCalc(int x, int y, bool throwIfIllegal)
            if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Columns || y >= Rows)
            {    if (throwIfIllegal)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("["+x+","+y+"]");
                    return -1;
            return x + y * Columns;

        public void Set(T data)
            foreach (var cell in this.history)
                cell.Data = data;

        public Cell<T> SafeLookup(int x, int y)
            int index = SafeCalc(x, y, false);
            if (index < 0)
                return null;
            return history[index];

        #region IEnumerable<Cell<T>> Members

        public IEnumerator<Cell<T>> GetEnumerator()
            foreach (var cell in this.history)
                yield return cell;

        System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return this.GetEnumerator();

        public BoardView<U> Transform<U>(Func<T, U> transform)
            var result = new BoardView<U>(new Size(Columns, Rows));
            for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
                    result[x,y] = transform(this[x, y]);
            return result;

        public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w)
            WriteAsGrid(w, "{0}");

        public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, string format)
            WriteAsGrid(w, x => string.Format(format, x.Data));

        public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, Func<Cell<T>,string> perCell)
            for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++)
                    if (x != 0)
                    w.Write(perCell(this.SafeLookup(x, y)));



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
    public static class Extensions
        public static bool IsIn(this Point p, Size size)
            return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < size.Width && p.Y < size.Height;

        public static bool IsLegal(this Ship ship,
            IEnumerable<Ship> ships, 
            Size board,
            Point location, 
            ShipOrientation direction)
            var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
            temp.Place(location, direction);
            if (!temp.GetAllLocations().All(p => p.IsIn(board)))
                return false;
            return ships.Where(s => s.IsPlaced).All(s => !s.ConflictsWith(temp));

        public static bool IsTouching(this Point a, Point b)
            return (a.X == b.X - 1 || a.X == b.X + 1) &&
                (a.Y == b.Y - 1 || a.Y == b.Y + 1);

        public static bool IsTouching(this Ship ship,
            IEnumerable<Ship> ships,
            Point location,
            ShipOrientation direction)
            var temp = new Ship(ship.Length);
            temp.Place(location, direction);
            var occupied = new HashSet<Point>(ships
                .Where(s => s.IsPlaced)
                .SelectMany(s => s.GetAllLocations()));
            if (temp.GetAllLocations().Any(p => occupied.Any(b => b.IsTouching(p))))
                return true;
            return false;

        public static ReadOnlyCollection<Ship> MakeShips(params int[] lengths)
            return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection<Ship>(
                lengths.Select(l => new Ship(l)).ToList());       

        public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source, Rand rand)
            T[] elements = source.ToArray();
            // Note i > 0 to avoid final pointless iteration
            for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i > 0; i--)
                // Swap element "i" with a random earlier element it (or itself)
                int swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1);
                T tmp = elements[i];
                elements[i] = elements[swapIndex];
                elements[swapIndex] = tmp;
            // Lazily yield (avoiding aliasing issues etc)
            foreach (T element in elements)
                yield return element;

        public static T RandomOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> things, Rand rand)
            int count = things.Count();
            if (count == 0)
                return default(T);
            return things.ElementAt(rand.Next(count));


enum OpponentsBoardState
    Unknown = 0,

随机化。 安全但可测试,对测试有用。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;

namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk
    public class Rand
        Random r;

        public Rand()
            var rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create();
            byte[] b = new byte[4];
            r = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0));

        public int Next(int maxValue)
            return r.Next(maxValue);

        public double NextDouble(double maxValue)
            return r.NextDouble() * maxValue;

        public T Pick<T>(IEnumerable<T> things)
            return things.ElementAt(Next(things.Count()));

        public T PickBias<T>(Func<T, double> bias, IEnumerable<T> things)
            double d = NextDouble(things.Sum(x => bias(x)));
            foreach (var x in things)
                if (d < bias(x))
                    return x;
                d -= bias(x);                
            throw new InvalidOperationException("fell off the end!");

